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Mission Statement:Ohio State University Extension
Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
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AD Update:
-David Civittolo, Interim Assistant Director
Community Development In-Service
Thanks to everyone that participated in the CD in-service. Using the Zoom breakout room feature, everyone had the opportunity to share their thoughts on how Community Development will be best positioned moving forward. I also want to thank those of you that ‘scribed’ notes during the breakouts. Please e-mail those to me if you have not done so already. The State CD office will compile the notes and send them back out for everyone to review.
At our August 26 professional meetings, we will continue the program review discussion, focusing on current and relevant programming.
Remember- the goal of our time together is to make sure that these discussions have value to you and your programmatic efforts.
Success Stories
Do you have a program that you are particularly proud of? Does it have a significant impact? Is it something that you would like shared with all our Extension colleagues?
If so, please send me a brief write-up with images if possible, and I will make sure it is included in upcoming Extension announcements.
Personnel Directory
The updated OSU Extension Personnel Directory is now live! You can reach the directory via extension.osu.edu/directory.
There is also a link that says “Extension personnel directory” in the footer of any website with the Extension Locate an Office feature, and a tab that says “OSU Extension Personnel Directory” under the About menu on the state Extension website (extension.osu.edu/about).
Meet Kyle, Area Leader 4 and Community Development Extension Educator in Lorain and Medina County
Kyle started working as the Community Development educator in Medina County in 2016. Since that time, she has taken on the Area Leader role as well as Community Development in Lorain County. She is a certified CliftonStrengths Coach through Gallup and offers coaching and teaching of the Strengths philosophy to businesses, agencies, and schools. Kyle also has re-created the Leadership Program in Medina County with impactful results.
If you are interested in developing a leadership program or want to learn how to write a successful grant, please reach out to Kyle.
Have a great week and remember: "You never fail until you stop trying."’ -Albert Einstein
CD Professional FEATURE:
Getting to know Kyle White,
Extension Educator
(Lorain County and Medina County)
and Area Leader (Area 4)
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Located at:OSU Extension - Lorain County Program focus:
About Kyle:I earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in Selling and Sales Management from Bowling Green State University and an MBA from Baldwin Wallace University. Since graduating from college I have moved multiple times, from Ohio to Chicago, Illinois, to San Francisco, California, and back to my hometown region of Northeast Ohio. My husband and I raised five children who are now grown. I was thrilled to add a new granddaughter in February 2020 right before the great pandemic of 2020 required social distancing and face masks! The blessing of family is my greatest joy and where I would spend all my time if I could. My other hobbies include gardening, despite having a brown thumb, reading, and sewing. My favorite authors are Jane Austin and the Bronte sisters. I value being curious, seeking new adventures, sharing knowledge, and spreading a spirit of goodwill. |
Kyle's Work:I joined Ohio State University Extension in Medina County as a Community Development educator in 2016. Since then my position has grown to include Community Development in Medina and Lorain counties as well as an area leader appointment in Area 4 which covers Lorain, Medina, and Summit counties. Prior to joining Extension, I worked for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) for Northeast Ohio and in sales and marketing for numerous companies and industries including occupational health, pharmaceuticals, audio visual technology, and commercial children’s products. I also worked in training and community outreach for Kent State University and alumni relations at North Central College in Illinois and Stanford University Law School in Palo Alto, California. My business background has provided me with a frame of reference for my leadership specialization where I apply my certification as a CliftonStrengths Coach. Leadership is equally important for my responsibilities as an area leader. My proudest accomplishment was launching a Government Academy in Medina County six months after my start date. Since its beginning in 2017, the Medina County Government Academy has evolved into a collaboration with Leadership Medina County. That partnership began in 2019. In this nine-month, nine-class series we promote civil discourse. The Leadership Academy provides a safe space to engage in a healthy exchange of ideas based on respect for diversity and differences of opinion. This program has provided a platform to discuss challenging topics ranging from food insecurity to crisis communication. We are excited for the 2020/21 line up of classes which includes the role of economic development in the community and the mission of emergency management. Other Community Development projects in Medina and Lorain counties include grant writing workshops and consulting with aspiring entrepreneurs in developing Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants. I am currently studying to be a HUD Certified Housing Counselor and recently became certified in Trauma Informed Care. I see Extension as an opportunity to open the eyes of the world and encourage science-based research and education. Facts take precedence over fad. Respect and sharing diverse perspectives are valued. |
You can reach Kyle at white.2811@osu.edu or 440-326-5851. |
Our next feature will spotlight Sarah Orlando
Clean Marinas, Program Manager,
Ohio Sea Grant College Program.
Solving the Skilled Workforce Challenge - August 26:
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Fisher College of Business presents: |
Businesses that rely on technically skilled team members were already facing challenges finding the talent they need for success even before the coronavirus came along. Now the pandemic has brought on an unprecedented time of difficulty and uncertainty.
While the lockdowns and their resulting economic upset have eased the talent shortage in some areas, others remain in a high-demand/short-supply crunch, meaning qualified candidates are still scarce. How do you win in such an environment? It takes a holistic approach:
- Develop the big picture of your short- and long-term skilled staffing needs
- Be brutally honest about your business situation
- Strike while the iron’s hot to land available talent
- Keep your current team happy–show them they are valued and make difficult jobs enjoyable
- Make technology work for you: automation, VR, and AI
- Develop your own skilled workforce: “reskilling” and “upskilling”
- Develop your internal resources: training and apprenticeship programs
- Partner up for external help
In this session, Forbes Contributor and manufacturing expert Jim Vinoski will present real-world examples of what successful companies are doing and what specific resources are out there that can help as well as invite participants to discuss their own particular challenges and the solutions they have identified. Click here for complete information and to register.
Upcoming NCRCRD Webinar - September 10:
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The Opioid Addiction – Incarceration Pipeline: A National Public Health Crisis Compounded in Rural Areas September 10 at 2 p.m. Presented by David Young, Montana State University |
Click here for complete information on this webinar, as well as upcoming webinars and archived recordings.
Foodpreneur School Business Coaching - September 15, 22, 29:
The CFAES Center for Cooperatives is working to help businesses keep things moving forward in these difficult times. Marketing is a key aspect to maintaining or growing any business, including food and farm businesses. |
The CFAES Center for Cooperatives, OSU Extension Direct Food & Agricultural Marketing Team, and Ohio Farm Bureau in Ross, Hocking, Fairfield, and Pickaway counties are hosting a virtual interactive experience for small and medium food entrepreneurs who are eager to grow their businesses. Foodpreneur School Coaching will give attendees an opportunity to engage with experts in marketing and promoting their local food and farm products, and more, to help them learn strategies to meet their growth goals. This educational opportunity will cover marketing locally raised meat, increasing produce sales, and promoting local food and farm retail products.
Foodpreneur School Coaching sessions will all be held online and will be offered over a span of three weeks with each session held on a Tuesday evening. The cost to attend the Foodpreneur School Coaching is $20 per session for Farm Bureau members, and $25 per session for non-Farm Bureau members. There is a separate registration for each session. Register early; each session will have a limited number of seats available. Click here for complete information about each session and to register.
Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities - November 9-13:
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The Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities (CEC) Conference is a community development initiative that brings together entrepreneurs, business leaders, economic development professionals, decision makers, and community champions to strengthen and broaden regional entrepreneurial networks. |
In-person CEC events have been held in Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, and are planned for Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, hosted by university Extension organizations.
Due to COVID-19, all in-person events have been postponed. However, technology still allows the sharing of great programming and ideas! To that end, seven state university Extension teams are collaborating to offer a week-long virtual conference in November 2020. In this first of its kind offering, the program development team is excited to offer participants from across the states access to programming and ideas from seven states. Click here for complete information and to register.
The organizers hope that this event will:
- serve as a space where the tools and resources available to support entrepreneurs are showcased
- provide participants with the opportunity to learn from each other and share best practices in supporting entrepreneurial network development in their communities
- build a network or people who have more tools and knowledge of other state and national resources available to support entrepreneurial ecosystem development
- learn about specific tools and resources that can be implemented in your community
USDA Rural Development Grant Applications due September 10:
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting applications to help rural communities enhance capacity for broadband access; preserve cultural and historic structures; and support the development of transportation, housing, and recreational spaces. USDA is making $1 million in grants available under the Rural Placemaking Innovation Challenge (RPIC). Eligible recipients may use the grants to develop multi-jurisdictional plans to benefit cities or towns with 50,000 residents or less. Organizations may use funds to develop actionable plans, convene partners, identify community needs, and implement priorities to build rural prosperity.
Public or private groups, organizations, or institutions that demonstrate experience in providing placemaking technical assistance to rural communities are eligible to apply. USDA encourages applicants to develop projects and plans that provide measurable results to help create livable communities; encourage partnerships; contribute to long-term community investment; and support community resiliency, social stability, and collective identity. USDA seeks to partner with one organization each located in the northeast, southern, midwestern, and western regions of the United States. The maximum grant award is $250,000. Applicants must provide a 15 percent match in funding. Eligible placemaking plans will provide assistance to rural communities for two years.
Electronic applications must be submitted via grants.gov and a copy of the submission must be emailed to RD.Innovation@usda.gov by midnight Eastern Standard Time on September 10. For more information, contact Angela.Callie@usda.gov or call (202) 568-9738.
USDA encourages applications that will support recommendations made in the Report to the President of the United States from the Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity (PDF, 5.4 MB).
Ohio CDC Association Funding Opportunities:
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The Ohio CDC Association has shared a list of many funding opportunities. |
Click here to see them all. Application deadlines vary. Categories include:
- Affordable Housing
- Financial Empowerment
- Community Economic Development
- Community Engagement
- Food Access
Online Training Course and Together As Buckeyes Pledge - Complete by August 25:
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All students, faculty, and staff must complete an online training course and the Together As Buckeyes Pledge by August 25. |
The pledge acknowledges an understanding of and commitment to the behaviors described in the training. It is not a legal waiver. The 10-minute training will be assigned in the coming weeks to BuckeyeLearn transcripts, and the pledge will be signed upon completion of the course. You will be alerted when it is available. Accommodations will be made for those without access to a computer to complete the training.
Completing the training and signing the pledge are mandatory for all students, faculty, and staff before returning to Ohio State’s campuses. Those who have already been working on a campus should take the online training and sign the pledge as soon as possible. For those not physically returning to a campus, the training and pledge need to be completed by the start of autumn semester on August 25.
The training course will cover expectations for daily health checks, personal protection such as face masks, hygiene, staying informed and more.
While everyone is expected to follow the guidance voluntarily, accountability measures will be in place for those who do not complete the training and sign the pledge or choose not to abide by required health and safety guidelines. These accountability measures may range from additional training and informal coaching to formal disciplinary action based on existing structures for students, faculty, and staff. They are available on the Safe and Healthy Buckeyes website. Please visit the website regularly for updates, including additional guidance related to the mask requirement for all students, faculty, staff, vendors, volunteers, and visitors.
Extension Planning Guide for In-Person Meetings and Events now Available:
An OSU Extension Planning Guide for In-person Meetings and Events is now available here to help with planning and implementing an in-person program that is in alignment with ODH, CDC, and university guidelines. If you will be providing in-person programming (either as a host or a guest for a community partner), an exemption request is required. The approval for any exemption request is required for mileage reimbursement and to facilitate program expense requests. You can access the Qualtrics survey for this exemption process here.
IT Support Update for Fall Semester:
To protect the health and safety of university faculty, staff, and students, the IT Service Desk offices will not be open for drop-in appointments this fall. Technicians will remain staffed strategically around campus for timely response when in-person support is required.
The IT Service Desk will continue to provide IT support remotely through the following methods 24/7:
- For immediate assistance, call 614-514-IT4U (4848).
- For non-urgent requests, contact online:
- Email: servicedesk@osu.edu
- Self Service: go.osu.edu/it
IT Service Desk technicians can resolve most issues via phone, email, or online support. If the technician you are working with determines that you need to receive in-person support, they will set up an appointment with you in alignment with the university’s safe and healthy guidelines. Only IT staff will be allowed in IT Service Desk locations. When in-person support is necessary, it will be performed via curbside pickup, at the customer’s desk, or in a central meeting area following physical distancing recommendations. Customers and IT Service Desk technicians are required to wear a mask.
University Libraries COVID-19 Update:
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University Libraries is looking forward to providing the services that students, faculty and staff need to meet their education and research goals in a safe and healthy environment. To that end: |
- masks are required in all University Libraries facilities
- the book stacks will remain closed to the public. Materials must be requested through paging. Only University Libraries staff may remove books from shelves. Any books brought to the circulation desk by visitors will have to be quarantined and unavailable for up to five days.
- requests for materials will be made online at library.osu.edu and picked up at the circulation or information desk within the library
- visitors are asked to maintain a safe, physical distance of six feet apart. Seating has been spaced out in common areas and group study rooms have been closed to help make this possible.
- eating and drinking are not permitted in the libraries
- returned materials will be quarantined for five days and will remain on your account until quarantine is complete and they have been checked in
- due to quarantine, OhioLINK and Interlibrary Loan requests will be delayed
- physical course reserves will not be available
- requests for new materials will take longer than normal to process
- Thompson and 18th Avenue Libraries will maintain normal hours, departmental libraries and special collection reading rooms will be operating on a modified schedule. Hours are subject to change.
Click here for current information.
Buckeye Pass for Office 365 Applications begins August 21:
At the end of the week, CFAES will complete the transition to Outlook + Duo for email. For those of you who have not transitioned to Outlook for email, please plan to do so before August 21. As a reminder, here is what you need to do:
- Already use Outlook? You’re all set. When you access your email on Friday, August 21, it will prompt you to use BuckeyePass / Duo for initial access.
- Need to move to Outlook? Here are your next steps:
- University-owned devices: Have been transitioned – if you have questions or concerns, please contact the IT Service Desk.
- Personal phones, tablets, laptops or desktops: Steps to Transition to Outlook + BuckeyePass.
- Are you a Linux user? Follow these steps to transition to Evolution.
For technical support, or for questions on these changes, please contact the IT Service Desk.
Knowledge Exchange Website - Feedback needed by August 31:
The Knowledge Exchange (KX) is working to make research and data more accessible for multiple audiences, allowing them to find information about ongoing research quickly. |
They also want you to be able to share this information with your communities.
Therefore, the next step in the development process is releasing the main website for review by all Extension faculty and staff. They want you to move through the website to tell them what you like and what you don’t like; what you’d like to see improved; and whether you think your communities would use the site as well. Please do not send the site to others, either internal or external, at this time, as there is MUCH more to add, including materials already developed related to research translation.
For complete information, step-by-step instructions, and links, please refer to Kimberly Winslow's email sent August 17.
Refresh on Workday Concepts:
As we get closer to the Workday roll out, here is a resource that will refresh us with the concepts of Workday. The Workday Pop-Up Box contains demonstrations and resources for Workday-related tasks. There are videos, PowerPoint presentations, and how-tos that are helpful. Now is a great time to view these and get a head start before we enter the training phase in the fall prior to rollout. The link to Workday Pop-Up Trainings can be found here.
CFAES Town Hall Recording now Available:
The recording and Q&A of the CFAES Town Hall held on August 12 is now posted on the Return to Offices and Campuses webpage.
CD Professionals Page - A Resource for You:
Just a reminder that the CD Professionals page is a one-stop resource for CD faculty and staff. Topics include:
- COVID-19 Information and Resources
- CD Professional Development Support Funding
- Evaluation of Teaching
- CFAES Grants and Contracts
- Travel
- Membership Associations
- Cross State Programming Protocol
- Annual Community Development Awards
- Program Action - Logic Models
- OSU and CFAES Brand Standards
- Peer Review Procedure
- Submitting Extension Educational Materials for Publication
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
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Farm Science Review 2020: Online and free
Research News (CFAES - August 2020)
Work and Life after COVID-19 (David Staley for Origins)
© 2020, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact extension-cd@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.