Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension Community Development
helps communities enhance their well-being
and create social, economic, and environmental conditions
in which they can thrive.
AD Update:
-David Civittolo, Interim Assistant Director
As we transition back to our offices, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued patience and perseverance as we continue to navigate through the pandemic. While it certainly has not been easy, you have continued to offer high quality programming and meet the needs of your clientele. In many instances, our clientele base has increased not only because of technology, but because of your willingness to adapt and try new teaching methods.
Hopefully, you will schedule time to relax, refresh, and renew as we continue to move into the summer months. Again, thank you for your professionalism and I look forward to seeing you in person very soon.
CD In-service
Our first in-person CD in-service in almost two years will be held Thursday, August 19! We plan to begin at 9:30 a.m. and adjourn by 4 p.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Auditorium A). Please save the date on your calendars.
Agenda items and details are being worked on, and we will keep you informed during our monthly Zoom meetings and via email. A final confirmation, including parking permit and the latest health and safety guidance, will be sent after August 1.
CD Video
It has been a goal of mine to bring more awareness to the Community Development program area since being in the role of interim assistant director. In an effort to do this I have asked two of our colleagues, Brooke Beam and Kenzie Johnston, to help create a video that captures the essence of what we do as CD professionals. My hope is that all of you want to help tell the Community Development story and talk about the good work you are doing.
In the coming weeks, Brooke and Kenzie will be reaching out to you to set up a time to meet. They will be asking you to talk a little bit about your work and programs that you actively partake in and record b-roll of you in action. They will make the process as simple as possible – they can make everyone look like rock stars; I have no doubt!
If you have questions about this project, please feel free to reach out to me.
CART is Here
The new OSU Extension Choose And RequesT (CART) electronic system is now officially open and available for you to use. |
What is CART? It is your electronic program evaluation, Evaluation of Effective Extension Teaching (EEET), and Race, Ethnicity, Gender (REG) data collection tool, all rolled into one easy-to-use application.
Through CART, you can quickly choose from these options to create an all-in-one electronic form that will take your workshop participants less than five minutes to complete:
- Selected Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR), Community Development (CD), Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), and 4-H Youth Development program evaluation questions
- EEET questions
- REG questions
The form is based in Qualtrics and is mobile friendly. All program evaluation questions are available for viewing at this link.
LOD has prepared a job aide that walks you through placing an order, making changes to an order, evaluation practice recommendations, and accessing a dashboard of your EEET results. Coming soon: program evaluation data will also be available in a dashboard.
Please discontinue the use of paper-based EEETs immediately and use the CART system instead. However, if there is a situation where it is absolutely necessary (e.g., Internet connection is poor or non-existent, etc.), paper-based EEET forms can still be used. The EEET forms (as well as a cover sheet) are available at this link. Please be aware, at this time, that paper-based EEETs will still need to be sent to the LOD office to be processed manually, which will significantly increase the time for you to receive a summary report. For a paper-based form to collect REG data, use this link.
Meet Julie Fox
If you recall, we have introduced our CD professionals in the CD Wire. Now, I have asked members of Administrative Cabinet to share a little about themselves and their roles with Extension. Julie Fox has been with Extension for over 22 years, and I consider her a Community Development professional. If you are interested in learning more about Julie, please do not hesitate to reach out to her at fox.264.
CD Wire Summer Update Reminder
During the months of June, July, August, and September, the CD Wire will be published once per month. The dates will be June 14, July 12, August 16, and September 13. As always, the state CD office will email you directly if we need to bring something to your attention.
Have a great day and remember: “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” -Neale Donald Walsch
CD Guest Feature:
Getting to know Julie Fox, PhD
Associate Professor and
Director, Strategic Initiatives and Urban Engagement
25N Ag Admin Building 614-247-6996 |
About Julie and her work:I’ve worked with OSU Extension since 1998, beginning my Ohio State career at the OSU South Centers, where one of my initial projects was helping with a feasibility study for the Endeavor Center business incubator. I helped build the business team that now includes the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), and much more. If you haven’t been to the South Centers, it’s a fun place with plenty of diverse talent, community engagement, and innovative projects. I completed my PhD in Human and Community Resource Development in 2005 and joined Extension’s leadership team (Cabinet) in 2014 when I was selected to serve as the Central Region Director and leader for urban engagement. Currently, I’m an Associate Professor – still leading statewide urban Extension and taking on the role of strategic initiatives that includes a variety of collaborative projects, such as initiating the program reviews, working with graduate students to expand student engagement with Extension, and exploring Salesforce to improve the customer experience and integrated reporting. The small and mighty team includes Michelle Gaston and others who join as students (such as Amy Michaels & DaVonti’ Haynes), volunteers, and collaborators. My teaching and research focus on entrepreneurial leadership, urban-suburban-rural interdependencies, and inclusive engagement. Prior to joining Ohio State in 1998, I served as the executive director for an international trade association and a marketing manager for a worldwide nonprofit organization – my MBA is in global management. I've been fortunate to live in various parts of the country, travel around the world, and call Ohio home. I enjoy family, friends, the outdoors, and my work. Fun facts from the past. I served on the:
I’m grateful to be a part of OSU Extension, and Community Development holds a special place in my heart. |
How to Get the Most Out of the Community Development Extension Library - June 15:
Registration is free. You must register in advance to receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom meeting. |
Co-Ops Online Training - June 17:
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The Mid America Cooperative Council's training for new co-op employees and interns is being offered online on June 17 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. |
Co-ops employees are ambassadors for the business, building relationships with member-owners, directors, and the public.
This interactive, online training will introduce participants to the co-op business model and co-op principles, help participants understand the value of co-ops and the history of co-ops in the U.S., and most importantly, to understand the rights and responsibilities of co-op member-owners and employees as co-op ambassadors.
- New co-op team members
- Co-op team members who want to learn more about the co-op difference
Click here to register by June 16, or contact Charissa Gardner (740-289-2071, ext. 132 or gardner.1148@osu.edu). Click here to visit the cooperatives website.
Health Messaging in Rural Communities - June 23:
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How can health messaging work within rural communities? |
Get the answers on June 23 from 2-2:45 p.m. Contact Brianna Routh (brianna.routh@montana.edu or 406-994-5696) at Montana State University for registration information and link.
Poverty in rural areas of the US is higher than in urban areas, particularly among mothers and children. Geographic isolation, lack of infrastructure, fewer available resources, and limited economic opportunity compound these challenges. Many family outreach professionals aim to strengthen supports for families, so they can not only survive but thrive in and across rural America.
This quarterly webinar series, Relying on Rural Resilience, will highlight findings based on 20+ years of research with low-income, rural families across the United States and actions that family outreach professionals can take to promote rural health and resilience. Presenters will share key findings from the NC1011/NC1171 HATCH projects that will spark facilitated breakout discussion among Extension and other family outreach professionals regarding how the findngs can impact YOUR work and families in YOUR rural community.
Participants will:
- become aware of research findings grounded in the experiences and perspectives of low-income rural families
- identify ways to apply these findings to their educational programming and outreach in rural communities
- brainstorm strategies with other rural outreach professionals
Featured presenter will be Yoshie Sano, PhD, Associate Professor of Human Development at Washington State University, Vancouver.
This series is sponsored by the Multistate Research Project NC-1171: Individual, family, and community factors associated with resilience in diverse, rural, low-income families (2019-2024), and funded in part by the Multistate Research Fund through USDA-NIFA and by grants to project members at participating institutions.
Fish to Fork: Grilling in the Great Lakes - June 23:
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Join the Great Lakes Aquaculture Collaborative and Ohio Sea Grant for a webinar on June 23 from 1 to 2 p.m. about seafood safety, grilling tips, and demonstrations of seafood prep and grilling at home using seafood raised in Great Lakes aquaculture. |
Preparing fish at home may seem intimidating, but you can do it! Seafood is an important and nutritious source of protein we can all benefit from in our diets. This webinar will show you how to choose, prepare and grill seafood kebabs using trout, catfish, and shrimp so you can take advantage of great seafood in the Great Lakes. You will also learn important food safety information, from buying, storing, and preparing fish and other seafood safely to putting away your leftovers properly.
The webinar is free and open to the public. Click here for full information and registration link. Registration is required to receive log-in information.
Wiser on Wednesday "Resilient Leadership" - June 23:
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Wiser on Wednesday, Resilient Leadership with Beth Flynn, will be held June 23 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. |
This past year has been very challenging. It has affected each of us differently, and some days you may have felt like you were on top of the world, and other days not so much. Luckily, people tend to adapt well to stressful situations and change, and that is due to resilience.
According to Forbes.com, “Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity. As much as resilience involves ‘bouncing back’ from these difficult experiences, it can also involve profound personal growth." The Center for Creative Leadership defines resilient leadership as “someone who demonstrates the ability to see failures as minor setbacks, with the tenacity to bounce back quickly."
Attending this workshop will allow you to gain tools to deal with our next normal. Registration is required. This session will be recorded.
Rev-Up Your Virtual Leadership! Series continues June 23:
The Extension Foundation’s Impact Collaborative program is hosting a leadership series available to member institutions. |
Last year we all pivoted quickly as we redefined how to accomplish our work almost exclusively in shared virtual spaces. The topics in this series are a result of our work with individuals and teams from across Cooperative Extension wondering:
- What does effective leadership look like when we no longer have the ability to put a hand on a shoulder?
- How do we reduce friction, confusion, and underperformance for individuals, teams, and organizations?
June 23: 2 to 3 p.m.
Rev-up the Communication!
It’s hard to imagine anyone leaving an organization because they were over-communicated to. In this session we’ll discuss how we never actually get clarity; we’re always seeking it.
September 22: 2 to 3 p.m.
Rev-up the Focus!
Deciding what not to do is just as important as deciding what to do. Being “busy” is the easy choice. Learn the secret to doing the right things!
December 15: 2 to 3 p.m.
Rev-up the Change!
We’re all experiencing change at a pace humans have never experienced before. This can lead to confusion when it seems like the “transition” phase never ends. Learn to help everyone navigate the chaos together!
Learn more and register here.
Farm Resilience Training Series begins June 28:
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The University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, the University of Maryland Extension, and the Extension Foundation invite Extension professionals to a unique action-oriented training entitled Engaging Strategically to Build Farm and Farm Family Resilience. |
This training series will help participants understand the theory-based risk and resilience concepts and explore the resources in two new e-publications: Building Farm and Farm Family Resilience in our Communities - A Guide for Extension Professionals to Engage Strategically and How to Conduct a Community Forum for Strategic Engagement.
The interactive workshop series will be held June 28, July 12, and July 26. Click here for complete information and to register.
Forecast for Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Erie 2021 - June 30:
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Stone Laboratory and Ohio Sea Grant at The Ohio State University will host a live web event for NOAA’s annual HABs Forecast for western Lake Erie on June 30 from 10 a.m. to noon. |
In addition to the official forecast, the event will feature spring nutrient loading and projections along with expert commentary and highlights of recent research efforts and successes. Click here for complete information and to register.
Creating an Environment for Co-op Growth: A Legislative and Policy Update Webinar - July 1:
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The past few years have seen a growth in cooperative development. |
Disappointment with traditional business models, search for innovation, support for local (development, control, ownership), financial and health crises – these are a few of the factors that have led to the creation of new cooperatives. In some states, these forces have also resulted in the adoption of different policies and even legislation to support cooperatives. Many of these cooperatives are multi-stakeholder, are worker-owned (but not always employee-owned), and accept investors (and some allow them to vote).
Join the Appalachia Cooperates Initiative (facilitated by the CFAES Center for Cooperatives at Ohio State) and Jacqueline Radebaugh (associate at Jason Wiener P.C.) on July 1 at 3 p.m. to discuss some of these innovations in cooperative development. Limited cooperative associations, aspects of worker-ownership relating to immigrant and employee status, and why Colorado is becoming the Delaware of Cooperative Law™ will be discussed.
There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Register here.
Update on Earth is Our Home Climate Change Series:
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Tom Blaine, Associate Professor, OSU Extension, CD, has been hosting a series on climate change titled Earth is Our Home, which is a production of OSU South Centers and co-hosted by Patrick Dengel. |
The purpose of this series is to give the viewer basic competence in discussing the factors that cause global temperatures to change, and how climate changes as a consequence. Please share this information with your clientele and peers via your networks and social media.
The entire series is based here, but you can view individual episodes as indicated below. Episodes are about 30 minutes in length.
Earth's Climate History:
- Part 1 deals with Earth's climate history and starts with climate as it was nearly 600 million years ago. Major temperature changes, warming, and cooling episodes through the Paleozoic Era (before dinosaurs), the Mesozoic Era (the time of dinosaurs), and the Cenozoic Era (since the dinosaurs) are discussed.
- Part 2 focuses on the series of ice ages earth has experienced over the past million years and what is responsible for the coming and going of the ice ages.
- Part 3 comes right up to the present, as global temperatures for April 2021 are reviewed and compared with previous temperatures, along with a thorough explanation of what is responsible for current trends. El Niño and La Niña, solar output, and carbon dioxide concentrations caused by the burning of fossil fuels are also discussed.
Earth's Climate Engine:
- Part 1 is a basic introduction to Earth's climate engine.
- Part 2 shows how land features, including the positions of the continents relative to seas and oceans, give rise to changes in the basic circulation model and make climate much more complicated than it would otherwise be.
- Part 3 contrasts the climate effects of the tropical Atlantic Ocean, which brings us hurricanes and tropical storms, with that of the tropical Pacific, which brings us El Niños and La Niñas.
Ohio State Launches Teaching and Learning Resource Center:
The content developed for the Ohio State Keep Teaching website has moved to a more prominent home within the Teaching and Learning Resource Center. The website is a central hub for evidence-based teaching strategies, Ohio State-specific documentation on the university’s eLearning toolset, and professional development opportunities for educators. Read more.
CFAES Will Transition to OneDrive Starting July 1 - Do Not Move Files Yourself:
OCIO recommends that you do not move files on your own. On the date of your migration, the OCIO will move files that you own from BuckeyeBox to OneDrive, leaving a read-only copy on Box and reducing the risk of data loss. Learn other ways you can prepare for your migration on the Administrative Resource Center.
Get ready for BuckeyeBox retirement by taking courses in Microsoft 365 applications. The goal is to move all academic units and students to OneDrive before beginning of fall semester and all users by the end of 2021. (NOTE: CFAES will be transitioned to OneDrive starting July 1.) OCIO has arranged training sessions led by Microsoft instructors to help you get up to speed. Read more.
CFAES Return to Offices and Campuses Webpage:
CFAES has several college transition teams actively synthesizing university guidance to localize for CFAES departments and Units. To help organize the information, they have created a website for CFAES Return to Offices and Campuses. The information will be updated as new guidance surfaces. Please visit and bookmark the website for information and further updates. Read more.
Indicators of Account Compromise - BuckeyePass (supported by Duo):
There have been some cases where people have fallen for phishing emails and revealed their password. Later they received a BuckeyePass push managed by Duo, canceled the request in Duo, but did not change their password. If Duo asks you for your account login and you did not initiate it, this is very bad, and you need to respond by following the steps below.
Change Password after Unsolicited Duo Prompt:
- Push cancel on the Duo prompt. Duo will record the cancel operation.
- Visit my.osu.edu and change your password immediately; if you have trouble with this, contact the IT Service Desk.
- OSU account owners should email security@osu.edu to share their observation of this occurrence.
Learn more about phishing here.
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
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CFAES Research News (June 2021)
Ohio Sea Grant eNewsletter (May 2021)
The Drop (NCRWN e-newsletter May 2021)
© 2021, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1010 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact extension-cd@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.