Mission Statement:Ohio State University Extension
Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
AD Update:
-David Civittolo, Interim Assistant Director
Happy New Year
I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season. As we turn the calendar, I encourage you to take time to reflect on 2020 (the good, the bad and the ugly), and consider 2021. When I was searching for a quote (see below), I came across this one and it made me reflect as well as to consider. To reflect on 2020 and how that experience impacted me and to consider how I want to approach (attack?) 2021.
Recently two Community Development Extension educators had their fact sheets published to Ohioline.
- Gwynn Stewart’s fact sheet titled: The Role of the Land-Grant University Cooperative Extension in Addressing Community Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Programs (CD-1577), can be found here.
- Godwin Apaliyah’s fact sheet titled: The Value of Community Strategic Plans in Corporate Location Decision-Making (CDFS-1578), can be found here.
Annual Conference Recap
I want to congratulate everyone that was recognized at Annual Conference. Community Development, as usual, was well represented. |
You can find all the award winners here.
JCEP/ESP Awards:
Creative Works Awards:
- Feature Photo: Amanda Osborne & Courtney Woelfl - 2nd Place / Brooke Beam - HM
- Periodical Publication: Tory Gabriel, Matthew Smith, Eugene Braig, Christina Dierkes - 1st Place / Brian Raison - 3rd Place
- Promotional Package (Individual): Gwynn Stewart - 2nd Place
- Promotional Package (Team): Rachel Leggett, Cheryl Buck, John Rice, Rob Leeds, Jacci Smith, Kenzie Johnston, Eric Barrett - HM
- Website: Joe Lucente - 1st Place
Team Teaching Awards:
- Extension and Non-Extension Collaborators: Farm Bill Education - Mary Griffith, Ben Brown, Chris Zoller, Chris Bruynis, Ann Chanon, Sam Custer, Amanda Douridas, Mike Estadt, Mike Gastier, Christine Gelley, Jason Hartschuh, Andrew Holden, Rob Leeds, Rory Lewandowski, Dan Lima, David Marrison, Greg Meyer, James Morris, Sarah Noggle, Larry Nye , Eric Richer, Dianne Shoemaker, Hallie Williams - 1st Place / Ag Day – Ashley Kulhanek, Erin Ruggiero, Lydia Flores, Peggy Garnes, Linda Schneider, Jennifer Fike, Shelley Tender, Tim Simon, Tyler Arters, Christy Becker, Vicky Chung, Sarah Arend, Kara Wolf, Lowell Wolf, Cheryl Kukwa, Kate Sherman, Amanda Haney, Bob Parks, Jan Valach, Lindsay Shoup, Lily Taucsh, Kim Rutherfurd, Kyle White - 2nd Place
- Multi-Disciplinary - All Extension Members: WIC Perks - Amanda Osborne & Courtney Woelfl - 1st Place
ESP Years of Service Recognition Awards:
CD Program Area Winners:
- Early Career Service (less than 10 years): Godwin Apaliyah
- Midcareer Service (10-20 years): Tory Gabriel
- Distinguished Service (20 years or more): David Civittolo
Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award:
Joe Lucente
Meet Richard Purdin, CD/ANR Educator, Adams County
Richard joined Extension in August 2020. He has ‘hit the ground running’ working closely with Brooke Beam and James Morris. Thus far, his CD work in Adams County has been reaching out to local businesses that may have little knowledge of CD and connecting them to our wide array of resources.
As one of our newest members of Community Development, I want to encourage you to reach out to Richard if you have statewide projects in which he could possibly participate.
Have a great week and remember: “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” -Edith Lovejoy Pierce
CD Professional FEATURE:
Getting to know Richard Purdin,
educator, ANR/CD
OSU Extension-Adams County
Located at:OSU Extension - Adams County Program focus:
About Richard:I was born and raised in Adams County Ohio and currently reside in the west central region of the county where I farm with family. I raise beef cattle, hogs, sheep, corn, soybeans, and hay. In August of 2020 I was blessed to be hired by Ohio State University Extension as the agriculture and natural resources and community development educator for Adams County. My prior occupation was with the Adams County Soil and Water Conservation District where I provided local producers with technical support and in field assistance with implementing conservation practices. In my six years with the SWCD I created many relationships with not only local farmers but other government agency personnel, community leaders, and local business owners. Richard's Work:The start of my new career with OSU Extension has been unusual to say the least, due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Even in these strange times I have made great strides in connecting with local leaders and organizations in my community. My work in the community so far has been reaching out to all the leaders and business personnel that may have little knowledge of Extension and connecting them to our wide array of resources. Recently I joined my local health and wellness coalition group. My goal is to help them better understand how local food production can stimulate not only the economy but the overall health of the community. Adams County is currently in the process of building a career building center, and I have been asked to be a presenter at future sessions. I recently participated in the Trauma Informed Care Training and hope to utilize the knowledge I gained in the course to the public and the ag community. My overall goal is to serve as a trusted, reliable, willing partner to make lives better for the current and future residents of Adams County. |
You can reach Richard at purdin.19@osu.edu or 937-544-2339. |
Our next feature will spotlight Tameka Coleman,
intern, CD,
OSU Extension-Cuyahoga County.
Plastics Expansion Update with Rumpke Waste & Recycling - January 11:
Soon residents and businesses in central Ohio will be able to recycle even more types of plastics in Rumpke’s recycling program. |
Join the SWACO team and Rumpke Waste & Recycling to learn about these new changes and how you can continue to recycle right and make a difference. By recycling plastics the right way, we can significantly reduce the amount of plastic material that ends up in the landfill and increase the amount that is recovered and used to manufacture new products.
This free webinar will be held twice on Monday, January 11, from noon to 1 p.m. and from 6 to 7 p.m. Register here for the noon to 1 p.m. session, and here for the 6 to 7 p.m. session.
Beginner's Guide to Grant Writing - Information Session January 15:
An information session regarding the Beginner's Guide to Grant Writing program will be held on January 15 at 10 a.m. via Zoom. |
RSVP by January 12 to Gwynn Stewart at 740-305-3177 or stewart.1818@osu.edu. This session is for OSU Extension professionals who are:
- thinking about writing a grant
- interested in joining the February 19 and March 19 no-coat Purdue Extension "Pilot" Beginner's Guide to Grant Writing sessions
- want to learn more about a 2021 Train the Trainer session
Refer to the flyer for complete information.
Strengthening Legacy Cities - January 22:
Legacy cities such as Cleveland, Youngstown and Akron, (Ohio), Buffalo (New York), Leipzig (Germany) and Manchester (UK) face major challenges in the 21st century economy, including loss of economic base, aging infrastructure, social polarization, and continued sprawl despite population stabilization. |
Ohio’s legacy cities have many highly sought features such as dense, walkable centers, abundant and affordable housing and infrastructure, and more. Join the Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA) for this virtual event on January 22 at noon. Read more.
ACEL to Extension - Next Session January 28:
Please join the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership for their series ACEL to Extension. |
This series is offered directly for Extension personnel by ACEL faculty. For more information, visit go.osu.edu/ACELtoExtension. Below is the list of remaining topics, with direct links to registration. You must register for each session individually. Each session will start at 9 a.m. and last approximately 60 minutes.
- January 28 - Youth Motivation - Amanda Bowling
- February 4 - Effective Learner Engagement - Shannon Washburn
- February 18 - Teaching for Transfer of Learning - Shannon Washburn
- March 11 - Whole farm planning for the 21st Century: Integrating health care, health insurance and childcare - Joy Rumble and Shoshanah Inwood
- April 15 - Lights, Camera, Action! - Emily Buck
- April 22 - Effective Questioning Strategies - Shannon Washburn
- May 6 - Early or mid-career? Tips for retiring the way YOU want - Brian Raison
CFAES offers Sessions of Interest to the Research Community:
The CFAES Office for Research & Graduate Education offers sessions throughout the year and compiles other opportunities, offered through various internal and external sources, that may be of interest to the research community. View a full list of events here. |
- February 10 from 1 to 3 p.m. - Appointing People on Sponsored Programs (Deadline to register is January 27.)
Types of faculty appointments; time and effort reporting, key personnel, GRAs, post docs, others (making appointments and monitoring those appointments), off-duty compensation, release time appointments, supplemental compensation.
Trauma-Informed Approach Trainings for 2021:
The Trauma-Informed Approaches Team invites you to participate in one of their trainings in 2021. |
One training per quarter will be held specifically for Extension colleagues to help our organization be more trauma informed, especially in this time of pandemic. All training will take place on Zoom from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Becoming “trauma-informed” means recognizing that people often have many different types of trauma that impact their daily lives. People who have been traumatized need support and understanding from those around them. The Ohio Trauma-Informed Care Approach project seeks to educate our organization about the impact of trauma on clients, co-workers, friends, family, and even ourselves. Understanding the impact of trauma is an important step in being able to best serve our communities and provide high quality learning experiences.
Choose from the following training dates:
- February 22
- May 18
- September 15
- October 14
Register here. Contact Amanda Raines (raines.74@osu.edu) for more information.
NACDEP Conference 2021 to go Virtual:
A determination has been made that the 2021 NACDEP Conference will be virtual. Dates remain the same: May 15-19. More information is available on the website.
Coronavirus Travel Guidelines extended to June 30, 2021:
The university has extended travel restrictions on domestic and international travel through June 30. Read more.
Extension of Vacation Accrual Exception:
Many faculty and staff have not been able to use vacation time in 2020 and risk losing vacation accrued that exceeds the maximum carryover. In appreciation for all that our employees have done, the decision was made to extend the exception to the maximum carryover to the end of the current fiscal year, June 30, 2021.
A vacation exception to allow use of accrued vacation over the established maximum carryover amounts as stated in Paid Leave Policy 6.27 has been extended to include every employee whose service anniversary date is between March 22, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This extension provides employees flexibility to use accrued vacation over the maximum until their anniversary date occurring July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022.
See additional details on the Human Resources website.
Ohio NACDEP Award Applications due January 22:
The 2021 Awards Descriptions & Application Link document is on the NACDEP awards site. |
Complete your application (in the link above), but do not submit directly to NACDEP! Please complete your packets for Ohio consideration and email to Gwynn Stewart at stewart.1818@osu.edu by no later than 5 p.m. on January 22.
The Ohio Awards team will review the files looking for duplicates or other opportunities and will communicate with the applicants directly. Hopefully, the Ohio Awards will be announced at the January 28 Ohio CD Monthly Zooms. You will then have time to submit to NACDEP by 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, February 26.
Awards include:
- NACDEP Excellence in Community Development Work: Individual or Team
- NACDEP Cross-Program Award: Individual or Team
- NACDEP Educational Materials Awards: Individual or Team
- NACDEP Educational Technology Awards: Individual or Team
- NACDEP Innovation and Creativity Awards: Individual and Team
- NACDEP Diversity Awards: Individual and Team
- NACDEP Excellence in Teamwork Award: Team Only
- *NACDEP Distinguished National Service Award: Individual
- *NACDEP Distinguished Career Award: Individual
- *NACDEP Award for Creative Excellence Sponsored by JCEP: Individual or Team
*Self-nominations not accepted.
Frontiers Special Issue - Call for Articles due January 22:
Here is a publication opportunity from Frontiers. This is a call for articles for a special issue in Frontiers relating to the research topic of sustainable urbanization through urban rural co-development. Abstracts are due January 22; manuscripts are due April 28.
There are three themes they would like contributors to address:
- Regional and territorial planning for an integrated urban and rural development, with a particular focus on spatial planning that uses an ecological and landscape approach to shape urban-rural continuum while reducing the environmental impact on rural-urban convergences.
- Enhancing legislation, governance, and capacity via partnerships between urban and rural areas, including government collaboration and public-private partnership in regional planning to support flows of people, goods, and resources among big central cities, towns, and rural settlements for rural-urban co-benefits.
- Inclusive investment and finance in both urban and rural areas, especially equity-driven policies and investment strategies in areas such as housing and infrastructure aimed at reducing urban-rural disparities and supporting urban-rural co-development in economic, social, and cultural spheres.
The types of manuscripts can include: original research, community case study, policy brief, and conceptual analysis.
2021 National ESP Conference - Call for Proposals due March 8:
The 2021 National ESP Conference will be held October 25-28 in Savannah, GA. |
The conference theme is A Sea of Opportunity Anchored in Extension. Presentation proposals are due March 8 for the following:
- Concurrent Session Seminars
- Ignite Presentations
- Research Presentations
- Poster Presentations
Funding Opportunities: CARES Act, Creative Placemaking Resources and More:
Thank you to Susan Colbert for sharing the Ohio CDC Association's list of several funding opportunities. |
Funding categories include:
- CARES Act Funding for Ohio
- Affordable Housing
- Financial Empowerment
- Community Economic Development
- Community Engagement
- Food Access
Director's Video Update Recording:
Click here to listen to the recording of Jackie Wilkins' Director’s Update Video from December 17. Also, the Extension photo montage that was shown at the end of the update can be viewed here.
Extension Annual Conference Recordings and Photo Montage:
Recordings of the 2020 Extension Annual Conference breakout sessions are available to view on the Learning and Organizational Development (LOD) unit's YouTube Channel. |
They are all in an "unlisted" playlist, so you must use each specific link to view.
The following sessions were not recorded to ensure a safe/brave space was provided in session:
- Developing White Body Stamina to Address Anti-Black Racism
- Gender Demystified: Creating Inclusive Environments for People of All Genders
- Putting the "E"xcellence back in TEAM: Understanding Your Office Dynamics
The Keynote and Capnote are also available. To keep in line with our agreements, the presentations will only be available until March 1.
Upcoming Changes to Paychecks:
Effective January 2021, employees will notice differences in payroll practices that will result in changes to their pay slips, both visually and potentially to their pay. Read more to learn about the way your pay is calculated in Workday and how your pay slip may look different. Review the Manage Your Pay Options job aid here to learn how to view your pay slip in Workday. Read more.
2021 CFAES Awards and State of the College Virtual Address - January 22:
The 2021 CFAES State of the College virtual address and CFAES Awards virtual celebration will take place on Friday, January 22. |
From 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Vice President and Dean Cathann A. Kress will speak on our accomplishments and what we are looking forward to in the future. The CFAES Awards virtual celebration honoring faculty, staff, and students will take place from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Register here.
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
CFAES Wooster new umbrella term for Ohio State location (CFAES News)
Ohio Sea Grant eNewsletter (December 2020)
The Drop (NCRWN December 2020)
© 2021, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1010 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact extension-cd@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.