CD Wire - December 14, 2020

Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension
Community Development
helps communities enhance
their well-being.

AD Update:

-David Civittolo, Interim Assistant Director

2020 Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award Winner

Joseph E. Lucente Please join me again in congratulating Joe Lucente, associate professor and Extension educator in community development with the Ohio Sea Grant College Program, as the winner of the 2020 Raymond A Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award.

In his almost 20 years with Extension, he has reached thousands of Ohioans and individuals nationally conducting programming in leadership development and capacity building, and business retention and expansion programs. Joe has co-authored numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and over 17 peer-reviewed bulletins, technical reports, and fact sheets. He has also been the recipient of almost 30 formal recognition awards, and most recently his “Lake Erie Shipwreck Research Project” earned the 2020 NACDEP honors in Educational Technology.

He has been PI or Co-PI on over 25 grants and awards totaling over $1.1 million dollars to support economic development and leadership and capacity development research and outreach since 2001.

He has been an active participant in a wide variety of service positions ranging from local chamber of commerce committees, to president of Ohio’s ESP, to being an appointed member of several national committees.

Read the award bio here. Congratulations Joe!!

Congratulations Kenzie!!

Kenzie Johnston Delaware County Community Development Extension educator Kenzie Johnston graduated yesterday with her Master of Science degree.

On behalf of Community Development, I want to congratulate Kenzie and look forward to her program offerings at the county and state level.

Thank You

Gage Smith As we discussed in a previous CD Wire, Gage Smith, CD State program assistant, has resigned effective tomorrow. 

I want to thank Gage for all his contributions to Community Development. He has been extremely valuable to me and I know you are feeling that way as well.

I wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

NACDEP Conference Proposals and Award Applications

See articles below under Scholarly / Creative / Opportunities for information regarding NACDEP 2021 Conference proposals (due January 11) as well as the 2020 award applications.

Meet Stacie Burbage, Program Coordinator, Community Catalyst, Franklin County

Stacie is known as the person that can do it all in her office. She is not afraid to take on new tasks and to connect with individuals and groups that allows them to learn more about Extension programming.

A partnership with which she is proud to be connected is her work with Central State University Extension and Ohio State's College of Public Health on PROSPER: PROmoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience.

Please reach out to Stacie is you are interested in learning more about her work.

Have a greet week and remember: "Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same."
-Francesca Reigler


CD Professional FEATURE:

Getting to know Stacie Burbage,
program coordinator, community catalyst,
OSU Extension-Franklin County

Stacie Burbage
Located at:

OSU Extension - Franklin County
Kunz-Brundige Franklin County Extension Building
2548 Carmack Road
Columbus, Ohio 43210

Program focus:
  • Home buyer education
  • Substance misuse prevention
About Stacie and her work:

I have worked for Ohio State since 2000 holding roles in early childhood education and college access and now in Extension. My first position with Extension began in 2015 as a program coordinator for SNAP-Ed in Franklin County. I will forever be grateful for the excellent onboarding and connection to statewide team members that I received while a member of the SNAP-Ed network. In 2017, an opportunity to work with Community Development became available in my county. Transition to work with CD as a community catalyst was very attractive to me, as I am passionate about connecting with individuals and groups to make them aware of all of the resources available through Extension.

Currently, much of my time is focused on managing registration, scheduling, and counseling for home buyer education programs. During our time of telework I’ve been the “producer” of our sessions on Zoom. I also assist with grant proposals and attend community meetings to promote Extension programs and identify potential partners. A partnership that I am proud to be connected with is our work with Central State University Extension and Ohio State’s College of Public Health on PROSPER: PROmoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience. Extension is a great fit for supporting efforts to prevent substance misuse among youth in collaboration with communities, schools, and families.

While away from work, I enjoy connecting with those I hold most dear. We like good food, playing games, grooving to good music and just being together.

If I may support efforts to reach more youth in the areas of community service, workforce development, or health/wellness, please connect with me.

You can reach Stacie at or 614-292-6279.
Our next feature will spotlight Richard Purdin,
educator, ANR/CD,
OSU Extension-Adams County.



A&P Educator Promotion Workshop - December 16:

An A&P educator promotion workshop is scheduled December 16 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. (via Zoom). It will focus on recent changes to the process and address questions you may have.

To help organizers better meet audience needs, please RSVP to Terri Fisher (fisher.456) for workshop connection info. If you are unable to attend, the session recording will be shared.

Vita Update and Office Hours:

Please refer to Debby Lewis' email of December 4 regarding everything Vita for your 2020 reporting. You can find helpful documents, training recordings, reminders, and a listing of Vita office hours. If you have programming responsibilities, the due date for completion is January 15.

Extension Annual Conference Recordings:

2020 Extension Annual Conference Recordings of the 2020 Extension Annual Conference breakout sessions are available to view on the Learning and Organizational Development (LOD) unit's YouTube Channel.

They are all in an "unlisted" playlist, so you must use each specific link to view. 

The following sessions were not recorded to ensure a safe/brave space was provided in session: 

  • Developing White Body Stamina to Address Anti-Black Racism
  • Gender Demystified: Creating Inclusive Environments for People of All Genders
  • Putting the "E"xcellence back in TEAM: Understanding Your Office Dynamics

The Keynote and Capnote are also available. To keep in line with our agreements, the presentations will only be available until March 1.

The post-conference survey will be sent this week; please plan to take a few moments to share your feedback.



University Outreach and Engagement Award Applications due January 8:

The university is seeking nominations of programs, scholars, and community partners for the 2021 University Outreach and Engagement Awards.  

Awards will be given in three categories:

  • The Community Engaged Program Award recognizes outstanding achievement by faculty, staff, and/or student led programs/initiatives focused on community-university partnerships and impact.
  • The Community Engaged Scholar Award recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated engaged scholarship that has impacted communities. Community Engaged Scholars have made significant contributions to Ohio State's culture of engagement, further establishing and strengthening the institution's commitment to supporting communities.
  • The Community Partner Award is presented to a community agency/group/institution that demonstrates collaborative work with university faculty, students, and staff, resulting in a partnership that produces positive impact in the community and at Ohio State. 

More detailed information about how to apply is available here. Application deadline is January 8. 

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Assistant Vice Provost Nicole Nieto (

NACDEP 2021 Conference Proposals due January 11:

NACDEP Conference 2021 logo Proposals are now being accepted for the NACDEP 2021 Conference in Coeur d’Alene, ID, May 16–19. 

Consideration is given to a wide range of community development topics including economic development, diversity and inclusion, human capacity building, community resilience and sustainability, infrastructure, natural environment, building capacity within government and organizations, tourism, and response to COVID-19. Options include the following:

  • 30-minute presentation
  • 90-minute learning workshop
  • 15-minute REAL Talk
  • 3-minute Pitch Fest
  • 3-hour pre- or post-conference workshop
  • poster

Deadline for submission is Monday, January 11, at 11:59 p.m. PST. Submit your proposal(s) via the Oxford Abstracts system. Click here to view the RFP.

For submission assistance, check out this list of do’s and don’ts created by the 2020 Sessions Committee and this worksheet for proposal preparation.

NACDEP 2020 Award Applications:

National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Begin thinking of submitting your work for the 2020 NACDEP awards.

Applications and award information can be found here. Please do not submit directly to NACDEP. You will be receiving information from Ohio NACDEP leadership as to when the Ohio awards are due. Once Ohio awards are determined, winners will be notified to submit their applications to NACDEP by February 26 for regional and national consideration.



Ohio NACDEP Meeting Recording:

If you weren't able to make it to the Ohio NACDEP meeting during Extension Annual Conference on December 7, you can view the recording here. Thank you to Kyle White for her service as Ohio president during 2020. We look forward to working with president Gwynn Stewart and vice president Brooke Beam in the coming year.

Benefits Actions during Employee Self Service Downtime:

The shutdown of Peoplesoft in advance of the Workday launch will affect access to certain benefit actions in Employee Self Service as early as December 4. These actions include enrolling in 2020 benefits elections for new hires, accessing confirmation statements for 2021 benefits elections, viewing Flexible Spending Accounts and Health Reimbursement Accounts (redirect page available at after December 11 will include a link to My FSA/HRA via TASC), and enrolling in dependent tuition assistance for spring semester 2021. For more details including alternative methods for these actions, see the HR website. Read more.

Skype for Business Features:

Use Your Desktop Client Anywhere
With Skype for Business, you can work from any location with an internet connection without losing any features of the service. You will be able to receive calls made to your office number, even if you are working at home, another building, or any other remote location. Learn more about the desktop client. Quickstart guides are also available for PC or Mac.

Stay Connected with the Mobile Client
You may not always be able to have your computer with you, so the Skype for Business mobile client allows you to stay connected on-the-go. While using the mobile client, you can place calls from your office number. Learn more about the mobile client for iOS or Android.

Simplify Communication with Contact Groups
Using contact groups makes it easier to send an email, schedule a meeting, or start a conference call with several people. Learn more about creating adding contacts.

Additional training on Skype for Business features is available, please check for details and scheduling information. Further help and service information is available in the Skype for Business Knowledge Base.

Questions regarding Skype for Business may be directed to the IT Service Desk at 614-688-HELP (4357) or

Cloud Retention Deadline extended to February 5:

It was previously announced that the Zoom cloud retention rate would change from 270 days to 120 days beginning December 18. However, IT has managed to extend the date of that change to February 5. Now beginning February 5, new meetings and webinars recorded to the Zoom cloud will remain for 120 days. Also, all existing recordings will be removed once they pass the 120-day mark. Read more

Adobe Flash Player Removed December 11:

In 2017, Adobe announced they were removing Adobe Flash Player from their application suite at the end of 2020. Flash has been gradually phased out of most use cases since that time and several improved, more secure options have become available.  
In preparation for the discontinuation of Flash on December 31, the software was removed from all OCIO-managed devices on December 11. Learn more.

Articles/Publications of Interest:

Turning a weed into a profit-yielding crop (CFAES News)

Research News (December 2020)

How the pandemic revealed cracks in global supply chains (Ohio State News)

© 2020, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1010 / 614-292-6232

This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.

If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact

CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: