Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension Community Development
helps communities enhance their well-being
and create social, economic, and environmental conditions
in which they can thrive.
AD Update:
-David Civittolo, Interim Assistant Director
2020 CD Infographic
Thanks to everyone that shared their 2020 programming information to the State CD office. Even though 2020 posed numerous challenges to conduct programming, CD continued to meet the needs of the citizens of Ohio and beyond. In fact, CD professionals conducted over 760 educational events while reaching almost 74,000 program participants. Our community partnerships have grown to almost 200; we added six fact sheets, numerous bulletins and technical reports, and two new book chapters.
While 2020 was extremely productive, I am excited to see what we can do in 2021. If you are interested in viewing the infographic, it can be found here.
CD In-service April 15 from 9:30 - noon
Please continue to hold April 15 for our virtual spring CD in-service via Zoom. If you have a topic that you would like to include on the agenda, please send Sandy or me an email. The agenda will be shared about a week before the meeting.
Ohio Township Association (OTA) Presentations
Late last month, the OTA reached out and asked us to again present at their leadership academy. I want to thank Joe Lucente, Gwynn Stewart, Nancy Bowen, and Kyle White for conducting three sessions. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and we continue to provide high quality material for their membership.
NACDEP 2021 Virtual Conference Registration Now Open!
Don’t miss the NACDEP Virtual Conference, May 17-19! |
If you are a new NACDEP member—or want to meet some new NACDEP members—please attend the New Member Orientation on Friday, May 14, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
This year’s conference will offer:
- a well-paced schedule
- inspiring keynote and capnote presentations
- engaging plenaries and concurrent sessions
- optional hangouts between sessions
- meaningful connections and conversations
The member registration fee is $105 (or renew your membership along with your conference registration for $195). Click here to get started.
Director's Video Update - April 14
The next Director’s Video Update will be held on Wednesday, April 14, at 9 a.m. Anticipated topics will include Extension strategic action update, return-to-offices transition updates, vaccine education initiative update, LifeWorks report and action steps, DEI report and action steps, budget updates, and celebrating.
Registration is required by April 12, if possible. Register in advance here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with log-in information about joining the webinar. The update will be recorded for those who cannot join the live presentation.
Other Director’s Video Updates this year will be held on May 19, June 30, August 18, October 6, November 17, and December 15. All video updates will be held at 9 a.m. A registration link will be forwarded two to three weeks prior to each update.
If you have a disability and have questions about accessibility or wish to request accommodations for this activity, you can request assistance here.
Extension Annual Conference
Mark your calendars to spend time attending the virtual Extension Annual Conference on December 7, 8, and 9 this year. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Have a great week and remember: “Some see it as working from home; however, it’s become more about living where you work.” Theresa Glomb
Celebrating Engaged Scholarship - April 13:
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Join the Office of Outreach and Engagement on April 13 at 11 a.m. for a dialogue with engaged scholars and recognition of the 2021 University Outreach and Engagement award recipients. |
The engaged scholars dialogue will feature Ramona Denby-Brinson, Darryl Hood, and Elisabeth Root. Click here to learn more and to register for the event.
ACEL to Extension - Final Spring Sessions:
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Please join the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership for their series ACEL to Extension. |
This series is offered directly for Extension personnel by ACEL faculty. For more information, visit go.osu.edu/ACELtoExtension. Below is the list of remaining topics for Spring 2021, with direct links to registration. You must register for each session individually. Each session will start at 9 a.m. and last approximately 60 minutes.
- April 15 - Lights, Camera, Action! - Emily Buck
- April 22 - Effective Questioning Strategies - Shannon Washburn
- May 6 - Early or mid-career? Tips for retiring the way YOU want - Brian Raison
Corporate Research Engagement 101: The Basics - April 20:
This webinar will benefit Ohio State affiliates who participate or will participate in corporate research engagement. Attendees will learn what industry partners value from their relationship with academia and how academia benefits from engaging in collaborative industry-sponsored research.
Other topics include how to use existing industry/university relationships to identify company contacts; how to gather intelligence on past and current Ohio State industry partnerships; the industry-sponsored research process; advice on proposal development; research agreement terms and the responsibilities of the Principal Investigator and the Sponsored Programs Officer. The webinar will conclude with an introduction to the university’s research support ecosystem and The Ohio State Universities Libraries’ resources available on this topic. Click here to learn more and to register.
Managing Sponsored Programs Awards - April 27:
Learn effective project management by understanding the electronic tools available and regular monitoring activities. This webinar, offered by the CFAES Office of Research and Graduate Education, will be held April 27, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Click here to register by April 13.
Programs, Partnerships, and Pathways: Opportunities for the North Central Region - April 27:
Join the NCRCRD for Programs, Partnerships, and Pathways: Opportunities for the North Central Region on April 27 from 2 to 3 p.m. |
The NCRCRD is introducing new funding and partnership opportunities for Land Grant Institutions in the North Central Region that will foster resilient rural communities through cutting-edge research and Extension programs.
Registration is now open through April 27 before the start of the webinar. You must register in advance here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
This webinar is presented by the North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. Click here for details and to sign up to receive the NCRCRD Newsletter.
Online, Instructor-led OneDrive and Teams Training:
Prepare to transition from BuckeyeBox to OneDrive by joining an online, instructor-led class about OneDrive or Teams in April. Classes are free and will continue to be offered throughout the calendar year. Recordings of past sessions also are available online. Read more.
RFA: New Technologies for Ag Extension Year 3 Project Acceleration Webinar - April 6:
The Extension Foundation will hold a Project Acceleration Webinar on April 6 from 2 to 3 p.m. to discuss how teams can apply to be selected projects in Year 3 of the USDA-NIFA New Technologies for Ag Extension (NTAE) award. |
NTAE teams and their projects are selected to align with the USDA & ECOP Strategic Plans and are early stage and have high potential for impact. All Land Grant Universities can apply regardless of membership in the Extension Foundation. For one year, selected projects receive:
- support from a catalyst team to advise and mentor projects
- support from Key Informants who will work with the team to increase skills and capacities in leadership, partnership, marketing and communications, publishing and digital engagement, evaluation, professional development, and project management
Current and past NTAE projects are on the Extension Foundation website at extension.org/ntae. The webinar will feature Catalysts who serve as mentors, a couple of NTAE projects, and share how to get into the application process to be a Year 3 NTAE Project. Register here.
Engagement Impact Grant Applications due April 15:
The Office of Outreach and Engagement is seeking applications from faculty and/or faculty-led teams for the 2021 Engagement Impact Grants. Grants will be awarded at a maximum amount of $10,000 to support the development of impact reports for programs, performances or exhibits; development of a public policy document or report; or support for teams to develop a grant proposal or finalize a manuscript for publication submission. Apply by April 15. Read more.
President's Research Excellence Program Now Accepting Proposals:
The President’s Research Excellence (PRE) program is officially accepting proposals designed to seed support for cross disciplinary and interdisciplinary research that will attract external funding.
PRE is specifically looking to fund two distinct proposal types:
- Accelerator proposals for small teams formed to pursue curiosity-driven, novel, high-risk and high-reward research. The grants may be up to $50,000. Proposal deadline: April 19.
- Catalyst proposals for interdisciplinary teams to pursue large-scale, high-impact research that addresses emerging or existing challenges of national and international societal importance while generating long-term, sustained, impact, which positions Ohio State as THE leader in this area. These grants may be up to $200,000. Concept papers due June 18.
Visit the President's Research Excellence program webpage to learn more about each proposal type, view deadlines, and submit a proposal.
Ohio CDC Association - Call for Speakers, Training Sessions, & Technical Assistance Providers due April 29:
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Ohio CDC Association (OCDCA) is currently seeking engaging presenters on a variety of topics for their year-round training calendar and upcoming annual conference, scheduled for October 6-8. |
If in person, the conference will be held in Youngstown. OCDCA is also seeking qualified providers of technical assistance on a variety of topics.
Interested training presenters should submit a proposal (here) including name, affiliation, contact information, background and qualifications, and a brief description of the proposed session.
Interested technical assistance providers should submit a proposal (here) including name, resume with two references, and a listing of TA subjects.
Training topics of interest include* (but are not limited to):
*Sessions that include a racial equity and inclusion lens are strongly encouraged.
- Topic 1: Social determinants of health
- Topic 2: Racial justice
- Topic 3: Pandemic recovery
- Topic 4: Models and resources for middle neighborhoods and smaller legacy cities
- Topic 5: Affordable Housing, including development, preservation, rehab, green development, and home repair
- Topic 6: Financial Empowerment, including consumer protections and financial education train the trainers
- Topic 7: Small business and workforce development
- Topic 8: Community Economic Development, including real estate, vacant properties, and tax credits
- Topic 9: Proactive preventative actions to gentrification
- Topic 10: Community Engagement
- Topic 11: Partnerships and collaborations
- Topic 12: Organizational operations, including CDC resilience and longevity, project and grant planning, financials, leadership, and affirmative marketing/outreach
- Topic 13: Food Access
- Topic 14: Opportunity Zones
- Topic 15: Broadband and Wi-Fi access
- Topic 16: Transportation
Creative and engaging topics that do not fall under the listed categories may also be accepted.
Learn more about OCDCA's training and technical assistance or the annual conference.
Proposals are due by 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 29. If you have questions, contact Lisa Much (lmuch@ohiocdc.org or 614-461-6392 ext. 211).
Webinar Presentation of CFAES Draft Master Plan and Virtual Forums:
You are invited to attend a webinar presentation on the CFAES Master Plan and two virtual forum discussions about CFAES facilities, with a specific focus on the future of our Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory and the CFAES Wooster Campus.
The CFAES Master Plan establishes a collegewide vision that aligns the college’s three campuses, Columbus, CFAES Wooster, and Statewide, with our mission and priorities. It maps out facilities investments that are immediate as well as future priorities. See CFAES Master Plan background information.
Below are several opportunities to learn more and provide feedback. You may participate in as many as you choose.
- Webinar Presentation of the Draft CFAES Master Plan:
Wednesday, April 21 from 10 – 11 a.m.- During this session, the Design Team will present an overview of the recommendations for all CFAES campuses. It will be recorded and posted online afterwards.
- Comment Portal:
- Following the webinar, a link will be posted where comments can be submitted online. The portal will be open from April 21 through May 5.
- Waterman Virtual Discussion Forum:
Tuesday, April 27 from 10 – 11 a.m.- This session will include a more in-depth presentation about the future of Waterman facilities and a facilitated, interactive discussion.
- CFAES Wooster Virtual Discussion Forum:
Wednesday, April 28 from 10 – 11 a.m.- This session will include a more in-depth presentation about the future of the CFAES Wooster campus and a facilitated, interactive discussion.
Use the following link to register: RSVP for Webinar Presentation and Virtual Forums. Zoom links will be provided after registration.
Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory Spring Program - April 30:
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The 2021 Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory Spring Program will be held virtually on Friday April 30 from 3 to 5 p.m. |
The event is free, but registration is required to receive login information.
Director Chris Winslow will provide program updates. Attendees will also hear from a student in Stone Lab’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Scholarship Program, as well as from a Friends of Stone Lab (FOSL) donor. Register here.
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
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Ohio State ATI to pilot mikeroweWORKS Work Ethic Certification (CFAES News)
Hoping to start a meat-processing plant? Here’s some help (CFAES News)
CFAES Research News (April 2021)
Ohio Sea Grant eNewsletter (March 2021)
CFAES DEI Newsletter (April 2021)
Ohio CDC Association Newsletter (March 2021)
The Drop (NCRWN e-newsletter March 2021)
© 2021, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1010 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact extension-cd@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.