The next EPN Breakfast (Environmental Professionals Network) will be held January 11 from 7:15 to 9:30 a.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center.
Significant and critical energy and climate policy changes continue to be debated, and sometimes adopted and implemented, at global, United States, Ohio, and local levels, even while our world is on track for another “hottest year on record” for 2016. While these policy efforts are most critical to diminishing the rise of CO2 and related climate change, we all have the chance to be part of the solution and also save money by implementing energy efficiencies in our homes and offices. Energy utilities in Ohio and Ohio State University understand the virtues of home energy efficiencies and stand ready to help.
Hear the “why” from one of OSU’s most distinguished scientists, Lonnie Thompson, and the “how” from community, utility, and university representatives. Eric Romich will be presenting on OSU’s new Green Home Technology Center programs. Click here to view the other presenters and to register. Cost is $10, and the deadline to register is January 9.