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Mission Statement:Ohio State University Extension
Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
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AD Update:
-David Civittolo, Interim Assistant Director
CD Program Review Reminder
I look forward to seeing you at our next CD Inservice on September 30. As you know, we have been discussing the external review monthly. When we meet, please be prepared to discuss your thoughts on how we engage with our current partners and to identify new partners. The External review can be found here.
Excellence in Community Development Award
It is time to nominate the great work of your Community Development Colleagues. The deadline to complete the nomination form is October 15. You can find all the information here. Take a few minutes and nominate one of your colleagues.
2020 OSU Extension Annual Conference
Please remember to mark your calendars for the 2020 OSU Extension Annual (Virtual) Conference this coming December 7-9. The theme is Embrace Change Together.
2020 has brought frequent and often unanticipated change, including increased awareness around social and racial disparities, ongoing challenging weather conditions, telework and increased digital engagement, and all that comes with a global pandemic. Change can be difficult and even fatiguing, but it can also be invigorating and offer opportunities for transformative growth and ingenuity. When we embrace change together, we can share the strength of our unity and expertise to engage ourselves, our colleagues, our workplace, and our communities to meet the challenges of today and create a more engaged tomorrow for Extension and all Ohioans. I encourage anyone with an Extension affiliation to attend and participate in the annual conference.
Everyone is also invited to submit a proposal for a presentation or an “Engage in 5 session.” Visit go.osu.edu/ExtConf to review the Request for Proposals guidelines and a direct link to submit your own proposal(s). All proposals are due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, October 9.
Are you looking to conceptualize your proposal idea? Need tips on ways to engage? There will be a training this Friday, September 25, from 11 a.m. to noon, led by a few members of the planning committee to answer any questions you may have and assist with your submission.
- Topic: EAC 2020 RFP Submission Training and Tips
- Time: September 25, 2020 11 a.m.
- Join Zoom Meeting: https://osu.zoom.us/j/94290437803
- Password: EAC2020
Revised Business Retention and Expansion Fact Sheets
Recently, members of the Business Retention and Expansion team revised three fact sheets, which have been published to Ohioline:
- Business Retention and Expansion Program (CDFS-1562)
Authors: David Civittolo, James Morris, Gwynn Stewart, Godwin Apaliyah - Involving Volunteers in a Community-Led Business Retention and Expansion Program (CDFS-1563)
Authors: Joe Lucente, James Morris, Gwynn Stewart - Coordinating a Community-Led Business Retention and Expansion Program (CDFS-1564)
Authors: Joe Lucente, James Morris, Gwynn Stewart
Congratulations to Godwin Apaliyah, Joe Lucente, James Morris, and Gwynn Stewart!
Meet James Morris, Extension Educator, Brown County
James supports both Community Development and Agriculture and Natural Resources in Brown County. Recently, he completed a Business Retention and Expansion survey. In my conversations with James, he shared how important the BRE program was not only for the data he compiled, but for the relationships he gained. Those new relationships will allow him to expand his programmatic efforts.
Have a great week and remember: ‘We rise by lifting others.’ -Robert Ingersoll
CD Professional FEATURE:
Getting to know James Morris,
educator, ANR/CD,
OSU Extension-Brown County
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Located at:OSU Extension - Brown County Program focus:
About James:I graduated from Morehead State University in 2018 with a dual BS in Agricultural Business and Agronomy. I accepted the agriculture and natural resources/community development educator position in Brown County just a few days after graduation. I am currently enrolled in the Master of Plant Health Management program here at Ohio State. My wife and I will be celebrating our one-year anniversary on September 21. We live in Highland County, which has been home to us our entire lives. I have worked on her family farm in Highland County for nearly 12 years where we raise beef cattle, corn, and soybeans. |
James' Work:I have learned so much over the past 2-½ years, and I continue to build my specializations. I specialize in Agronomic Crop Production and Business Retention & Expansion. My work varies greatly from day to day as I collaborate with business owners, but also work in the field with local producers. One of my favorite programs is the Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) Program that we completed in Brown County last year. This was the first time the BRE program had been completed here, and it was a great opportunity to introduce myself and Ohio State's resources to the county. We look forward to addressing the issues and promoting our positive findings from the survey. I have also enjoyed conducting the AgReality program in partnership with our local Farm Service Agency and the Brown County Soil and Water Conservation District. During this program we teach high school juniors and seniors about farm finance and production management. We involve several local businesses (lenders, equipment dealers, livestock buyers, foresters, etc.). Students spend time working with each of these professionals to operate their farm. Over the past two years I have held several trainings and certification programs for agricultural producers that enable them to market their product nationally and locally. One of my favorite parts of this job is working in the field with producers through various on-farm research projects, pest identification and management visits, and various field days. |
You can reach James at morris.1677@osu.edu or 937-378-6716. |
Our next feature will spotlight Brooke Beam,
educator, ANR/CD
OSU Extension-Highland County.
Welcoming Guests Back on Our Farms and Ranches - Webinar September 22:
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As Covid-19 restrictions ease in some parts of the world, travelers are seeking safe, healthy, outdoor experiences away from crowds— leading to a surge in demand for farm experiences. Join agritourism operators from Italy, India, and the USA for a discussion about how to safely open farm stays and prepare for overnight guests during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hear what is working and what is not and come prepared to share your experiences and questions.
This first in a series of free virtual gatherings for farm, food, and travel communities, "Welcoming Guests Back on Our Farms and Ranches," will be held on Tuesday, September 22, at noon (ET).
Moderator: Lisa Chase, University of Vermont Extension and Vermont Tourism Research Center
- Scottie Jones, Leaping Lamb Farm (Oregon, USA) and Farm Stay USA
- Elisabeth DeCoster, Le Mole sul Farfa (Mompeo, Italy)
- Harkirat Ahluwalia, Citrus County (Punjab, India)
Click here for more information and to register in advance. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom meeting. To request a disability-related accommodation to participate in this program, please contact Becky Bartlett (802-257-7967 or Rebecca.Bartlett@uvm.edu).
The Importance of Communicating Empirically Based Science for Society - Webinar September 22:
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The Council for Agricultural Science & Technology (CAST) will present a free webinar featuring research from its new commentary, The Importance of Communicating Empirically Based Science for Society, followed by Q&A with a panel of the report's authors. |
The webinar will be held on Tuesday, September 22, at 1 p.m. Register here.
Join Dr. Stuart Smyth, Associate Professor and Chair, Agri-Food Innovation and Sustainability Enhancement, University of Saskatchewan, as he presents highlights of CAST's new commentary.
This paper discusses the crucial factors of what we define as empirically based science (rigorous, proven methodologies, and peer reviewed results), emphasizing that whether science is conducted by a private company, a university, or a government department or agency, it is all the same, requiring that sound methodologies be followed. Scientific research protocols and methodologies have been developed, reviewed, and refined, through the application of each scientific method and the peer review of experimental protocols and results, creating global standards on research methods. Empirical science is empirical science, it is not an ice cream flavor, one cannot pick and choose which aspect of the scientific method to support and which to reject. The application of empirical science is consistent, whether applied to climate change, vaccines, or GM crops and foods.
The panel of task force authors includes:
- Cami Ryan, PhD, Social and Behavioral Sciences Lead, Bayer CropScience
- Ruth McDonald, PhD, Professor and Chair, Food Science and Human Nutrition, Iowa State University
- Meghan Wulster-Radcliffe, PhD, CEO, American Society of Animal Science
- Jon Entine, Executive Director, Genetic Literacy Project
Human Subjects Research 101: From Inspiration to Approval! - September 23:
Are you new to human subjects research and in need of information to help you navigate the submission and review processes? The Office of Responsible Research Practices is offering an introductory presentation for you or anyone who needs a refresher on Wednesday, September 23, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Explain why we have an IRB process
- List types of human subjects research and levels of review
- Outline Ohio State’s IRB review process, from pre-submission to approval
- Generate an action plan for completing a successful Buck-IRB application
While the session will be tailored to new social and behavioral sciences researchers and graduate students, anyone preparing IRB submissions is welcome. For more information, contact Sandra Meadows at 614-688-8641 or meadows.8@osu.edu. Click here for complete information and to register.
ArcGIS Online Challenge begins September 28:
Have you come across an interactive map on the web and wondered “how did they make that?” Have you heard about GIS (geographic information systems) and wished you could learn more? If you answered “yes” to either question, the Autumn ArcGIS Online Challenge is for you! This self-paced, 100% online challenge is designed to be completed over five weeks, with 2-3 hours of work per week. This workshop is September 28 to October 30 via weekly email prompts. Read more.
Achieving Racial Equity in Your Non-Profit - September 30:
The Columbus Metropolitan Club, in partnership with United Way of Central Ohio, will present this livestream event on Wednesday, September 30, from noon to 1 p.m. Livestreaming available on their YouTube channel. You only need to register for the livestream if you would like to ask a question. If you just want to view the event, go to the livestream link directly. No payment is required to watch the livestream.
Click here for complete information, including panel members.
Writing Accountability Groups - Register Now for October 5 - December 11 Sessions:
Need some help staying on top of your writing projects this fall? Consider joining a Writing Accountability Group (WAG). |
These groups can help you improve time management skills, practice goal setting, and get into a regular writing routine. They are targeted toward CFAES graduate students, but CFAES faculty, staff, postdocs, and visiting scholars are also welcomed to join. Click here for complete information and to register. Groups will meet once per week between October 5 and December 11. Please commit to attending at least six of the eight sessions. Cut off for sign-up is Friday, September 25.
Cybersecurity Days 2020 - October 6 & 14:
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Cybersecurity will be offering a virtual learning experience on October 6 and 14 with virtual training and a virtual community forum, featuring discussions and presentations from cybersecurity thought leaders. |
Click here for complete information, including the agenda and session descriptions, and to register.
Urban Food Systems Symposium to Focus on Climate, Community, Security, Production, and Distribution - Wednesdays in October:
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All things food in and for urban areas will be in focus during the 3rd Urban Food Systems Symposium. |
The symposium is scheduled for virtual delivery on Wednesdays in October and hosted this year by Kansas State University and K-State Research and Extension. 2020 Urban Food Systems Symposium online sessions will be offered from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Learn more.
Supercharge Your Projects and Programs at the Impact Collaborative Summit - October 13-14:
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When: October 13-14 from noon to 5 p.m. Where: Virtual For: Project and Program Teams from eXtension Member institutions Cost: Included with eXtension Membership Registration Deadline: September 30 (Register here) |
The Impact Collaborative Summit is a team event. Community partners are encouraged to participate on teams. It is highly recommended sending teams that include 3-8 individuals focused on a project or program aligned with state/institutional strategic priorities and/or community issues. Teams that participate will be eligible and invited to apply for small grants made available by the eXtension Foundation to help further their project/program development. Learn more at extension.org/success about teams that have participated in the Impact Collaborative program.
The Impact Collaborative Summit helps increase Cooperative Extension's organizational readiness and capacity for innovation and change by connecting teams with skills, tools, resources, and partners that can expand and deepen their impact. Participating teams will receive one-on-one support from coaches to help identify gaps in their project and program planning and have access to a network of expert Key Informants to help fill those gaps.
The Impact Collaborative Summit helps participants:
- Grow competencies, insights, inspirations, and capacities to engage in collective impact and innovation to address complex issues
- Increase understanding and demonstrate diversity, equity, and inclusion principles and practices in team membership and ownership, projects, and implementation plans respective of community culture and norms
- Increase knowledge of co-creation community success stories and promising models that leverage diverse assets and community partners
- Identify as members of the Impact Collaborative and are invested in making meaningful local impact, with plans to engage with the connections and resources available through the Impact Collaborative
Teams participating in the Impact Collaborative Summit can expect to:
- Strengthen community engagement for each project or program
- Collectively engage partnerships for new capacity for each program
- Strengthen project or program plans
- Increase project or program innovation
- Develop strategies to effectively engage new audiences
- Strengthen organizational context and readiness to support change needed by their projects and programs
Farm Stress and Resiliency Resources:
Thanks to Jamie Dellifield for sharing the following resources from NEAFCS colleagues in Maryland and Delaware:
- Farm and Farm Family Risk and Resilience: A Guide for Extension Educational Programming
- Risk Management in Agribusiness (Scroll down to the Farm and Farm Family Risk and Resilience Toolkit.)
CFAES Research & Graduate Education Internal Grants Program - Information Sessions September 24, 28, and 30:
Attend a Zoom information session to learn more about the new Research & Graduate Education Internal Grants Program (IGP):
- Thursday, September 24 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. – Register
- Monday, September 28 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. – Register
- Wednesday, September 30 from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. – Register
Proposals for FY 2021 are due October 14 by 5 p.m. Contact Melissa Burant, the IGP Coordinator at CFAES-IGP@osu.edu. Learn more here.
IGP Awards are intended to accomplish the following objectives:
- Increase the competitiveness of researchers in extramural grant programs
- Enhance and encourage creative and innovative research needed to prepare competitive extramural proposals
- Encourage the development of intellectual property
- Promote the creation of faculty teams to develop competitive extramural grant applications by addressing immediate needs
Broadband's Role in Rural Economic Development - Expressions of Interest due September 30:
APLU is currently soliciting Expressions of Interest from researchers and Extension professionals working at the intersection of community broadband access and the application of digital tools in agriculture to participate in an online conference. You might be interested if you are working or have an interest in the following areas:
- Effectiveness of broadband in stimulating rural economies
- Adoption of digital tools in rural economies
- Impacts of smart/digital agriculture technologies on farm productivity/profitability
- Factors affecting the adoption of smart/digital agriculture technologies
- Innovations in expanding broadband access and/or digital outreach to unserved/underserved areas
- Improving broadband access and adoption data
Read the conference overview and let David Civittolo know if you are interested. The virtual conference will be held January 27-29. View the online form. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. ET on September 30.
Extension Leadership Conference Proposals due October 30:
Extension educators, specialists, and administrators are invited to share their expertise at the 2021 Extension Leadership Conference to be held virtually February 10-11. |
The purpose of the conference is to support and challenge Extension professionals in their leadership development journey nationwide, across all disciplines. This virtual conference provides professional development that addresses leadership and management skill development critical for building confidence in today’s emerging Extension leaders.
Proposals are due October 30 via online submissions. See details here.
Interim Director's Video Update Recording Now Available:
The recording of interim director Jackie Wilkins’ Tuesday, September 15, video update is now available here. |
The audio transcript posted with it has been edited for basic name and general corrections. The video and transcript include all questions and answers at the end of the update as well.
2020 JCEP/ESP Award Nominations/Applications due October 15:
Award opportunities are now available to JCEP and/or ESP members. Listed below are the awards that are now live, the deadlines for each, and the contact for each area in case you have specific questions.
Nominations – your chance to help others get the recognition they deserve!
Friend of Extension - Due October 15 (Sam Custer, custer.2@osu.edu)
Excellence in Extension - Due October 15 (Andrea Rees, rees.139@osu.edu)
Awards – recognition of your creative and teaching and programming efforts!
Creative Works Applications - Due October 15 (Sally McClaskey, mcclaskey.12@osu.edu)
Team Teaching Award Application - Due October 15 (Leslie Cooksey, cooksey.25@osu.edu)
ESP Special Chapter Awards - Due October 15 (Judy Villard-Overocker, villard.1@osu.edu)
Please feel free to explore the Ohio JCEP Awards Website that currently includes previous years’ information.
BuckeyeBox Retires in Spring 2021:
Over the course of the 2020-21 academic year, the university and Wexner Medical Center will transition from BuckeyeBox to OneDrive and Teams for file storage and collaboration. |
To support the transition, IT@OSU has compiled information on what’s happening, the timeline, training resources, FAQs, and much more. Check out the article for information about cleaning up your BuckeyeBox folders, registering for Teams and OneDrive webinars, and transferring your BuckeyeBox folders. Read more.
HR Service Delivery Launch and Centers of Expertise:
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Ohio State’s shared services operation, HR Connection, will be the main point of contact for HR and payroll support for all Ohio State employees. |
HR Connection will replace all existing HR service centers across campus and the medical center, allowing the HR and payroll organization to enhance consistent and high-quality services to all customers. Beginning September 21, the HR Connection Portal will be available 24/7 and hours of operation for phone and email response will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- HR Connection Portal: HRConnection.osu.edu
- Phone: 614-247-myHR (6947)
- Email: HRConnection@osu.edu
Learn more about HR Connection and the services offered on the HRSD page of the HR website.
In addition to HR Connection, there are dedicated HR resources, HR Business Partners and HR Consultants, aligned to each college/business unit. To learn more about the HR Business Partner that will support your area please refer to the in-unit support page.
Centers of Expertise (CoEs) are another component in Ohio State’s HR and Payroll service delivery model. CoEs develop strategic services and capabilities across the organization and are aligned to one of the following functional areas: Benefits, Compensation, Employee and Labor Relations, or Talent Excellence. While Payroll Services is not an HR CoE, as it operates under the Office of Business and Finance, it is another key functional area that provides support to customers. Read more.
© 2020, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1010 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact extension-cd@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.