Mission Statement:Ohio State University Extension
Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
AD Update:
-David Civittolo, Interim Assistant Director
Community Development In-Service
At this time, the CD in-service will be held virtually on August 6. We will meet from 10 a.m. until noon and from 1 until about 2:30 p.m., with breaks during both sessions. In the morning there will be a discussion regarding the CD program review, and in the afternoon we will have program sharing. Remember - the goal of our time together is to make sure that these in-services have value to you and your programmatic development.
Communicator Masks
The OSU Americans with Disabilities Act Office will eventually provide communicator masks to all Extension offices, but they currently do not have enough to send a supply to each office and would like to supply masks to offices/staff who have an immediate or pending need for the masks. If you could please complete this survey by the end of today, I would appreciate it.
Review Process for OSU Extension Educational Materials Updated and Revised
Creating material to support our educational efforts requires enough work already. Trying to understand and navigate the process of peer review should not make it any harder. To help simplify this aspect of Extension scholarship, we have recently revised and updated the background information and step-by-step guidance found here. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the content shared and let me know if you have any questions.
One general rule of thumb that remains unchanged: Before starting to work on any new curriculum, fact sheet, bulletin, for-sale OSU Extension publications item OR when considering major or minor revision of any existing material, please contact me.
There is an online EEET survey that you can request for virtual teaching. The link you would use is on our CD Professionals page. Click on "EEET Survey for Online Teaching” and it will take you to the request form for the LOD team to send you a link to your survey.
Personnel Directory
The updated OSU Extension Personnel Directory is now live! You can reach the directory via extension.osu.edu/directory.
There is also a link that says “Extension personnel directory” in the footer of any website with the Extension Locate an Office feature, and a tab that says “OSU Extension Personnel Directory” under the About menu on the state Extension website.
Meet Ken Martin, Professor
As a professor, Ken specializes in rural vitality and leadership. Also, Ken mentors students in a Rural Sociology course, as well as junior faculty members within the department of Extension. If you have questions about advancing in Extension, Ken would be a great source of knowledge for your professional development goals.
Have a great week and remember: "The obstacles you face aren’t roadblocks to your goals- they’re stepping stones to your success." -Author unknown
CD Professional FEATURE:
Getting to know Ken Martin,
PhD, Professor
Located at:3 Agricultural Administration Building Program focus:
About Ken:I started my professional career as a research associate with the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Council where I conducted research on local government finance and fiscal distress. That information was shared through intergovernmental quarterly publications and fact sheets with local government leaders and the Pennsylvania General Assembly. In my next position, I was the research director for a gubernatorial campaign where I drafted the candidate’s plan for Pennsylvania. Although the candidate withdrew before the primary, he shared the plan with the future governor and several key policy initiatives were implemented by the new administration. This experience positioned me for my next position as a budget analyst for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives where I was responsible for evaluating and recommending funding proposals for eight agency budgets and over $750 million. My Extension career began in 1990 when I accepted an appointment as a rural economic development specialist for the Associate Vice President for research and technology transfer at Penn State University. This was followed by six years as Director of the Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health and Associate Director of the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development both at Penn State University. My next position was with West Virginia University Extension Service where I was a division leader for the Center for Community, Economic and Workforce Development. Here at Ohio State University Extension, my positions have included Assistant Director, Community Development, Department Chair and Associate Director, Programs. My current appointment is Professor in the Extension Community Development program. My interests include traveling, fishing, reading, wood-working, gardening, and family time with my wife Robyn, and our three sons and one daughter. |
Ken's Work:Leadership education and development has been an interest of mine since graduate school where I evaluated a rural leadership program for my master's thesis. Another leadership evaluation effort involved a multi-state, multi-year research grant funded by USDA’s National Research Initiative that looked at the community effects of leadership development education. This research included an emphasis on the seven community capitals and how leadership education development led to improvements in various community capitals and empowered citizens for civic engagement. Another area I am focusing on is rural vitality and asset-based community development. My approach to working in these areas is to stress the value of partnerships and strategic thinking that empowers citizens to get involved in their community. Recent interests include prevention education on the opioid crisis and education and outreach that addressed the growing impact of stress on farmers, farm families, and rural communities. |
You can reach Ken at martin.1540@osu.edu or 614-205-0480. |
Our next feature will spotlight
Susan Colbert, Program Director,
Expansion and Engagement
(Franklin County).
What Can Central Appalachia Learn from Mondragon and Worker Cooperative Collaboratives? - July 22:
On July 22, the "What Can Central Appalachia Learn from Mondragon and Worker Cooperative Collaboratives?" webinar will be held from 10-11 a.m., free of cost. |
The Mondragon Cooperative Corporation, a system of worker-owned cooperatives in the Basque region of Spain, founded its first enterprise in 1956, a time when the region was experiencing an economic crisis. Today, Mondragon’s network of manufacturing, financial, retail, and other firms is recognized as one of the most important models for worker-owned co-ops in the world. What can Central Appalachia learn from this story?
Join the Appalachia Cooperates Initiative to learn about the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation model, ways the model might be applied in Appalachia, and the opportunities and challenges to worker-ownership in Central Appalachia. Register.
Moving to Virtual Programs: A Discussion with Natural Resource Professionals - July 22:
This webinar, hosted by NCSU Forestry, will be held July 22 from 1-2:30 p.m. |
Five presenters from around the country will share their experiences and lessons learned in moving their programs to a virtual platform. They will cover topics ranging from things to do in your own backyard to large-scale conferences. This event is open to everyone but is targeted for natural resources professionals who are considering organizing virtual events in the future. For complete information and to register, click here.
Women’s Place Applications for 2020-21 Staff Leadership Series due July 24:
The Women’s Place is accepting applications for the 2020-21 Staff Leadership Series (SLS), a 12-month, experiential leadership initiative. |
With the goal of expanding opportunities for women and underrepresented groups to grow their leadership and power at the university, SLS workshops and gatherings are highly participatory, enhance leadership capacity, and facilitate skills development.
Participants will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Demonstrated leadership ability
- A minimum of 2 years employment at Ohio State
- Contribution to diversity of the SLS cohort, including representatives from different backgrounds, disciplines, and Ohio State campuses
- Likelihood to contribute to and maximize the knowledge the program offers
- Ability to reflect on their current career and professional development goals
Apply for the SLS and take advantage of this opportunity to become a more effective, innovative, and inclusive leader. The Women’s Place strives to represent the university community’s diversity in the series and encourages people of all genders and identities to apply.
Applications, including two letters of recommendation, are due July 24, by 4:59 p.m. For complete information and to apply, click here.
Engagement Through the Lens of Social Media - July 29:
The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission will host the 2020 Social Media Forum: Engagement Through the Lens of Social Media on Wednesday, July 29, from 10-11:30 a.m. |
The forum will be held virtually and is free. For complete information and to register, click here. The forum will focus on how to engage residents in your community using social media. Below is the agenda:
1. Welcome & Introduction
2. How Communities Use Social Media to Navigate COVID-19
3. Public Engagement Using Social Media
- Virtual Open House
4. DATA + Social Media
5. Future Engagement - Virtual Reality + Planning Tools
6. Social Media Tools Panel Discussion
Social Equity Impact of COVID-19 on Communities - Panel Discussion July 31:
This panel discussion, on July 31 at noon, is the third in a series of events on “Cities and Regions in the Post-Coronavirus Era,” initiating community conversations on what lesson we can learn from this crisis to create a more resilient and sustainable world. |
For complete information and to register, click here.
EPN Virtual Event - Talking Trash: A Primer on Central Ohio's Waste Stream - August 11:
On August 11 from 10-11 a.m., the Environmental Professionals Network will be hosting a virtual event, "Talking Trash: A Primer on Central Ohio's Waste Stream." |
Ever wonder about the types and amounts of materials thrown away in central Ohio? Interested in learning about what can be done to keep these materials out of the landfill? Through this program participants will glean insights and industry knowledge from Kyle O'Keefe, director of innovation and programs, Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio, about the conditions, trends, opportunities, and activities taking place in the central Ohio region. For complete information and to register, click here.
The Ohio Rural Health Conference - Proposals due July 27:
The Ohio Rural Health Conference will be held virtually this year August 12-14. |
Connect with healthcare practitioners, administrators, and advocates for rural health across Ohio on today’s most pressing matters, from COVID-19 to mental health in agricultural communities and beyond. For complete information and to register, click here.
Showcase your research, advocacy, or service/educational programs in the virtual poster session as well. Guidelines and submission information are available here.
Workshop Series - Request to participate by August 3:
As calls for participatory research and collaborative natural resource management mount, researchers have pointed to gaps in understanding of the best practices, benefits, and potential pitfalls associated with different approaches to stakeholder engagement. This USDA NIFA funded and professionally facilitated Engagement Workshop Series, Advancing Scholarship and Practice of Stakeholder Engagement in Working Landscapes, will convene a multidisciplinary group of researchers, community stakeholders, practitioners, students, funders, and policy makers in a series of virtual meetings in winter/spring 2021 and at a tentative two day in-person workshop in June 2021. |
The workshop series will take stock of current knowledge and develop a research agenda related to the design and critical assessment of stakeholder engagement as a means to address socio-environmental problems in working agricultural landscapes (including water quality and quantity, climate adaptation and vulnerability, land use change, biodiversity and invasive species management, and other challenges to community and environmental health and well-being).
Participate in this opportunity by visiting the Engagement Workshop Series site and submitting a request to participate (by August 3) here.
FCS Conference Proposals due August 14:
The FCS Conference will be held virtually October 28-29. Although Ignite, poster, and breakout sessions will still be held, proposals will be done virtually, along with an online form, so there will be two parts.
- Part 1: Fill out the online form here.
- Part 2: Record one-minute proposal to “sell your presentation” and submit here.
The planning committee has also created a short request for proposals video, to demonstrate, here.
Seed Fund for Racial Justice - Concept Papers due September 15:
This week, the university is extending a call for proposals from principal investigators for research and creative projects that address structural or institutional racism; implicit bias and privilege; and racial and cultural disparities. |
The $1 million Seed Fund for Racial Justice has a clear call to action: “Ohio State has both the opportunity and the responsibility to lead reconciliation and drive transformational and sustainable change at this pivotal moment in our nation’s history.” The first set of grants will be awarded in December. Ohio State will issue grants of up to $50,000 in two phases over the next two years.
To review the request for proposals and apply, see the Office of Research website.
Budget and Duration
Projects should be of 12 months or less duration. Proposals may be submitted in one of the following tiers:
- Small grants, $5,000 to $25,000, suitable for secondary data or policy/program analysis, small-scale survey work, curriculum or symposia development, creative works, or community conversations leading to evidenced-based, actionable recommendations for specific change, clear societal benefit, or small scale pilot implementation.
- Large grants, $25,000 to $50,000, suitable for works of creative expression, research, or program development with pilot implementation on the Ohio State campuses or in a community setting
The Seed Fund Steering Committee expects to host two rounds of competition. The timeline and available funding for Round 2 will be announced following the conclusion of the Round 1 competition.
- September 15 – Round 1 Concept Papers due, 5 p.m. EST
- September 30 – Concept Paper decisions announced
- October 31 – Round 1 Invited Full Proposals due, 5 p.m. EST
- December 1 – Round 1 Awards announced
FY 21-22 NIFA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Program:
The FY 21-22 NIFA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) program has been released. The new application cycle starts in May 2021. If you are interested in having a colored coded team review, this should allow time for planning.
Beginning in 2021:
- This RFA covers two grant review cycles, one with 2021 deadlines and one with 2022 deadlines. For applications received under the 2021 deadlines, funding from FY 2021 and FY 2022 budgets will be used. For the 2022 review cycle, funding from FY 2022 and FY 2023 budgets will be used.
- Year-round conference grant applications are accepted after submission of the Letter of Intent, see Part I, C of this RFA for more information on which programs accept conference grants. The LOI must be submitted at least 195 days before the start of the conference. The full Conference Grant application must be submitted, at minimum, 150 days before the start of the conference.
Wooster Campus Research Library Journal Survey:
The Wooster Campus Research Library subscribes to a small number of journals needed by researchers. Without subscriptions, most of these journals would not be fully available via the Ohio State University Libraries. Since program needs and journal access changes, it is important to occasionally review the subscription list.
Extension professionals are needed to review the list of journals and rate them according to how important they are to research. Unless otherwise noted, journal content is available to all OSU campuses. Even though subscription information is provided in terms of cancellation, this is not a cancellation survey. This is only part of the information that goes into subscription decisions. Take the survey.
For more information and questions, email Gwen (short.67@osu.edu).
NCRCRD COVID-19 Resources for improving Census Responses:
The COVID-19 pandemic and associated policies have affected ongoing efforts at completing the Census this year. Several resources to share with your Extension colleagues and community partners to help improve responses can be found below. |
- Census COVID-19 Face Covering Code of Conduct
- Spring 2020 Partnership Social Media Guide
- Half Page Handout for Rural Clinics
- Half Page Handout for Rural Country Roads
- Respond to the 2020 Census
- Census in the Constitution
- COVID-19 Operational Adjustments
- 2020 Census Operational Adjustments Due to COVID-19
- Statistics in Schools - Census.gov
- 2010 Participation Rates
- Response Outreach Area Mapper
- Complete Count Communities
- Outreach Materials
- State Data Center Program
Additional Zoom Security Measures Coming July 30:
In an effort to increase security and privacy for the Ohio State community, all CarmenZoom meetings will require a passcode beginning July 30, and the change will prevent users from turning off the passcode going forward. |
Passcodes will be applied to previously scheduled meetings and Personal Meeting ID links. If you have any upcoming meetings without a passcode, you will need to edit those meetings, as well as your Personal Meeting ID. Updating your Zoom meetings before July 30 will create a much smoother experience for your attendees.
Please read this IT article carefully to learn how to be prepared for this change, create new meetings, and edit existing meetings.
University Transition to Outlook + Duo for Email - Are You Ready?
Starting Friday, August 21, all university employees will use BuckeyePass for Office 365 applications. |
If you are not currently using Outlook, we hope you have taken steps to prepare before August 21. Our tech team has been reaching out to schedule times to transition your university-owned devices and you can follow these four simple steps to transition your personal devices.
We want YOU…to caption Your Webinars:
Many Ohio State faculty and staff already know how to make in-person events accessible for individuals with disabilities, but the rapid transition to online events in the wake of COVID-19 has generated a lot of questions about our responsibilities for accessible online events. Ohio State’s Minimum Digital Accessibility Standards require accurate captioning of live online events, such as webinars, unless such events have approved accommodation-based exceptions. Please read the Captioning FAQ provided by the Digital Accessibility Center and the ADA Coordinator’s Office. Read more.
The Status and Changing Face of Ohio Agriculture: Summary of Ohio Farm Trends 1997-2017:
This report examines the changes over the last 20 years in farms, farmland, land use, farm economics, and the farm workforce. It is citable and may be useful for programming and grant writing. The PDF is available to download for free here. The authors are also working with the Knowledge Exchange to create a series of visuals and resources to accompany the report. These will be released over the next few weeks and into fall. |
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
Research News (CFAES - July 2020)
© 2020, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact extension-cd@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.