South Jackson Community Gardens kick off Summer with Block Party

June 7, 2019
South Jackson Community Gardens Block Party

The South Jackson Community Gardens project grew out of an Ohio State University Connect and Collaborate Grant to reuse vacant land within the city to design and build a model urban garden and community space for food and health-related entrepreneurial activities. The project started in 2015 with collaborators from the city of Lima, Ohio State Lima, OSU Extension, and Ohio State's Knowlton School of Architecture. The goals of the project include fighting food insecurity, focusing on health and wellness, and developing vacant land.

On May 31, project stakeholders held a summer kickoff block party to give people a chance to get to know one another and to explain what this project goal is. From now until September, the South Jackson Community Gardens will be hosting "Final Fridays" where the stakeholders and the community can come together on the last Friday of the month to enjoy food and fun activities (June 28, July 26, August 30, September 27). Read more about the event at South Jackson Community Gardens Final Fridays 2019
Artist's rendering of garden building Construction should be complete by the end of summer 2019. Stakeholders will be involved in providing future programming and education.