On December 9, during the OSU Extension virtual Annual Conference awards ceremony, Joseph E. Lucente was presented the Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award. Since joining Ohio State University Extension as an Ohio Sea Grant College Program Extension educator nearly 20 years ago, he has truly demonstrated a record of excellence in creative and scholarly work, teaching, and service to community and profession.
The annual award seeks to recognize:
- long term strengths in teaching and research
- a long-standing record of teamwork and collaboration in program planning, implementation and evaluation
- a successful track record in grant awards, cost recovery, or other external funding
Joe Lucente is an Associate Professor and Extension Educator in Community Development with the Ohio Sea Grant College Program. He is responsible for research, education, outreach, and technology transfer of information concerning Lake Erie and the Great Lakes. Major responsibilities include developing and conducting outreach education programs on leadership development and capacity building, business retention and expansion, and related issues designed to improve the economic and environmental climate of the Lake Erie watershed. Clientele include economic development professionals, community development organizations, local governments, business associations, and individual businesses. |
The Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award is named in honor of Raymond A. Schindler, one of the first Extension CD professionals in Ohio. Hired in 1962 as an Area Extension Agent, Ray began his career in southern Ohio, based in Highland County. He took a collaborative approach to his work, focusing on tourism development, comprehensive planning, planning commissions, and business retention and expansion programs until his retirement in 1988. |