AD Update:
The Time is Now for Multi-State Collaboration
A couple of weeks ago the North Central CD program leaders spent a day discussing how we might better meet programming needs in the region. It was the first of three scheduled face-to-face conversations in 2013 designed to identify how we might better collaborate across state lines. It included a review of each state’s cost recovery practices and areas of specialization. We also talked about resources that could be contributed to a larger regional programmatic effort. As you might imagine, this conversation (like our collaborative efforts resulting from NCRCRD Small Grants) was very energizing.
While we have a history of partnering up for multi-state work, we see greater opportunities to expand our programmatic reach by taking our specialties ‘on the road’ and by inviting colleagues from other states to address unmet program needs in Ohio. In short, we must continue to find ways to stretch our resources. What we are known for in Ohio can help Ohio and help meet similar needs in other states. (Ask Nancy Bowen, David Civittolo, and/or Joe Lucente about their recent travels to support collaborative efforts with Extension colleagues from Purdue and University of Florida). There will be more conversations on this topic in the coming months. In the meantime, I encourage you to begin to think about the larger regional (and national) Extension systems and the role you would like to play in them!
Final Updates for Wednesday's Meeting in Harrison County . . .
- Clay Farm: There are two driveways (coming from Cambridge on Rte. 22). The first one is for the oil and gas people. Please use the second one that goes between the house and sheds. Parking will be behind the house.
- Harrison Community Hospital: Go in the main entrance. Down the hall to the right, past the information booth about 50 feet or so, turn left at the glass hallway. We will be in the "classroom" toward the end of that hallway on the left.
- Harrison County Courthouse: We will meet in the Commissioners' room.
See you at the Clay Farm at 9:00!
Next Weekly Wire Published July 15
Summer is a time for projects at home or trips away with family or friends. I hope you have such plans this summer or that you plan to make some. When we are away from work enjoying such activities, we need to give work obligations a rest. Given that Sandy and I intend to be away from work next week, there will be no Weekly Wire published until July 15.
Ohio’s Challenging and Emerging Water Resources featured at EPN Breakfast - July 9:
State and federal agency leaders will lead a discussion on “Vexing, Wicked, Intractable, and Emerging Water Issues in Ohio” with participants at the Tuesday, July 9 Environmental Professionals Network breakfast. Steven Grossman, director, Ohio Water Development Authority, will moderate a panel of leaders from the Ohio EPA, the Ohio DNR, and the U.S. Geological Survey at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Register by Friday, July 5. For complete information and to register, visit: Contact David Hanselmann ( if you have questions.
Next Local Foods Networking Teleconference - July 11:
The OSUE Local Foods Signature Program Team is conducting quarterly Local Foods networking teleconferences for any Extension faculty and staff. The goal is to share resources, identify potential areas of collaborations, etc. Call-in instructions will be emailed a week prior to each call. The next teleconference will take place on July 11 at 9:00 a.m. The final 2013 teleconference will take place at 9:00 a.m. on October 10. Contact Local Foods Signature Program Leaders Mike Hogan ( or Kate Shumaker ( if you have questions.
Final Urban "Grow Your Own" Workshop - July 13:
The final workshop in the "Grow Your Own" series will be held July 13 at the Godman Guild, 303 E. 6th Street in Columbus. The workshop is free and sponsored by OSU Extension, Local Matters, and the Godman Guild. Participants are asked to RSVP by emailing The final workshop will be:
- GAPs Workshop for Urban Food Producers, July 13, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Mike Hogan, educator with OSU Extension, will teach an introductory food safety workshop focused on GAPs (Good Agricultural Practices) geared to urban producers of fruits, vegetables, and other food items.
Read the news release for complete information.
Early Bird Registration for Galaxy IV due July 15:
Galaxy IV - Bridging the Centuries: A New Era for Extension will be held September 16 - 20 in Pittsburgh. Every five years, the Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) holds a national meeting and professional improvement conference for all of its member Extension professional organizations, known as Galaxy. The registration site is now available, and early bird registration is due by July 15. NACDEP will be holding its annual conference during Galaxy.
Registration now Open for July 31 Social Media Workshop:
A Social Media workshop will be held on July 31 from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on the OARDC Campus in Wooster at the Research Services Building. (Note: There will be three other workshops, all with the same content. Registration for those workshops will be publicized at a later date.)
Digital technology has changed the way everyone finds and uses information. The training will start with a keynote address from Mindset Digital entitled "The New Realities." The session will examine the shifts that have occurred in the way people find and use information. Understanding these shifts will help you get noticed by a distracted audience that is often overwhelmed by the amount of information coming at them daily.
Other sessions include:
- Developing a social media strategy
- Guidelines and best practices for Facebook, Twitter, and blogs
- Hands-on time to plan and discuss your social media strategy
- What other social media channels should you consider?
The fee is $15, and lunch is included. Register online by July 19. Space is limited to the first 40 registered.
Speakers will include:
- Debra Jasper and Betsy Hubbard, co-founders of Mindset Digital - New Realities: The Three Major Communications Shifts Today’s Leaders Can’t Afford to Ignore
- Jamie Seger, OSU Extension - Guidelines and Best Practices Learned from a Facebook Campaign
- Andy Vance, Agricultural Journalist - Guidelines and Best Practices for Using Twitter as a Professional
- Alice Henneman, University of Nebraska Extension - Guidelines and Best Practices for blogging; Extending your Reach with Social Media
- Mitch Moser, Social Media Specialist, CFAES - Developing a Social Media Strategy
Upcoming events in the Office of Distance Education and eLearning:
For a list of upcoming events in the Office of Distance Education and eLearning, click here. Workshops include:
- iPads: Teaching & Learning - July 17, 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., Hagerty Hall Room 186
- iPad Productivity (Hands-on) - August 5, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., Hagerty Hall Room 186
Millennials in the Workplace Online Workshop – August 1:
Millennials were born between 1980 and 2000, and this generation is almost as large as the Baby Boomer generation. An achievement-oriented group, these new employees are technologically connected 24/7 and use social networking to connect with their peers. This high-achieving generation wants to immediately make an impact in their career, and they are anxious to take on leadership roles. Beth Flynn of the OSU Leadership Center will be facilitating an online seminar, The Changing Face of the Organization: Millennials in the Workplace, August 1 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. This highly interactive workshop is filled with information you can apply immediately, including:
- Learning about the culture and events that have shaped the Millennial Generation.
- Determining ways to improve communication and building relationships with this generation.
- Generating ideas about how to manage and coach this generation of employees.
For more information and to register, visit: The registration fee is $60 per participant.
Real Money. Real World. In-service Date Change:
The Real Money. Real World. in-service originally scheduled for August 8, has been changed to Wednesday, August 28, and will be repeated on Monday, September 9. The in-services will be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Lunch will be included. Attendance will be required for all counties that plan to provide RMRW September 2013 and beyond. If you cannot attend either in-service, send someone from your county who can convey the information back to you and pick up your county kit. The old curriculum will not be supported after September 9. For complete details, view Kathy Michelich's email here.
Action Leadership Retreat – November 6 - 7:
Participants are currently being recruited for a professional development opportunity called the Action Leadership Retreat (ALR). Designed for Extension educators (or others with similar responsibilities) with 18 months to three years of experience, the Action Leadership Retreat is a professional development opportunity built around simulated on-the-job experiences. Led by a facilitator and two experienced Extension professionals who are trained as observers, ALR is designed to help you evaluate and reflect on your skills in 12 key areas (e.g., conflict management, communication, and interpersonal skills) that are important for success as an Extension professional.
This year, Action Leadership Retreat will be held on November 6 - 7. Space is limited to seven participants. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information and to register, click here. For questions or additional information, contact Jessica Bowen (, graduate research associate, or Graham Cochran (, OSU Extension Human Resources and the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership
Renew SPSS Statistics, Amos and nVivo Site Licenses NOW:
Just a reminder to renew your SPSS Statistics, Amos, and nVivo site licenses by the end of this week. The process takes a couple of days, so do it now in order to maintain access. Please refer to the article in the June 17 CD Weekly Wire at the bottom of the "AD Update" for complete instructions.
User Defined Values Clarification:
FYI . . . from the June Business Office Update:
User Defined values are 6 character values that can be used to track information in the general ledger. The eRequest system and other university systems require the value to be active before approval. So even though you can save it, your approver can’t approve it if the value isn’t active. So before you enter a user defined in the field, use the 'lookup' button underneath it to find the value. If you don’t find it or something that will work for your needs, DON’T enter into the User Defined field – instead put in the Special Funding Instructions box: ADD User Defined: XXXXXX. Your business rep will add this for you before processing your transaction.
If you have questions, please check with Sandy or your business office representative.
"Commit to our Communities" Feature Stories wanted for OSU Today:
If you have a story about how your programming commits to communities, please consider submitting it for consideration for the "Commit to our Communities" feature of OSU Today. Send your feature article (limit to 125 words), complete story, and photo(s) to Sandy, and she will post the story and photo(s) to our web page and forward your feature article, web link, and photo(s) to OSU Today.
Article of Interest:
U.S. House Farm Bill Defeat Could Lead to More Extensions of 2008 Farm Bill
Jun 21, 2013 (CFAES News)
OSU Extension CD Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
© 2013, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
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Ohio State University Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to age, ancestry, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, military status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. This statement is in accordance with United States Civil Rights Laws and the USDA.
Keith L. Smith, Associate Vice President for Agricultural Administration; Associate Dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; Director, Ohio State University Extension; and Gist Chair in Extension Education and Leadership.
For Deaf and Hard of Hearing, please contact Ohio State University Extension using your preferred communication (e-mail, relay services, or video relay services). Phone 1-800-750-0750 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. Inform the operator to dial 614-292-6181.