Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension Community Development
helps communities enhance their well-being
and create social, economic, and environmental conditions
in which they can thrive.
AD Update:
-David Civittolo, Interim Assistant Director
NACDEP Conference
I hope everyone had the opportunity to engage at the NACDEP Conference last week. The educational sessions and posters provided us the opportunity to learn about CD work from across the country. |
Mark your calendars now as the 2022 Conference is scheduled for June 5th-9th in Indianapolis.
Below is a list of posters that were presented by our colleagues:
- Gwynn Stewart and Nancy Bowen - Rural Economic Development Innovation (REDI) Planning Effort Supports 8-county Region in Southeast Ohio
- Meghan Thoreau - How the Pandemic is Forcing Women out of the Workforce and How Extension’s Workforce Development Programs Can Respond
A video presentation can be found here. - Brooke Beam and James Morris - Southern Ohio Farm Show: Extension Education Through Television and Digital Media
- Brian Raison - Our Future Online: Improving Practice for Engaging Audiences
- Kyle White - Sparking Entrepreneurship: What would you do with $100,000? Check out Small Business Innovation Research Grants through USDA
National Award Winners
Please congratulate Brian Raison and Joe Lucente for receiving national awards.
- Brian received the NACDEP Individual Excellence in Community Development Work for creating videos: "Moving Online: Helping Extension & CD Practitioners Engage Audiences."
- Joe received the ANREP (Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals) Gold Award for his work on the Web site: "Shipwrecks and Maritime Tales of the Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Trail."
I would like also to recognize Gwynn Stewart and Becky Nesbitt for all their work marketing the conference via social media.
Congratulations to Gwynn Stewart and Godwin Apaliyah for creating a Fact Sheet
The “Foreign Trade Zones: Helping Companies Compete Globally” fact sheet is now available here on Ohioline.
Extension Program Reporting Changes
(From Greg Davis)
As you know, if a portion or all of your position involves Extension-funded program responsibilities, you have a responsibility to document your efforts in Vita. Your reporting enables us to meet federal requirements (that accompany the federal Smith-Lever Capacity Funding for Extension), inform annual performance reporting and review processes, and tell meaningful stories about our work to help Ohioans thrive.
I am happy to inform you that we are trying to simplify that reporting task by reducing the number of measures to be documented. Please see the flyer that illustrates the fields for which data no longer need to be reported.
To address any questions you may have, Extension LOD will be available from noon to 1 p.m. beginning today through May 28 at this Zoom link. There is no need to register.
Director Wilkins' May Video Update
In case you missed it, the recording of the May 19 Director’s Video Update is available here with the integrated audio transcript. Click here for a PDF of the video slides.
Please note – the other Director’s Video Updates this year will be held on June 30, August 18, October 6, November 17, and December 15. All video updates will be held at 9 a.m. A registration link will be forwarded two to three weeks prior to each update, and the videos will be recorded for those who cannot join live.
CD Wire Summer Update
During the months of June, July, August, and September, the CD Wire will be published once a month on June 14, July 12, August 16, and September 13. As always, the state CD office will email you directly if we need to bring something to your attention between issues.
Have a great week and remember: “Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” -Zig Ziglar
Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Virtual Conference: June 1 - 3:
Southern University’s Cooperative Extension Program will be hosting the inaugural and interactive Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Virtual Conference June 1 - 3. |
Each day is designed to strengthen and build sustainable and resilient communities. The conference dates and targeted audiences are:
- June 1 (11 a.m. - 3 p.m.) covers Emergency Preparedness for communities, entrepreneurs, and Extension professionals
- June 2 (11 a.m. - 3 p.m.) covers Emergency Response for community responders and Extension professionals
- June 3 covers Emergency Recovery for farmers (rural, urban, low-resource, and peri-urban) and Extension professionals
Conference sessions will cover topics from Emergency Preparedness for Businesses, an interactive activity on emergency evacuation, resources for farmers, and so much more. You can register for 1 to 3 days.
Complete conference information, including registration and the agenda can be found here.
EPN Webinar - Hear us ROAR: Bioregional restoration of central Ohio’s ecological systems - June 4:
The next EPN webinar will be held on Friday, June 4, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. |
This virtual program addresses ecosystem restoration through bioregional collaborations with a specific focus on higher education institutions. Featured speaker is Dr. Daniel Wahl, former director of Findhorn College and author of the acclaimed book Designing Regenerative Cultures, which has been called by David Orr as “the doorway to a possible, indeed, a necessary future.” In it, Dr. Wahl promotes the concept of bioregionalism to honor and restore earth systems overridden by years of extractive practices. In so doing, he offers a pathway to reimagine our economic, agricultural, and social constructs. As we begin to explore “the next world” after COVID, Wahl shows us ways to move forward toward what he calls “transformative innovation, biologically-inspired design, health and resilience, and living systems thinking.”
Click here to register and for complete information, including the agenda.
Adult Mental Health First Aid Training - June 4:
There are still some spots left for the upcoming Adult Mental Health First Aid Training. This will be a blended course: two hours self-paced online and 4.5 hours in person via Zoom on June 4 from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
We have learned now more than ever the importance of spotting the warning signs and symptoms of potential mental illness and suicidal thoughts in our peers throughout the community. This program is designed to be another tool in your toolbox to be a support to you and the community.
This course is valued at $170 but is FREE thanks to funding from a USDA FRSAN grant. If you would like to register or need more information, please contact Bridget Britton (britton.191@osu.edu or 330-365-8160).
Advanced Climate Change Virtual Conference - June 8-10:
The North Central Climate Collaborative is hosting a free advanced climate change virtual conference June 8-10 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. each day. |
The conference will feature sessions on climate modeling, climate and its impact on communities, and the intersection of climate, agriculture, and water.
Tuesday, June 8:
Presentations on the 2020 New Climate “Normals”, Climate Modeling and the Climate Projection Center Outlooks
Wednesday, June 9:
Keynote presentation from Dr. Marshall Shepherd on Climate Justice and presentations on Community Climate Planning
Thursday, June 10:
Presentations on Climate Indicators for Agriculture, Climate Adaptation through Conservation, and Climate’s impact on Habitat, Wildlife and Fisheries
This event is free, but registration is required. Click here for complete information and the registration link. Upon registration you will receive a Zoom link for all three days. Attend each day or pick the topics that interest you.
How to Get the Most Out of the Community Development Extension Library - June 15:
NCRCRD Webinar: How to Get the Most Out of the Community Development Extension Library June 15 - 2 to 3 p.m. |
Join the NCRCRD, Purdue Extension, and University of Illinois Extension on June 15 from 2 to 3 p.m. as they release the new Community Development Extension Library website. Participants will be introduced to the site and will learn how to navigate as well as how to submit a resource. There will also be a Q&A session. Register here.
Earth is Our Home Climate Change Series - Recordings Available:
Tom Blaine, Associate Professor, OSU Extension, CD, has been hosting a series on climate change titled Earth is Our Home, sponsored by OSU South Centers. The purpose of this series is to give the viewer basic competence in discussing the factors that cause global temperatures to change, and how climate changes as a consequence.
Recordings of the first three episodes are now available. Each program lasts approximately 30-minutes.
- Part 1 starts with climate as it was nearly 600 million years ago. Major temperature changes, warming, and cooling episodes through the Paleozoic Era (before dinosaurs), the Mesozoic Era (the time of dinosaurs) and the Cenozoic (since the dinosaurs) are discussed.
- Part 2 focuses on the series of ice ages earth has experienced over the past million years and what is responsible for the coming and going of the ice ages.
- Part 3 comes right up to the present, as global temperatures for April 2021 are reviewed and compared with previous temperatures, along with a thorough explanation of what is responsible for current trends. El Niño and La Niña, solar output, and carbon dioxide concentrations caused by the burning of fossil fuels are also discussed.
Part 4 will be recorded this week. Tom will send out the link when it is available.
Virtual Ohio Rural Health Conference (August 11-13)
Submit Proposals by May 31 / Posters by July 1:
The 2021 Ohio Rural Health Conference will be held virtually August 11-13, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily. Registration opens June 1. |
You play a critical role in ensuring rural healthcare thrives, now and into the future. Connect with healthcare practitioners, administrators, and advocates for rural health across Ohio on today’s most pressing matters, from COVID-19 to mental health in agricultural communities and beyond.
Submit a Proposal:
The conference welcomes proposals to present virtually on topics relevant to the subject of rural health in Ohio. Please submit by May 31.
Submit a Poster:
Share your research about rural health in Ohio. Participate in the conference's peer-reviewed poster session. Submissions are due July 1.
For complete information, including registration and proposal submission, click here. Registration costs $25. The conference is free to members.
Vacation Maximum Carryover Extended due to COVID-19 Restrictions:
The following information regarding the vacation maximum carryover extension due to COVID-19 restrictions can be found on the Ohio State HR website. |
Question: Paid Leave Policy 6.27 states that vacation leave accrued in excess of the maximum carryover will be eliminated at the end of the pay period in which an employee’s anniversary date/benefits service date occurs each year. Will I lose accrued vacation hours accumulated over the maximum if COVID-19 restrictions limit my ability to take vacation before my anniversary date? (Last updated 12/22/2020)
Answer: A vacation exception to allow use of accrued vacation over the established maximum carryover amounts as stated in Paid Leave Policy 6.27 has been extended to include every employee whose service anniversary date is between March 22, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This extension provides employees flexibility to use accrued vacation over the maximum until their anniversary date occurring July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022.
Mediasite Desktop Software Update:
Mediasite is a lecture capture tool used to record class sessions and upload and store recordings. |
If you are currently using the Desktop Recorder on your computer to capture lectures, you should update to Mediasite Mosaic at your earliest convenience. The Desktop Recorder app is being retired in favor of Mediasite Mosaic. You can find download instructions in the Teaching and Learning Resource Center. Read more.
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
CFAES Research News (May 2021)
‘Opioid treatment deserts’ abound, study finds (Ohio State News)
© 2021, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1010 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact extension-cd@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.