OSU Community Development Partners with The Ohio Township Association (OTA) to Update Ohio's Zoning Map
Township Zoning in Ohio
Project Description: OTA contacted OSUE Community Development to partner and lead the effort to update and examine a state-wide zoning mapping project previously conducted by OSUE CD in 2003. OTA agrees it is critical to understand current land use strategies, opportunities, obstacles, and implementation practices and communicate this information with state legislators.
Background and Rationale: Unchecked commercial, industrial, and residential growth continues in Ohio. To better meet educational needs in addressing this growth, researchers have begun to learn more about how growth and development impact townships in Ohio. To better understand these trends, the Ohio Township Association (OTA) can inform the design and delivery of educational programming offered to assist Ohio townships, their employees, and stakeholder groups. Public health and social welfare might be enhanced by creating more awareness around how Ohio townships respond to the challenges of growth in a sustainable manner.
- To create a statewide inventory of township land use patterns in Ohio
- To identify programmatic trainings, opportunities, and needs of townships in Ohio
- To estimate the number of townships that currently have zoning regulations in Ohio
Project Deliverables:
- Conducted online survey in partnership with OTA to determine zoning and associated questions for public policy making.
- Developed a new 2024 Ohio Zoning Map for all Ohio townships and counties in collaboration with OSU Knowledge Exchange.
- Designed and delivered presentation of information to OTA and other interested public and private entities and professional associations.