AD Update:
Performance Management: Check-Ins, Coaching, and Annual Review
Last week we talked about us taking steps to improve the way we implement the Extension performance management process. We have previously discussed the importance of planning and goal setting, reporting lines, coaching, and documenting the impact of accomplishments. These elements and others make up the OSUE Competency Model approach to HR management (you can read more about the model at Performance management is one aspect of the model and entails three areas: planning, coaching, and review.
Formal planning is done at the beginning of the performance year and focuses on goals for professional development and specific performance goals. However, in practice, I encourage us to reflect on our goals for professional development and specific performance goals on a more continuous basis. According to the OSUE HR webpage, ‘Performance planning takes place through a conversation between the employee and his/her supervisor; it is a collaborative effort. Three elements should be addressed in the performance planning conversation: performance goals and other plans for work to be accomplished, core competencies/areas of expertise (AOEs), and professional development.’ I encourage you to read more about formal planning from the OSUE HR perspective at
Coaching is done formally via quarterly check-in meetings, and ideally, coaching takes place continuously throughout the year. According to the OSUE HR Ongoing Coaching and Feedback webpage (, the focus of such conversations should include:
- “Progress on meeting performance objectives and contributions in key job functions;
- Core competencies; performing in ways that demonstrate strengths in OSU Extension’s core competencies; and
- Steps taken to achieve professional development goals.”
A review of performance (think ‘annual review’) recaps the essence of previous check-ins and summarizes overall performance over the period (Educators think calendar year, Program Staff and Specialists think state fiscal year – July through June). These review meetings are between you and your supervisor and typically take place on the following schedule:
- Program Staff – May to June
- Educators – April to May
- Specialists – May to June
When both of us invest in this process, greater success is possible. Take a look at your goals for professional development and specific performance goals. I hope you can look forward to me asking you more about them and sharing your thoughts with me in a bit more detail.
Update on New OSU and CFAES Brand Standards
Please familiarize yourself with the new OSU and CFAES brand guidelines. Learn which logos, secondary signatures, unit IDs, and color palettes should be used. The CFAES site contains templates for flyers, postcards, and PowerPoint presentations. Brochure and poster templates will be available soon (August 1 and August 15, respectively). Before you print any new materials, please submit proofs to Suzanne Steel ( or Kim Brown ( for review and approval; and if you have questions, please contact either Suzanne or Kim as well.
Did you know . . . Arial is OSU's official font for business and email correspondence? It should also be used for all materials, unless you have purchased licenses to use Proxima Nova and/or Capita. Go to the OSU brand site and click on the "Type" tab for more information.
Shaping Policy for Health: Implementing Enacted Policies - Two-day Workshops offered in August:
The Ohio Department of Health, with support from the Center for Public Health Practice in the College of Public Health, is hosting a free two-day workshop August 5-6 or August 8-9, at Quest Business Centers in Columbus. Learn about bureaucratic structure and function, how to assess and monitor the authorities and procedures used by agencies during implementation, and to analyze regulatory rules and recommend improvements. Register for either workshop by Wednesday, July 31. For complete information and to register, visit:
Apps and Maps Workshop - August 15:
A workshop to offer producers tips to improve and expand sales using 'Apps and Maps' will be held at the Mill Creek MetroParks Farm, 7574 Columbiana-Canfield Road in Canfield, Ohio on August 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The cost is $40 per person and $10 for each additional person from the same business. The workshop will teach participants how to make the most of mobile media marketing as a way their businesses can benefit from free listings on Internet maps, GPS systems, and mobile apps. For complete information, read the CFAES News article.
Staff Career Development Funding increases Ten-fold:
With urging from the University Staff Advisory Committee, Ohio State has agreed to tap into its funds from the sale of the parking operations to increase more than 10-fold the money available for Staff Career Development Grants. What was a $10,000 to $15,000 pool will be increased to $150,000 -- $75,000 to enhance existing grants and another $75,000 for manager development using existing services on campus, such as programs through the John Glenn School of Public Affairs, Fisher College of Business, and the Women’s Place. Read the onCampus article for more information:
EDA Grant to address Economic Sustainability in Ohio's Shale Gas Region:
A $199,766 grant from EDA will focus on programming designed to address economic sustainability in Ohio’s shale gas region. The project should begin in October. Congratulations to core team members, which include: Nancy Bowen, Eric Romich, Myra Moss, Cindy Bond, Mike Lloyd, David Civittolo, Polly Loy, Jim Bates, and Richard Moore. Community partners include the following regional economic development organizations: Eastgate Regional Council of Governments, Northeast Ohio Four County Regional Planning and Development Organization, Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association, and the Buckeye Hills-Hocking Valley Regional Development District.
Working together, the project team will:
- conduct an advanced industry cluster analysis
- conduct an industry capacity assessment
- map community regional assets
- implement a sustainable strategic shale energy planning process
- establish plan implementation strategies
Results and findings from this three-year effort will elevate and expand existing regional economic development plans for all four regional economic development organizations. The goal is to demonstrate a model which leverages the advancement of innovation, entrepreneurship, cluster development, and sustainable strategic planning to promote economic diversity and viability.
OSU Mini-Retreat on Aging - Final Report Available:
Recently, nearly 50 OSU faculty, staff and students came together to discuss the importance of enhancing the field of aging at our university. Nine colleges and many different departments and initiatives took part in the Mini-Retreat on Aging including Arts and Sciences; Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Medicine; Nursing; Optometry; Pharmacy; Public Health; Social Work; Fisher College of Business; School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, Office of Distance Education and eLearning, and others. The purpose of the retreat was to build relationships across campus around aging, learn about aging education, research and clinical activities across campus, and to think about “what could be” at Ohio State. To view the report, click here.
OSU Extension CD Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
© 2013, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
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Ohio State University Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to age, ancestry, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, military status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. This statement is in accordance with United States Civil Rights Laws and the USDA.
Keith L. Smith, Associate Vice President for Agricultural Administration; Associate Dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; Director, Ohio State University Extension; and Gist Chair in Extension Education and Leadership.
For Deaf and Hard of Hearing, please contact Ohio State University Extension using your preferred communication (e-mail, relay services, or video relay services). Phone 1-800-750-0750 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. Inform the operator to dial 614-292-6181.