The Ohio Township Association (OTA) is a statewide organization dating back to 1928. It owes its origins to trustees in Ashland County who formed the first county association of townships in 1922. Then, as today, the OTA provides avenues for township officials to share and learn – to better understand the roles and responsibilities of township government and duties of township officials.
Extension has worked with townships in Ohio for decades. A collaborative effort with Don Lacy, now-retired Extension Local Government Specialist, the Ohio Township Association Leadership Academy (OTALA) was initiated in 2001. Since that time, Extension professionals have engaged township trustees and fiscal officers in dozens of skill-building programs, covering topics such as: communicating and working with residents, team building, working with the media, and conducting effective meetings, for example. The program has been adapted for use by other organizations and in a variety of communities throughout Ohio.
To learn more about local government leadership programs, contact OSU Extension – Community Development at 614-292-6232. To learn more about the OTALA specifically, click here.