CD Wire - April 14, 2014

Mission Statement:

Ohio State University Extension Community Development
helps communities
enhance their well-being.

AD Update:

Meeting Needs in Ohio and Beyond: Cross-State Program Sharing via Take Out Menu

Do you conduct programs with relevance beyond the boundaries of Ohio? Are you interested in sharing your program with colleagues from other states? Or, are you aware of program needs that we just don’t have the resources in Ohio to address?  Remember CD program leaders in the north central 12-state region and staff from the NCRCRD are working to market programs available for cross-state delivery via the “Take Out Menu” webinars.

A few weeks ago Ohio’s first webinar for the Take Out Menu highlighted the program referred to as “On-site renewable energy as a BR&E strategy” (a big thank you to Bowen, Moss, and Romich for putting this one together.) There were colleagues from at least nine states participating in this webinar; at least two I know were interested in receiving more information. Whether the team travels to these states or simply sends program materials to interested colleagues, the goal of the webinar series is to make colleagues aware of program resources available throughout the system.

How can you get involved? Please think through the programs you are part of that could be delivered beyond the boundaries of Ohio and talk to teammates if necessary to identify specific ‘terms and conditions’ such as costs, timeframe, local support required, etc. After doing so submit your Take Out Menu webinar request to Scott or Rosa at 517-355-3373 or  This information will be the content of your webinar along with a short overview of the program and the needs it addresses. You can also review the program webinars shared to date here to identify programs that are available from other states that might meet programmatic needs you are aware of in Ohio.

North Central CRED Indicators due April 18

Your figures for the North Central States 2013 Impact Indicators are due to Greg by Friday, April 18. Individual responses will be compiled into one report from Ohio and forwarded on to be aggregated into the larger NCRCRD Community Impact Report for 2013. Please refer to Greg's email of March 27 for the spreadsheet and instructions.

CD Award Applications now Available

Applications for the 2014 Excellence in CD and Friend of CD awards are posted here. The applications are not due until November 1, but now is a good time to begin thinking of nominees for both.



The HEARTH Act: A whole New Ballgame Webinar - April 15:

NCRCRD Webinar - April 15 (4 p.m.)

"The HEARTH Act: A whole New Ballgame"

This webinar will cover:

  • Highlights of new regulations
  • Sub-Par A: General Provisions
  • Sub-Part C: Residential Leasing
  • Sub-Part D: Business Leasing
  • Sub-Part E: Wind and Solar Leasing

About the Speaker:

Bryan Newland is a citizen of the Bay Mills Indian Community (Ojibwe) and is a 2007 graduate of the Michigan State University College of Law with a certificate from the Indigenous Law and Policy Center. He has extensive legal and policy experience relating to Indian and commercial gaming, Indian land issues, reserved treaty rights, tribal colleges and energy development.

There is no registration and no fee for attending this webinar. To join, go to Enter as a guest, type your name into the text box provided and click on “Enter Room."  A list of upcoming as well as recorded webinars can be found at:

On-Farm Solar Energy Development Program - April 21:


An On-Farm Solar Energy Development program will be held on April 21 at the Huron County Extension office from noon to 1:30 p.m. For complete information, click here.

Low Tunnel/High Tunnel Workshop and Farm Tour - April 24:

Vegetable crop and specialty fruit producers wanting to learn more about the use of high and low tunnels can attend a workshop and farm tour April 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Heritage Inn at Sauder Village, 22611 State Route 2 in Archbold. The day-long workshop will feature small group discussions on the basics of integrating tunnel systems into fruit or vegetable operations. The program will also feature a tour of the Kinsman Farm, a family owned and operated operation that offers organic vegetable and fruit production. Registration for the workshop is $30 for the first person from a farm or organization and $20 for each subsequent person from the same farm or organization. Registration includes a light breakfast, full lunch, materials, a select grower publication and the farm tour. The deadline to register is April 17. The registration form can be found at or by calling 419-337-9210.

OSU Climate Change Webinar - April 24:

Severe weather has plagued all parts of the US, including the Great Lakes, over the past decade, from floods to droughts, from blizzards to heavy thunderstorms, and from freezing cold to extreme heat. What has been causing such events? What types of weather should we expect to see in the future?

This free webinar will be held on April 24 from 12 to 1:30 p.m. and will cover:

  • weather and climate change
  • a discussion of recent weather events across the country
  • how climate change is likely to affect future extreme weather events and their frequency
  • resources that can help people understand and manage the impacts of extreme weather events and climate change

To register click here. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with log-in information.

Monthly Webinars for Growers & Producers continue April 24:

CFAES continues its free monthly webinars on April 24 from noon to 1 p.m. to help growers and producers enhance marketing and improve and expand sales. "Maps & Apps, Mobile Media Marketing" will be facilitated by Rob Leeds. Join in at: Contact for the webinar series is Brad Bergefurd (740-289-2071, ext. 136 or For complete information and a list of upcoming webinars, read the February 5 news release. More information on direct marketing can be found at:

Webinar: “Climate Change – Implications for Local and Regional Food Systems” - April 25:

This free webinar, "Climate Change – Implications for Local and Regional Food Systems," is designed for research, teaching and extension professionals and practitioners engaged in work related to the Northeast regional food system.

This webinar will help:

  • provide an overview of the general issue of characterizing regional climate change and climate variability and discuss the current/potential impacts and opportunities for local and regional food systems in the Northeast
  • identify current efforts in research, teaching and extension that promote practical and profitable responses to climate change challenges
  • identify opportunities to improve climate change research, teaching and extension collaborations across the region in an effort to help build stronger networks among land grant and related institutions in the Northeast

About the Speakers:

  • Dee Singh-Knights - Assistant Professor, West Virginia University (Moderator)
  • Stephan Goetz - Director, Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development (co-Facilitator)
  • Dr. Art DeGaetano - Director, Northeast Regional Climate Center, Cornell University
  • Dr. David Fleisher - Research Scientist, Crop Systems and Global Change, USDA ARS Beltsville

Please register at: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

High Tunnel Training - April 28 - 30:

OSU South Centers will be offering a High Tunnel Training on April 28, 29 and 30. This training will be offered to Ohio educators and farmers and will be hosted by Brad Bergefurd and OSU EIPM. The training is a three-day process. Breakfast and lunch will be provided all three days.
  • April 28, Day 1 – High Tunnel Facility Tour (transportation will be provided by the OSU charter bus)

The tour will consist of four locations, beginning at The Ohio State University, Piketon Research & Extension Center in Piketon. Next the group will visit Weber Farms in Jackson. After the Weber farm they will visit the Zimmerman Farms in Hillsboro and the Rainsboro Produce in Rainsboro. They will have a working lunch at noon at Zimmerman Farms (this will be a boxed lunch) where the topic will be high tunnel tomato training and pruning demonstration.

  • April 29, Day 2 – Basic High Tunnel Training

Topics include: high tunnel basic techniques on Integrated Pest Management in high tunnels, crop physiology and nutritional aspects of high tunnel production, petiole sap analysis demonstration, high tunnel greens and berry production and high tunnel basics.

  • April 30, Day 3 – Advanced High Tunnel Training

Topics include: advance techniques on Integrated Pest Management in high tunnels, crop physiology and nutritional aspects of high tunnel production, tomato grafting demonstration & exercise, high tunnel greens and berry production, irrigation and fertigation.

Cost to attend this trainings:

  • Cost for selected Educators to attend will be covered by the OSU EIPM Grant. For selected educators the following expenses will be covered:
    • Hotel room / Travel / Meals-breakfast, lunch, dinner
  • Cost for selected Farmers to attend is $75.00 for two days, and $100.00 for all three days. 

Space for participating in this training is very limited.  An OSU committee will review each educator application and notify each applicant in an email by April 22, indicating whether or not you have been accepted for the training. For full details and to apply go to: The deadline to apply is April 18.

EPN Breakfast - "One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health - Protecting People and Planet" - May 1:

The next Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) breakfast will be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on Thursday, May 1, from 7:15 to 9:45 a.m.

Keynote presentation by Lonnie King, DVM, Dean, OSU College of Veterinary Medicine. Tony Forshey, DVM, State Veterinarian, Ohio Dept. of Agriculture, will moderate. A panel of experts and leaders includes:

  • Barbara Wolfe, DVM, PhD, Chief Science Officer, Columbus Zoo and The Wilds, OSU Associate Professor
  • Ron Kensinger, PhD, Chair, OSU CFAES Department of Animal Science.

For complete information and to register, visit: Click here to view archived breakfast presentations.

Summer Online Teaching Classes - Register Now for June 16 Start Date:

If you are looking for professional development opportunities or wanting to earn credit toward a degree, go green and consider an online course this summer (June 16 – August 1). Register now! Don’t forget that an OSU employee benefit is tuition remission (in other words, classes are FREE).
  • AEE 7300 Advanced Methods of Teaching - (Class # 23323) 3 credits

Designed as advanced preparation for instruction in formal learning environments, this course focuses on skills, strategies and issues common to educators in general. It will introduce learners to literature and research relevant to practicing educators. For more information contact Susie Whittington ( or 740-815-4510). 

  • AEE 7420 Emerging Trends and Issues in Agricultural and Extension Education - (Class # 16539) 2 credits

Participants in this course will gain an understanding of issues and trends facing contemporary agricultural and extension organizations, communication and leadership. For more information contact Scott Scheer ( or 614-292-6758). 

  • AEE 7520 Human Development and Program Planning - (Class # 22351) 2 credits

Students will learn about human development and why it is essential for planning programs to serve youth and adults in non-formal and formal education. For more information contact Scott Scheer ( or 614-292-6758). 

Registration directions:

  • If you are in a degree program, register as usual:
  • If you are not in a degree program, you can take the course as graduate non-degree. Please connect to this link at graduate school and scroll to the middle of the page for application directions and online application link: You can apply online. If your undergraduate degree is not from OSU, a transcript or copy of diploma will need to be included.

If you would like more information, have a problem registering or are interested in graduate school, please e-mail Scott Scheer ( or Greta Wyrick (

National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning - May 5 & 6:

The theme for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion’s 20th Annual National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning is “SOS! Summoning our Strength for the Future of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.” The conference will be held May 5 (Hale Hall) and May 6 (Fawcett Center) on the OSU Columbus campus. Monday features training workshops with Fisher College’s Tracy Dumas and CNN Analyst Tim Wise. Tuesday includes breakout sessions and keynote speaker Julian Castro, mayor of San Antonio. Contact: 292-1417 or 292-8156. Register at:


OBIC Bioproducts Innovation Center at The Ohio State University, in collaboration with Purdue University and Michigan State University, is hosting a one-week summer workshop for educators. Apply at:
  • Who: Pre-service or in-service science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and agricultural educators who aspire to be leaders in sustainability-related topics
  • What: Bioenergy & Bioproducts Education Program (BBEP) is a multi-state initiative that provides educators with training in sustainability concepts, such as biobased fuels and products, environment, and policy, connected to STEM disciplines. Participants will be trained by master teachers; tour biobased industries; and network with researchers, industry professionals, and fellow educators to develop resources for their classroom. More information can be found at:
  • When: Monday, August 4 - Friday, August 8
  • Where: Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Cost: 20 full scholarships are available, which includes a stipend, supplies, curriculum, workshop fees and most accommodations, including hotel

Action Leadership Retreat – November 4-5:

Participants are currently being recruited for a professional development opportunity in 2014 called Action Leadership Retreat. Designed for Extension educators (or others with similar responsibilities) with 18 months to three years of experience, the Action Leadership Retreat is a professional development opportunity built around simulated on-the-job experiences. Led by a facilitator and two experienced Extension professionals who are trained as observers, ALR is designed to help you evaluate and reflect on your skills in 12 key areas (e.g., conflict management, communication, and interpersonal skills) important for success as an Extension professional.

The Action Leadership Retreat will be held on November 4 and 5. Space is limited to seven participants for each date. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first-served basis.

For additional information and to register, click here. For questions or additional information, contact Kayla Oberstadt (, graduate research associate or Graham Cochran (, Extension Human Resources.



NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award Workshop - April 22:

Faculty considering submitting a proposal for the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award are invited to a session on Tuesday, April 22 from 1:30 to 2:45 p.m. in the Smith Seminar Room, 1080 Physics Research Building. The workshop will focus on the outreach/education/diversity portion of the CAREER proposal. Register at:

Climate, Security, Health and Resilience Initiative:

Under the leadership of the Mershon Center, the Byrd Polar Research Center, and the Center for Resilience, OSU has launched a Climate, Security, Health and Resilience Initiative. The first two of a series of workshops for 2014-2015 are being developed — Climate Change and Health and Climate Change and Resource Security. You are invited to participate, and abstracts are requested by Friday, April 25. Read more at:

Staff Career Grant (due April 30) and Manager Development Grant (due May 15) Applications Available:

HR and USAC invite staff and staff groups to apply for Staff Career Development Grants, which award up to $1,000-1,500 toward professional development activities. Application deadline is Wednesday, April 30. The Staff Manager Development Grant provides up to $1,000 for managers and supervisors to attend classes, seminars and workshops offered by Ohio State providers. Applications are due Thursday, May 15. These programs are funded by proceeds from the lease of parking operations and contributions to the Campus Campaign.

The Mid-Western Educational Research Association RFP Announced:

The Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA) RFP submission site is now open. MWERA has accepted Extension research related to education over the years: needs assessment, program planning, program delivery, outcome assessment, evaluation, adult education, community education, etc. The conference will be held in Evanston, Illinois from November 12 to 15. The call for proposals and more information are available at the MWERA website (



Ask an Expert update for ALL STAFF:

If you have NOT yet signed up for an eXtension Ask an Expert account, please do so soon: Only EFNEP & SNAP-ED employees are exempt.
  • Review your TAGS and bring them up-to-date to your specializations: go to and sign in, then click the drop-down arrow by your name in the upper right corner of the black bar, choose MY PROFILE, then click EDIT TAGS. Tags are used to make matches when reassigning questions, so please indicate your specializations and strengths.
  • ADD this email address into your Contacts in Outlook: so when an assigned question comes in, it won’t go to your Junk box.
  • As some may be starting to plan vacations, remember you can mark yourself as “Away” – just remember to go back in and uncheck this when you are back! Again, click the down arrow by your name, this time choose MY SETTINGS and then Answering, the first box to check is Mark Me as Away (on vacation, unavailable, inactive, etc.). (When your "away status" is turned on, AaE questions cannot be assigned to you.)
  • While in SETTINGS/General you may wish to add a photo, and in SETTINGS/Answering please be sure to add your signature info at the bottom of that page.

You should be up-to-date now and ready to answer as an Extension Expert!

2014 Conflict of Interest Process:

The University is implementing a new process for the annual Conflict of Interest Surveys.  Employees with research roles, senior leadership roles or significant financial roles have been selected to complete an electronic survey administered by the Office of University Compliance and Integrity and the Office of Research. The new “eCOI” will contain questions pertaining to both the research and financial aspects of the review. As a result, only one survey is needed to fulfill all requirements.

Last week, those of you with research roles should have received an email from the Office of Research with instructions and a link for completing the survey. Completion of the survey is mandatory. Please log in and complete the survey within three weeks. Towards the end of the month, all personnel in leadership, personnel with significant financial roles and research personnel that did not respond already will receive an email from the Office of Compliance and Integrity with a new link to the survey. You only have to complete the survey once, but you may receive multiple emails if you delay in completing the survey.

Any questions you have can be directed to Jackie LaMuth (

Launch of new North Central Region Water Network:

The new North Central Region Water Network has launched – a 12-state collaboration between Extension water resource professionals and university, federal, state, NGO and industry partners. It is a new organization, but built on decades of USDA-funded work in the Great Lakes and Heartland Regions, and North and South Dakota.

 With full support from their Extension directors, they seek to:

  • Increase connectivity and learning among university professionals and partners engaged in water-related research, education and management
  • Strengthen the resource base available for Extension education
  • Generate measurable environmental and social impacts in the short and long-term

If you have an interest or specialization in water resources or water quality, visit the NCR Water Network website. You may also want to participate in the upcoming webinar series or join the mailing list for the latest news about the network. Be sure to read Extension Director Liaison Rick Klemme's introduction to the Water Network.


Contact Joe Bonnell (, Program Director, Watershed Management and OSU Extension State Water Representative if you have questions.

New Business Office Job Aids Available:

Retirement of ‘attwifi’ and ‘osuguest’ Wireless Networks:

The “attwifi” and “osuguest” wireless networks will be retired on Tuesday, April 15. As an alternative, WiFi@OSU is now available for guests and visitors of Ohio State. Faculty, staff and students that have previously used attwifi as their primary network or as a method to download configuration utilities for osuwireless may now use WiFi@OSU as a way to directly configure devices to easily connect to the osuwireless network. Read more at:

Families can Bring Japanese Youth into their Homes:

Ohio 4-H is looking for host families to enjoy an incredible international experience this summer for 3½ weeks (July 23 to August 18). Hosting is educational and lots of fun. It is a chance for your family to come together through a fun and challenging project and engage in another culture … and for your own child to have a special friend in Japan.

Families only need live their “regular lives” and current 4-H membership is not required. Special trips and activities are not required, and medical insurance is provided. Potential host families should have a child in their own home aged 10-15 who will serve as the main host sibling.

Visit to see what past Japanese youth have enjoyed most about the homestay … just every-day family experiences: Hosting is Easy and Fun!, Get your questions answered: Host Family Frequently-Asked-Questions and complete the fillable application. Contact Mary Lynn Thalheimer ( or 614-247-8162) with your questions.

Ohio State Day at Cedar Point - May 9:

Ohio State faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends will get a sneak peek at Cedar Point’s new rides — Pipe Scream and Lake Erie Eagles — during Ohio State Day on Friday, May 9. The exclusive event for Buckeyes will be held a day before the park opens to the public, and special pricing is available for Ohio State attendees. Student tickets can be purchased at the Ohio Union Information Desk. Read more at:

Articles/Publications of Interest:

Communiqué (April 2, 2014)

Online Public Participation Platforms and Applications (Overview) - White paper by Della G. Rucker, AICP, CEcD

Ohio State Study: What Happens to a River When a Dam Comes Down? (CFAES News)

Ohio State Economists Discuss Sustainable Development at Discovery Themes Lecture/COMPAS Conference (CFAES News)

New Data Analytics Major Addresses Strongly-Articulated Workforce Need (Arts and Sciences News)

Straight A Fund gets Schools and Businesses Together (Times Bulletin Media)

Study documents economic impact of federal research spending at universities (OnCampus)

One Video: Posted 5 Ways to Social Media (EdgeU Tech Blog)

How to Create Your Personal Learning Network on Twitter in 5 Steps (EdgeU Tech Blog)

Quick Byte: What is an Internet Meme? (EdgeU Tech Blog)

National eXtension Conference Recap: Ed Tech Everywhere! (EdgeU Tech Blog)

Ohio Vegetable and Fruit Newsletter (April 1, 2014) All of this year’s vegetable and fruit newsletters can be found at

eXtension Update (April 2014)

New Leadership to propel Ohio Manufacturing Institute Initiatives (OMI News)

Transcend - March Issue (Office of Research)

© 2014, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232

This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.

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CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: