Business Development Network
Small Business Development Center - OSU Extension South Centers at Piketon. Click on the program title for more information.
Business Retention and Expansion
BR&E is the retention and expansion of existing businesses in a community within the context of community and economic development. Click on the program title for more information.
Downtown Business District Market Analysis
The Central Business Districts: Measure of Success program identifies proven strategies for strengthening local retail and service business development in the central business district. This program provides the opportunity for Ohio communities to reference and potentially implement these successful strategies. Contact: Nancy Bowen; David Civittolo
The E-Commerce program provides an introduction on using the web. Designed for small businesses and entrepreneurs, the program covers marketing, design, and business purchasing topics and provides participants with opportunities to explore applications on these topics as well as compare and critique various web sites.
Economic Impact Analysis
The Economic Impact Analysis (EIA) Program provides community leaders, stakeholders and economic development organizations with the data needed to develop effective strategic plans to improve the economic viability in their area. The analysis area can range from a single county to multiple counties (a region) or even to a statewide level. Click on the program title for complete information.
Energize Ohio - Energize Ohio resources and opportunities for renewable energy production, development, marketing, and education are changing the landscape of Ohio. Click on the program title for more information.
First Impressions: Community, Corridor and Downtown
First Impressions: A Program for Community Improvement provides communities with information concerning how they look and feel to first-time visitors. Data gained through this process can be used to identify what could be improved in your community, enhancing your image to the outside world. Click on the program title for more information. Contact: Myra Moss
Local Foods - An OSU Extension Signature Program
Local foods are in demand, and increased interest means coordinated strategies are needed to help get more food choices from producers to retail outlets to consumer tables efficiently, safely, and cost-effectively. Click on the program title for complete information. CD Contacts: Brian Raison
Ohio Clean Marinas Program
The Ohio Clean Marinas Program is a proactive partnership designed to encourage marinas and boaters to use simple, innovative solutions to keep Ohio's coastal and inland waterway resources clean. The program assists the operators in protecting the resources that provide their livelihood - clean water and fresh air.The basic goal of the program is environmental stewardship by making marinas and boaters more aware of environmental laws, rules and jurisdictions, and to get as many marinas as possible to follow best management practices and to be designated as "Clean Marinas." For more information about the program, visit Contact: Sarah Orlando
Ohio Cooperative Development Center
This center helps enhance economic development in rural Ohio by establishing new cooperatives and strengthening existing cooperatives. OCDC provides a variety of technical assistance and education services including: exploration of various business structures, business planning, feasibility studies, surveys, market analyses, and education for cooperative directors and members. For more information, go to
OSU Extension faculty and staff work in Ohio's urban and metropolitan areas to respond to people's educational needs. OSU Extension professionals work within their local communities to offer programming, often partnering with other agencies, organizations and businesses, that focuses on the most significant issues in the localities they serve, empowering people with education on issues they care about. For more information, go to Contact: Brian Raison
Extension Fact Sheets - Economic Development