AD Update:
Extension Annual Meetings Recap
Last week’s association meetings and annual conference enabled us to pause and recognize our individual, team and organizational accomplishments. By design, these annual events take us from our offices and our work, freeing us from the distractions of our daily routines so we are better able to reflect on and celebrate our successes. These events remind us of the variety of research, teaching and service contributions that are being made. In many cases, this is where you may learn new things about colleagues, their work or other information that can make our Extension work better.
I especially appreciated the message delivered by our keynote speaker, Marshall Stewart. He implored us to decide how we move forward and offered three choices.
- Set and achieve high standards and be GREAT!
- Change the world by giving more of yourself.
- Lead yourself to lead others – lead inward, outward, upward and forward.
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Given what we learned in Cleveland about complex organizations (no one person is really in charge), I can especially relate to choice #3. I think of ways we work as a team in CD (much like the team effort to produce Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving toast). Whether the need is Thanksgiving toast or capacity development focused on organizational leadership or the economy, we come together to contribute what we can to the effort, leading in whatever ways we can and doing the best we can because we are all ‘in charge.’ |
Many of you were recognized for your efforts in 2013. Once more, I would also like to congratulate and recognize the individuals listed below for their specific contributions and accomplishments. You represent CD well!
Awards and Recognition
- David Civittolo – OSU Extension Excellence in Community Development Award
- Eric Romich – CD Early Career Award (0-10 years)
- Joe Lucente – CD Mid-Career Award (10-20 years)
- Joe Heimlich – CD Distinguished Service (+20 years)
- Nancy Bowen, David Civittolo, Tory Gabriel, Joe Lucente, Eric Romich - ESP Team Teaching Awards
- Cindy Bond, Nancy Bowen, Susan Colbert, Julie Fox, Tory Gabriel, Frank Lichtkoppler, Joe Lucente, Myra Moss, Sarah Orlando, Brian Raison, Eric Romich – ESP Creative Works Awards
Leadership Positions
- Rose Fisher Merkowitz – NACDEP (OH) President (outgoing)
- Nancy Bowen – NACDEP (OH) President (incoming)
- Greg Moon – NACDEP (OH) President-Elect
- Becky Nesbitt – OJCEP Personnel Committee Chair (outgoing)
- Brian Raison – OJCEP Professional Development Chair (outgoing)
- Eric Romich – OJCEP Marketing Committee Chair (incoming)
- Joe Lucente – ESP President-Elect
Next week: The OSUE Strategic Plan and the CD “To-Do” List
2014 CD Unit Meeting Dates - Please Respond to Online Poll by December 13
We will continue the quarterly face-to-face meetings from 2013 to help us carry forward our good work through 2014 and beyond. To identify the one-day spring and fall meeting dates, I’d like to invite you to respond to an online poll by December 13. The final schedule will be announced in next week's Weekly Wire.
Please save the following dates on your calendars:
June 2 - 4: IL, IN, KY & OH Retreat (Brown County State Park, Indiana)
- This will be in place of our two-day fall retreat
- December 9: CD Winter Unit meeting (morning of annual association meetings)
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NCRCRD "Take Out Menu" Webinars:
December 10 (11:00 a.m.) - "Civil Discourse and Deliberative Governance"
- This webinar will outline a rationale for why Extension education in civil discourse and deliberative governance is both important and timely; a conceptual framework; examples of program content; and some logistical information regarding program sharing/delivery across the Region. Presenter is Bill Rizzo, Ph.D., Professor and Local Government Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Extension Local Government Center
December 16 (2:00 p.m.) - “Retaining and expanding business in your community: lessons from 24 years of BR&E programming in Minnesota”
- This session will share a few lessons learned over 24 years of Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) Strategies programming in Minnesota. Minnesota’s latest innovations in BR&E include ripple effect mapping of outcomes, using focus group methods and coordinating with the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce’s statewide BR&E program to learn from each other in a public-private partnership. Their “blended” (in-person plus online) BR&E course that starts in January as well as online resources and information available on their website will be highlighted. Presenter is Michael Darger, a Community Economics Specialist who has directed University of Minnesota Extension’s Business Retention and Expansion Program since 1999.
There is no registration and no fee for attending these webinars. To join, go to Enter as a guest, type your name into the text box provided and click on “Enter Room."
Complete information for "Take Out Menu" webinars can be found at: A list of upcoming as well as recorded webinars can be found at:
EPI Webinar to focus on Reducing Carbon Emissions in Ohio - December 12:
The Environmental Policy Initiative (EPI) will present a webinar on Thursday, December 12, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. that will examine the role of policy and economic trends on reducing carbon emissions in Ohio. Presenters will be Bill Stanley of The Nature Conservancy, Samy Sekar of Resources for the Future and Dr. Brent Sohngen, James Goodenberger and Shelby Stults of The Ohio State University. Their research has found that renewable energy laws are remarkably effective at reducing carbon emissions, lowering the nation’s emissions by over 1.1 billion tons CO2 over a ten year period, or around 3.5% per year by 2012.
For more information, including how to join the webinar, visit:
Climate Change Webinar Series - December 12:
The OSU Climate Change Webinar Series continues on Thursday, December 12, from noon to 1:00 p.m. with "Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries in Lakes Michigan and Huron," presented by David Bunnell, research fishery biologist for the US Geological Survey. Bunnell will discuss whether we can detect climate signals in long-term data on fisheries and phytoplankton, preliminary climate forecasts and how future climate could influence growth and consumption of key fish species. Register at: Contact is Jill Jentes Banicki (
"Worker-Owner Cooperatives" Webinar - December 18:
Since the Great Recession there has been a great resurgence of interest in innovative ways of doing business. One such innovation is the Worker-Owner Cooperative. While popular in Europe, worker-owner co-ops have been less popular in the U.S., but that may be changing. The eXtension Cooperatives Community of Practice, in conjunction with USDA Rural Development Cooperative Programs and various state Cooperative Councils, will host a free webinar on Wednesday, December 18 from 4:00-5:00 p.m. EST where you can hear from worker-owners who will answer questions like:
- What are the advantages of a worker-owner cooperative over that of a traditional business and member cooperatives?
- What are the challenges of a worker-owner cooperative?
Each of the panel members will also talk about a worker-owner cooperative and the characteristics that make it a success. Panel members will include:
- Dr. Rebecca Kemble, Worker-Owner, Union Cab Cooperative of Madison, Madison, WI and President, US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
- Mr. Joe Rinehart, Rural Programs Coordinator, US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, San Francisco, CA
- Ms. Leslie Schaller, Director of Programming, The Appalachian Center for Economic Networks (ACEnets), Athens, OH
Panel moderator will be Dr. Chester Bowling, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University, Food Innovation Center. Webinar link is: Enter as a guest. Participants who pre-register by emailing will receive a copy of the presentation materials and discussion summary. Complete information for this webinar can be found at:
JCEP Leadership Conference - February 11-13:
Early bird registration is now open for the JCEP Leadership Conference, Empowering Leaders for the Next Century, to be held in Memphis, TN, February 11-13, 2014. The event is open to all Extension educators and is a wonderful professional development opportunity. Keynote speaker will be David Mitchell presenting “The Power of Understanding People: The Leadership Difference,” which will focus on the key to strengthening relationships and enhancing organizational performance. Conference delegates will also hear updates from NIFA, ECOP and APLU. Goals for the 2014 conference include:
- To provide top-quality professional development and leadership development training
- To provide networking opportunities for members, associations and states
- To provide associations an opportunity to provide training for their members
- To conduct association business
ESP will have the opportunity to focus on strategic planning, chapter leadership training and association general business. The ESP portion of the agenda will be worked on over the next few weeks and your input regarding potential agenda topics is welcomed. For more information visit JCEP ( under the Leadership Conference tab.
Upcoming eXtension Web Sessions:
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Visit eXtension Learn ( to view and register for the many upcoming webinar sessions available throughout the next few months. Topics include: |
- Wood and Biomass Pellets for Regional and Global Energy - December 10 at 1:00 p.m.
- Learning to Map in an "App" World: discover the power of mapping with your phone - December 10 at 1:30 p.m.
- Assessing the economic and environmental impacts of sustainably produced poplar-based biofuels - December 11 at 1:00 p.m.
- Connecting Beginning Farmers to New Markets: Start-up Advice & Resources for Gaining Access to Farmers Markets - December 11 at 3:00 p.m.
- Disaster Communication Tool Options - December 12 at 1:00 p.m.
- Friday Online--Evaluation and Accountability - December 13 at 10:00 a.m.
- Planning for Extension Leadership Councils - December 16 at 12:30 p.m.
- Worker-Owned Cooperatives - December 18 at 4:00 p.m.
2014 NACDEP Conference - Call for Proposals due January 10:
The 2014 NACDEP Conference, "The Art of Reinvention," will be held June 22-25 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. NACDEP is celebrating its 10 year anniversary! The time has come to think about how to reinvent community and economic development by embracing new programs, engaging new audiences and experimenting with new delivery methods. The 2014 conference will highlight the role of ALL Extension Professionals in helping address community and economic development issues. Ultimately, the conference provides a forum for Extension educators, scholars, researchers, partners and government officials to explore the breadth of topics related to community development. Call for proposals are due January 10. For proposal submission information, visit:
Innovate 2014 - Call for Proposals Deadline January 10:
Innovate is Ohio State's annual conference featuring the best uses of technology in higher education. This year's conference will be held March 25-26. The conference includes breakout and poster sessions, vendor booths, a Steal My Idea showcase and hands-on workshop opportunities. Interested in sharing your techniques for teaching, research and outreach with technology? Submit presentation proposals by Friday, January 10, at
Call for Proposals: Behavior Health Information Pilot Communities - Due January 13 (Project Description Webinar - December 19):
The Community Assessment and Education to Promote Behavioral Health Planning and Evaluation (CAPE) project is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and facilitated by the USDA. The project is advised by a technical committee of university and community behavioral health professionals drawn from across the nation. The purpose of the project is to explore ways in which communities currently gain information on behavioral health, to discover what datasets exist and to work with pilot communities to enhance access to needed information. Important information about behavioral health is often published at the county (or parish/borough) level, so this project focuses primarily on a county-level definition of community. Local leaders serving smaller geographic units partially or fully within the county (such as cities, towns or districts) will be included in the project activities. Measuring and monitoring the various behaviors and related health outcomes can provide pivotal information to community decision-makers. More information is available at the project web site:
A webinar describing the project is scheduled for Thursday, December 19, at 12:00 p.m. at: The webinar will be archived at the project web site. Proposals are due January 21, 2014. Community teams of one, two or three individuals will be considered. Click here for complete information, including details and how to apply.
Mershon Center Faculty, Student Research Grant Applications due January 31:
Each year, the Mershon Center for International Security Studies holds a competition for Ohio State faculty and students to apply for research grants funds. Applications must be for projects related to the study of national security in a global context. They are also interested in projects that emphasize the role of peace-building and development; strengthen the global gateways in China, India and Brazil; relate to campus area studies centers and institutes; and address the university’s Discovery Themes. Apply by Friday, January 31. Read more at:
Call for ‘Big Data’ Commentary:
Faculty are invited to submit posters and comments in advance of a national conference in March exploring the potential challenges posed by “big data” – the information researchers and policymakers use to address larger problems in society. “Big Data Future” is an interdisciplinary conference that will be held on the Ohio State campus Wednesday, March 19, through Friday, March 21, organized by the Moritz College of Law, the John Glenn School of Public Affairs, the College of Engineering, and others. If you have questions and/or poster/presentation ideas, send them to or call Kelsey Nelson (614-247-8796). Read more at:
OEDA and IEDC Reduced Membership Rates Available Soon:
This week Greg is going to purchase organizational memberships, through the Community Development unit, for the Ohio Economic Development Association (OEDA) and the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). This will enable OSUE CD professionals to join at a greatly reduced membership rate. If you would like to join and/or renew, we will provide the information you will need in next week's Weekly Wire. Membership in these organizations provides a variety of professional development opportunities.
Professional Presentation Support Application due January 15:
The form for Professional Presentation Support is used to request support from Extension Administration for presentations paid on Extension funds after the presentation has occurred. Support is on a calendar year rotation and is limited to a maximum $300 per employee or presentation per year. Click here for the form, including instructions. Forms are due to the business office by January 15.
Updated Travel Reimbursement Form now Available:
The Travel Reimbursement Form has been updated to reflect the change in signatures needed for employees and to add a line for documenting cash advances. It is available on the Business Office website. Please let Sandy ( know if you have any questions.
2013 RiV Documentation Deadline is January 15:
The new “OSU Extension RiV Quick Start Guide,” which has 25 tips to help you use the NON-DOSSIER Extension section of RiV, is posted at: Make sure you review the section on GOALS. You will be able to access recordings of RiV training CarmenConnect sessions at that link as well. Three previous trainings were recorded and are posted on the site. Two of the recordings have bookmarks so you can skip around to the part you are interested in viewing. The 2013 RiV deadline is January 15.
Click here to register for the final RiV training on December 11 from 9:00 a.m. to noon in Room 5 of Ag Admin. This training is geared for promotion/tenure candidates.
If you have questions about RiV and how to record your work with OSU Extension, please contact Debby Lewis ( or Kim Showalter ( If you are having technical difficulties with RiV (e.g., your profile is not accessible), please use the email address to send a message to the RiV team.
OSU and CFAES Branding Update:
A couple of helpful tips from the Branding session at Annual Conference:
- If you are going to use a professional printer, use the "CMYK" numbers for the official colors when designing your materials. If you use desktop printing, then use the "RGB" colors for your materials. Click here for the Signature (OSU) and Extension color palettes and their numbers.
- To order clothing with a logo, you will probably want to adjust it by adding your county/unit name on the apparel. Once it is adjusted, you will need to send it to Trademark and Licensing for approval. There is a special embroidery-friendly logo that is only to be used on clothing (not printed materials). Check with Suzanne Steel ( and Kim Brown ( for details on how to proceed. Click here for merchandise and apparel information.
- There are new & improved templates available - more user friendly!
- If you have materials that are already printed with the old logo(s), you are permitted to use them until they are gone. However, if you are having anything new printed or designed, it must comply with the new branding guidelines.
Articles of Interest:
Economist Reports that the U.S. and Ohio Economies Will Continue to Grow in 2014, Albeit Slowly (CFAES News)
Ohio State to Hold 2013-2014 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series Statewide (CFAES News)
OSU Extension CD Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
© 2013, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: