Net Metering Workshop
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Location: Owens Community College, Findlay
OSU Extension’s Energize Ohio has developed a workshop, sponsored in partnership with JobsOhio, to educate companies on Ohio’s net metering policy. The first workshop will be held in Northwest Ohio on March 14 at Owens Community College in Findlay. The workshop will provide companies with information on the costs and benefits of installing renewable energy projects to offset electric consumption under Ohio’s advantageous net metering rules.
Ohio’s energy policy regarding net metering can be beneficial for the retention and expansion of medium to large sized companies in Ohio. The policy allows companies to transfer surplus power generated from solar panels, wind turbines, or other renewable energy sources, directly onto the grid, allowing them to offset the cost of electricity. For large power users, the savings can be significant. The 3-hour workshop will include a panel of experts who will provide detailed information on net metering policy, rules, cost, construction, permitting, timing, and financing options. The panel will be followed up with pre-scheduled, one-on-one meetings with panel representatives. Companies will be requested to bring electric consumption data to take advantage of this initial consultation.
The objectives of the workshop are two-fold: 1) to help companies understand factors that effect the profitability of a renewable energy system, and 2) to provide information in sufficient detail to help the companies make an informed decision about installation of a system using typical costs and regional data. Energize Ohio will develop a pre-post workshop evaluation and database of companies who participate to determine whether an investment is made, ROI, and resultant job creation or retention. The data will be tracked and reported after 24 months to JobsOhio to measure the impact of the Renewable Energy for Business Retention and Expansion Workshops and assist JobsOhio in meeting or exceeding job creation and retention metrics.
For more information on the upcoming workshop, contact Eric Romich, Energy Field Specialist, at RSVP to