CD Wire - March 31, 2014

Mission Statement:

Ohio State University Extension Community Development
helps communities
enhance their well-being.

AD Update:

Multi-State Summer Meeting – Call for Proposals Out!

With this AD Update’s title, the term ‘multi-state’ has now been highlighted 20 times in these ‘pages’ over the past 3 years. Not surprisingly, the concept was discussed again during the monthly North Central CD Program Leader call last Friday, and it will be the topic of focus when we meet with the Extension Directors in the North Central Region later this year.

Multi-state efforts are growing in number. Our efforts to maximize resources by partnering up with colleagues from other states have really taken off in the past few years as well. We are engaged in curriculum and program development, applied research and service with co-workers in a multitude of states. These opportunities are enhanced when we capitalize on availability of grant funding, actively serve our professional associations and take advantage of formal initiatives like the NCRCRD-sponsored Take Out Menu webinars (nice job by the way to Nancy, Myra, and Eric for their ‘Take Out’ webinar presentation on March 20 – recording here).

We have a chance to participate in a formal multi-state initiative with colleagues from Kentucky, Illinois and Purdue on June 2-4 at the Abe Martin Lodge in Nashville, IN. Registration will be opening in April for what we are calling the 2014 Institute for Sustainable Development. The program involves three focus tracks: Community Resiliency, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, and Local/Regional Food Systems-Sustainable Agriculture. Since this will serve as our CD Summer Unit Meeting, your registration (includes all food/lodging) will be covered by state CD funds.

The detailed agenda (yet to be posted) includes three keynote presentations, 45 sessions, 3 mobile labs and plenty of networking opportunities. A peer-judged poster contest (with prizes) is also planned. Please think about how and what you can contribute and respond to the attached Call for Proposals. Also, if you have ideas about potential keynote speakers (people that are nationally recognized leaders in their field), please let me know. If you have questions about the event, please feel free to contact me.

CD Marketing/Communication Plan Meetings

Two meetings have been scheduled to begin work on the CD Marketing/Communication Plan. Don Van Meter will be working us through a process to identify a common language from 10-11:30 a.m. on April 17 and May 16 in 340 Howlett Hall (Ag campus in Columbus). Everyone is welcome to attend either or both dates and a third date will be scheduled in mid-June. As of last Friday, we have RSVPs for one or both dates from Cindy Leis, Rose Merkowitz, Myra Moss, Eric Romich and Kim Roush. Please let Sandy know which dates you plan to attend.

NACDEP Conference Schedule

Although registration is not yet open for the 2014 NACDEP Conference, an advance copy of the schedule is available.

New 'Wire' Publication Schedule

As discussed at the NACDEP meeting last Tuesday, starting today we will be sending the CD Wire every other week. The next issue will be published April 14.

Personnel Updates

Official Welcome to Morgan Taggart

A warm welcome to Morgan Taggart who became an Extension CD Educator in Cuyahoga County on February 1. In this role she is focusing on local food systems; an area of interest since Morgan started in Extension in August 2005. Prior to joining Extension, she taught in California, Latin America and Africa. Recently recognized for her Extension work, Morgan received The Ohio State University’s Distinguished Staff Award and was named one of the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Women of the Year in 2013. Read more about Morgan at her staff page.

Becky Nesbitt has New Office Location

Becky's office is now located at the Jackson County Extension office. Click here for her new address and phone number.



Creating Lasting Wealth: New Tools & Approaches to Economic & Community Development - Webinar April 4:

Communities throughout Ohio are seeking innovative ways to build more self-reliant and robust economies that increase jobs for residents and strengthen emerging industries. An initiative of the Ford Foundation, the WealthWorks approach helps local communities identify business opportunities and engage a wide range of partners to help turn those opportunities into on-the-ground realities that build and capture wealth. Join the National Association of Counties (NACo) on Thursday, April 3, at 2:00 p.m. for a webinar that introduces the principles of the WealthWorks initiative, with an emphasis on how county leaders can apply the approach to advance their own economic development goals and increase local livelihoods. Register here.

Economists to discuss Sustainable Development - April 4:

Economists from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences will discuss sustainable development on Friday, April 4, during the annual Ohio State University Provost’s Discovery Themes Lecturer Program and COMPAS (Conversations on Morality, Politics, and Society) conference. Elena Irwin, an environmental and regional economics professor, and Ian Sheldon, an international trade expert, will discuss sustainable development during the closing session of the COMPAS event. Their remarks will be part of a panel discussion at 3 p.m. in Mershon Auditorium, with Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University and Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development at Columbia, who will give a keynote address, “The Age of Sustainable Development.” Read more at:

Key Core Competencies for Extension Work Webinar - April 7:

The Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) will present the free webinar Key Core Competencies for Extension Work on Monday, April 7, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Join the webinar at: (It is recommended to use Internet Explorer. All participants will hear the audio through their computer screens. It is recommended that you run the Audio Setup Wizard. To do this go to Meeting> Manage My Settings> audio Setup Wizard and complete the requested steps. For the best quality use a hard-wire internet connection.)

Southeast Region Social Media Workshops - April 8 and 15:

The Ed Tech team in partnership with CommTech will be offering two different social media workshops in the Southeast Region during the month of April. "Just the Basics" will be held on April 8 (register by April 2), and "Content & Strategy" will be held on April 15 (register by April 9). Both workshops will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at OSU South Centers. Click here to visit the EdgeU Tech blog posting and to view the flyer for all dates and locations.

Upcoming Social Work Workshop - Understanding Food Security in the U.S.: Real People Making Decisions About What Food to Put on the Table - April 9:

“Understanding Food Security in the U.S.: Real People Making Decisions About What Food to Put on the Table,” will be held Wednesday, April 9, from 1 to 4:15 p. m. in 115 Stillman Hall on the OSU Columbus campus. Click here for complete information and registration.

Social Work hosts Thomas Kiffmeyer for Poverty Talk - April 15:

Thomas Kiffmeyer, associate professor of history, Morehead State University, will present “To Judge Harshly: The Troubled Legacy of America’s Struggle with Poverty,” on Tuesday, April 15 at 3:30 p.m. in 132 Hale Hall on the OSU Columbus campus. This event is part of the College of Social Work’s 50 Years: tribute to important milestones in our country’s response to poverty and inequality. This event is free and open to the public. Read more at:

Heat-Powered Engines Talk - April 15:

The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI) will host a talk on “Heat-Powered Engines - the Future of Renewable Energy and Carbon Sequestration” by Randall Gabriel, a mechanical engineer and entrepreneur who lives in Athens, Ohio and has worked with renewable energy research and development since 2008. Currently, he is a solar panel distributor and installer. He also has a background in permaculture, natural building and animal husbandry. The lecture will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 15, in Room 30 of ATI’s Skou Hall, 1328 Dover Road, Wooster. For more information, visit:

Rural Social Media Champions Webinar - April 17:

NCRCRD Webinar - April 17 (2:30 p.m.)

"Rural Social Media Champions: Development of Models of Diffusion & Best Business Practices"

This webinar focuses on innovative rural entrepreneurs who use social media in highly effective ways to manage, promote and grow their businesses. These entrepreneurs, called social media champions, also serve as exemplars and facilitate the diffusion of social media technologies for small rural businesses and communities in need of competitive options. This webinar presents findings from a three-state study that examined how small firms innovate and develop new capabilities through social media to address challenges faced in rural markets. Webinar content specifically focuses on: Identification of rural business owners who are social media champions, assessing factors that facilitated knowledge, diffusion and adoption of social media in rural communities based on established models (Rogers Diffusion of Innovations and TAM), and profiling of social media champions’ best practices with implications for researchers, Extension specialists, business consultants and practitioners.

About the Speakers:

  • Linda Niehm is an associate professor at Iowa State University in the Department of Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management. Her research interests include retailer competitive strategies, rural retailing, consumer-retailer relationships, entrepreneurship and family business.
  • Barbara Frazier is a Professor in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at Western Michigan University. Her research interests include rural community business development and social processes and entrepreneurial activity of rural retailers.
  • Leslie Stoel is a Professor in the Department of Human Sciences at The Ohio State University. Research interests include competitive behaviors of retailers, consumer responses to various retail environments, technology acceptance in the retail context and the role of retailers in their communities.

There is no registration and no fee for attending this webinar. To join, go to Enter as a guest, type your name into the text box provided and click on “Enter Room."  A list of upcoming as well as recorded webinars can be found at:

Video Creation Workshop for Amateurs - April 25:

The Ed Tech team will present the Video Creation Workshop for Amateurs on Friday, April 25, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Southeast Regional Office in Caldwell. This workshop will go through all the steps you need to shoot, produce and edit a video to use with your programming in Extension. The workshop will feature pre-planning a video, production steps for success, shooting video and how to edit the video for use.

They will be stepping you through this information as you work on your own project throughout the day. Participants will be asked to bring video clips and their own device (camera, smartphone or tablet). They want to make the best use of your time, so working on a product while learning is the best example they can give. You will also talk about casual video production and how to post those videos quickly from the field to your clients. If you have any questions or wish for more information, please contact Heather (

This workshop is $20, which includes breakfast and lunch. Please be prepared to enter your ORG and FUND number information in the form. Click here to register (no later than April 11).

Upcoming eXtension Web Sessions:

Visit eXtension Learn ( to view and register for the many upcoming webinar sessions available throughout April. Topics include:
  • High Rate Renewable Energy Production with the Statis Granular Bed Reactor - April 3 at 10:00 a.m.
  • The Role of Wholesale Grocers in Rural Food Distribution - April 3 at 1 p.m.
  • Northeast Bioenergy Webinar Series - April 8 at 1 p.m.
  • USDA Energy Programs - An E3A "Technical Short" - April 8 at 3 p.m.
  • 2014 MSU Faculty Research Series - Third City: The Other Dimension - April 9 at 2 p.m.
  • Community Gardens - Lunch 'n' Learn Webinars - April 16 at 12:30 p.m.

Upcoming Events in the Office of Distance Education and eLearning:

Visit the Office of Distance Education and eLearning ( to view and register for upcoming sessions, including:

  • Usability for All (U4A): Creating PDF Documents from Word (Hands-On) - April 14 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (029 Derby Hall)



UCAT Learning Community Proposals due April 4:

Apply by Friday, April 4, for UCAT’s Mid-Career and Senior Faculty Learning Community, which offers faculty a yearlong opportunity to focus on their teaching as part of a community of peers. This program has been designed to revitalize the career development of experienced faculty at Ohio State by establishing collegial relationships across disciplines and reinforcing a faculty culture that brings together the scholarship of teaching and research. Read more at:



ASFW Award Nominations and Board Position Applications due April 2:

The Association of Staff and Faculty Women, a dynamic organization committed to supporting the professional development of all staff and faculty women at The Ohio State University, is accepting nominations for the Mary Ann Williams Leadership Award and the Ruthmarie Mitsch Professional Development Award. In addition, nominations/applications for the following positions on the ASFW Executive Board are also being accepted: program chair, public relations chair, secretary and membership chair. Deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, April 2. Contact: Sarah Hughes ( Read more at:

Articles/Publications of Interest:

Swine Facility with Rooftop Solar - Energize Ohio Short Video Series with Eric Romich & Chris Bruynis

Ohio Sea Grant eNews (March 2014)

© 2014, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232

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CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: