Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development |
AD Update:
The Other 27% - A Goal of 5% Annually
Last week’s Update looked at how and where we communicate our impact. In short, we’ll need to expand our efforts to communicate program impact with the much larger world networked via social media.
Reaching the broader audience with limited traditional funding requires that we continue to increase our financial resources. Traditional funding from federal, state and local sources is very limited. We have done well over the past 10+ years to cover our increasing costs with the ‘other’ funding (grants, contracts, donations, etc.). No doubt the future requires that we continue to do so.
Items 15 and 16 on the list quantify our challenge to grow the ‘other’ funding at 5% annually. To clarify, that is 5% annual growth in grants, contracts and cost recovery. And, that is 5% annual growth in development contributions.
As a unit, we have made great strides in the past year with development efforts. We exceeded last year’s Campus Campaign overall participation rate of 39%. As the spring campaign push gets started in a few weeks, we’ll begin another push as a unit as well and hope to increase our participation rate from that of last year to support professional development and recognition efforts that would not be otherwise possible.
Our efforts to pursue grants and contracts and recover other program costs continue to increase as well. Many of us have capitalized on opportunities. Others have yet to do so. Each of us will need to identify ways to increase the ‘other’ funding, and working together we can exceed the annual goals. We will discuss these action items along with the others listed below when we get together on March 6. If you have not already, I encourage you to put together a plan for how you might grow in this area.
Extension Strategic Plan – Action List
- Understand full range of Extension in Ohio
- Learn program needs
- Prioritize programs, efforts, and audiences
- Inventory e-Learning modules
- Create e-Learning modules (10% increase annually)
- Align applied research with Discovery Themes
- Increase creative and scholarly outputs of a collaborative nature
- Engage in interdisciplinary/cross-program/multi-state/inter-institutional efforts
- Evaluate teaching (face-to-face, via distance/webinar, etc.)
- Create and use evaluation tools for programs
- Document efforts via RiV
- Communicate impact via various media (e.g., micro-blog, blog, webpage, etc.)
- Use social media to extend reach
- Track reach of social media
- Increase extramural funding by 5% (annually)
- Increase contributions to CD endowment/development account by 5% (annually)
- Create and implement comprehensive marketing plan
- Focus on improving core competencies
- Participate in a diversity training (annually)
- Implement OSUE coaching and mentoring protocols
Updated Travel Reimbursement Form
A new, updated travel reimbursement form that includes departure and return times is now available on the business office website. Even though the times are only required for OSP travel, it would be good to get into the habit of including these times on your regular overnight travel.
IRB Workshop - February 27:
Investigators, student researchers and staff are encouraged to attend a help session on the IRB initial application from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, February 27, in 117 Research Administration Building. Office of Responsible Research Practices staff will provide an overview of the Initial Review of Human Subjects Research application. The session is targeted to researchers who submit materials to the Behavioral and Social Sciences IRB. Register at: researchcalendar.osu.edu.
OSU Climate Change Webinar - February 27:
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The OSU Climate Change Webinar Series continues on Thursday, February 27, from noon to 1 p.m. with "Predicting Carbon Storage of Great Lakes Forests in the Year 2050," presented by Peter Curtis, professor of ecology at Ohio State. Curtis will discuss links between forest age, biological complexity, and resilience to disturbance, current approaches to predicting carbon storage and management options for sustainable forests. |
The webinar is free. For more information and to register, visit: climategreatlakes.com. Contact Jill Jentes Banicki (jentes.1@osu.edu) if you have questions.
Experts to discuss Issues and Concerns over Fracking - March 6:
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OSU’s Health Science Frontiers is presenting “Fracking Our Health? A Discussion on Public Understanding of Fracking,” Thursday, March 6, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at WOSU@COSI. Join a public conversation on the potential risks and benefits of the fracking process with a panel of environmental health, media and risk communication experts. The event is free and open to the public. RSVP by Wednesday, March 5, to: science_forum@osu.edu. Read more at: hsf.osu.edu. |
Crossroads EERA Social Media Workshops - March 11 and 18:
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The Ed Tech team in partnership with CommTech will be offering two different social media workshops in the Crossroads EERA next month. "Just the Basics" will be held on March 11, and "Content & Strategy" will be held on March 18. Both workshops will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at locations to be announced shortly in an email from the ed techs that will include registration information. Click here to visit the EdgeU Tech blog posting and to view the flyer for all dates and locations. |
Faculty & Professional Learning Community Applications due March 14:
If you are looking for a way to rejuvenate your career, course or sense of teaching community in the 2014-15 academic year, UCAT invites you to apply for membership in one of their faculty & professional learning communities through the Ohio State Teaching Enhancement Program (OSTEP).
The Mid-Career and Senior Faculty Learning Community offers faculty a year-long opportunity to focus on their teaching as part of a community of peers. This program has been designed to revitalize the career development of experienced faculty at Ohio State by establishing collegial relationships across disciplines and reinforcing a faculty culture that brings together the scholarship of teaching and research.
The Community on Internationalization of the Curriculum offers faculty a year-long opportunity to focus on internationalizing an existing course or designing a new internationalized course for delivery on the Ohio State campuses. Part of Ohio State’s key initiative of internationalization includes developing global competencies in our students, as well as increasing the number of international students studying at Ohio State. Program participants may address either or both elements by working to internationalize the content or process of a course, and/or working to create an inter-culturally inclusive learning space for students.
Spaces are limited, and applications are due March 14. For detailed information and the application form, please visit the OSTEP page.
Signature Program Submissions –
Logic Model Worksheet due April 1 / Proposals due May 1:
Those involved with programming which meets the expectations of the signature program criteria must discuss their potential signature program with the appropriate assistant director(s) and/or the associate director, programs, by April 1. Download and complete the “Signature Program Logic Model Worksheet” - outlining/identifying program goals and objectives, inputs, outputs, and outcomes (go.osu.edu/SPlmw) to use as the basis for your discussions. You will be directed to upload this completed logic model worksheet pdf with your online proposal.
Following the discussions with the assistant director(s) and/or the associate director, programs, the completed proposal should be submitted at the signature program online RFP site (go.osu.edu/SPrfp) by May 1. The submitted proposals will be forwarded to Administrative Cabinet and to the signature program proposal review committee for review. A copy of the 2014 Signature Program Guidelines are located at: extensionstaff.osu.edu/policy-and-procedures-handbook/ii-administrative-and-program-resources/signature-program-guidelines.
Discovery Themes Initiative Second Funding Opportunity -
Information Session February 26:
The next Discovery Themes investments will be in tenured and tenure-track faculty positions in Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases, Materials for a Sustainable World and Food to Improve Health. On Thursday, February 20, Provost Steinmetz announced the release of the Request for Proposals in those areas (available at discovery.osu.edu/request-for-proposals/). A designated Faculty Team Leader must submit his or her name, a draft Proposal Title, and the selected area of submission by 5 p.m. on March 28. Upon receipt, the Faculty Team Leader will receive a personalized ePortal link required for the proposal submission. The Faculty Team Leader should submit the proposal via the link provided by 5 p.m. on May 30.
An information session will take place on Wednesday, February 26, from 2 to 3 p.m. in 110B Hale Hall. The session will also be broadcast to the OSU community via CarmenConnect, carmenconnect.osu.edu/DiscoveryThemes. Read more about the Discovery Themes, including a list of FAQs, at: discovery.osu.edu/.
Reminder . . . Promotion for Faculty and Educators - Submit Requests by March 3:
Extension faculty seeking a promotion to associate or full professor, educators requesting transfer to the tenure track and educators seeking a promotion (level II and above) must submit a letter requesting promotion and/or transfer to Ken Martin (martin.1540), department chair, no later than March 3. Refer to the 2014-2015 Faculty Guide to Promotion and Tenure or the 2014-2015 A & P Guide to Promotion at extensionstaff.osu.edu/policy-and-procedures-handbook/vi-promotion-and-tenure. Per the guidelines, faculty and educators shall also provide a Research in View dossier report for review by the faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee or the A & P Promotion Committee in the spring. The committees will review promotion requests and determine if it is appropriate for the fall review to take place.
Disability Access for Extension Programming:
What do you do if a program participant needs an accommodation? Recently some questions have risen regarding accommodation requests for clientele who have a disability or disabilities attending programs or training sessions. All programs that OSU Extension and its affiliates conduct are open to all people, and registration materials should include a contact name and number for participants to use to request an accommodation to enable participation. Registration forms should also ask if there are any dietary restrictions or meal accommodations needed.
When there is an accommodation request made, the department/unit is responsible for covering the cost; however, the university’s ADA office is a good place to start for assistance. If the cost for the accommodation creates a “hardship,” the head of the unit can contact Kathy Lechman (lechman.1), program director, Diversity Development, to request financial assistance. Program planners can contact Kathy Lechman about other questions in addition to checking the diversity resources webpage ADA FAQs.
Articles/Publications of Interest:
Communiqué (February 19, 2014)
Study Continues to look for Answers (Mount Vernon News) - Moss & Bond fire/EMS services study
Ohio State Offers Public Online Environmental Science Course (CFAES News)
Women in Agriculture Conference is March 28 (CFAES News)
Remembering John Mount (CFAES News)
Green Fair Returns: Wooster Event Is on Earth Day (CFAES News)
Students provide Free Tax Prep (onCampus)
© 2014, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact odrumsky.1@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.