Mission Statement:Ohio State University Extension
Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
AD Update:
-David Civittolo, Interim Assistant Director
In-service Recap
I want to thank everyone that participated in our Zoom CD in-service last week. If you are interested in watching the presentations that you could not attend, don’t worry. All the materials from the presenters and the recordings will be available soon in BuckeyeBox. You will receive an email later this week with the links to access the materials, as well as a survey link for general feedback about the in-service
I also want to thank the presenters for providing excellent content that could be replicated in your programming efforts. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the presenters.
Hopefully we will be meeting face to face at our next in-service on August 6 at the 4-H Center. If not, we will transition to a virtual meeting.
Knowledge Exchange
The Knowledge Exchange, a support platform with the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, collaborated with OSU Extension and a statewide network of researchers and faculty to launch the KX COVID-19 Hub. |
The Hub is a curated list of resources, tools, and science-backed information from CFAES and other sources to help Ohioans cope with the coronavirus crisis. Please visit here to learn more. A brief, three minute video about how to use the KX COVID-19 Hub can be found here.
There is also a trainning video on how to use and join the Discussion Forum (for internal use only), which uses Microsoft Teams as its platform. This is a discussion page containing several categories for resource sharing, ideas, and to ask questions. View the video here.
NACDEP Conference
As you know, the NACDEP conference scheduled to be held in New Hampshire is transitioning to a Zoom conference. Registration is now open, and a tentative schedule can be found here.
Meet Gage Smith, Community Development Program Assistant
Gage started with Community Development about a year ago and is an excellent colleague. Gage wants to learn about the various aspects of being an educator, so I encourage you to reach out to him if you are working on an interesting project.
Have a great week and remember: “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." -Theodore Roosevelt
CD Professional FEATURE:
Getting to know Gage Smith
Program Assistant, CD
State CD Office
Located at:OSU Extension Program focus:
About Gage:I regularly call Columbus home, but I grew up in Racine, Ohio on a small fourth generation dairy operation working throughout my childhood alongside my grandparents—you could say that I learned to appreciate hard-work and Appalachian grit from the long days raking hay and mending fence. I grew up on a farm, which led me to join 4-H. I became very active in 4-H, showing market steers and sheep, and started participating at the state level in business finance and leadership projects. I tend to tell folks that Extension has been a part of my life since I was 14 years old because that is when I was first involved with Extension programming. I went on to pursue my passions for agriculture and local-community development at Ohio State ATI in Wooster, Ohio to study agri-business and community leadership. While in Wooster, I studied for three semesters abroad in Ghana, West Africa where I worked collaboratively with community Extension professionals, USAID field missions, Peace Corps volunteers, and U.N. field officers to build capacity and resilience for rural farming communities. I jumped right into the experience and learned in-depth community practices which included micro-loans and savings, diversified agricultural production—primarily snail and rabbit rearing, and food access in rural public-school systems. My experiences working with local communities in Ohio and abroad have allowed for translational learning and that has guided me to my position in OSU Extension Community Development in May 2019. In my free time, you will find me at a Columbus metro-park with my rescued golden retriever, Rusty, or at the Saturday farmer’s market in Clintonville. |
Gage's Work:In my role as program assistant, I collaboratively work statewide to help alleviate some of the programmatic work that YOU, our professionals, have in state programs. When you begin to think of ways that I can help with your programming, give me a call and we can work together to develop a plan of action. Along with my current position with CD, I provide program support to statewide programs and initiatives with 4-H Youth Development. My first project with the 4-H unit is to update the Ohio 4-H webpage starting with a crowd-source from staff to update general information of programs, which will lead to creating a more accessible search network for users across learning lifespans and identifying and fixing accessibility non-compliance errors. I look forward to growing with Extension and learning from you! As I begin my graduate program, I will be specializing my studies in International Development through a developmental lens of gender identity, expression, and sexual orientation. If you have any resources or would like to talk about research opportunities, please reach out—I am looking for ways to collaborate with Extension folks in field to produce relative research to the discipline. Help me build my professional network, add me on LinkedIn here. |
You can reach Gage at smith.10766@osu.edu or 330-347-6466 (C). |
Our next feature will spotlight
Joe Lucente, associate professor and Extension
educator (Ohio Sea Grant College Program).
LOD Training April 20-24: Mic, Camera, Action – Video Production:
When it comes to online engagement, video is king of content. From stand-alone instructional videos to promotional commercials for upcoming events, there are a multitude of ways organizations can use video to broaden reach and deepen impact. This video production bootcamp will introduce participants to the basic of video planning, shooting, and editing. Sessions are geared toward both beginners and intermediate video producers and will be held during the week of April 20. You need not register. Sessions will be recorded if you cannot make these dates and times. Visit LOD's "Drop In Training" page for complete information, including link, session times, and individual skill level descriptions.
Session Objectives:
- Build confidence in video production planning
- Deepen understanding of video storytelling strategies
- Develop competencies in video production skills
- Develop competencies in video editing
Virtual Equitable Green Infrastructure Summit - April 28:
The North Central Regional Water Network's Green Infrastructure team invites Extension and Sea Grant professionals, local and state government officials, NGOs, business representatives, and others with an interest in community-level green infrastructure to a one-day virtual Equitable Green Infrastructure Summit on April 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. |
The summit will feature experts in green infrastructure, stormwater, and social justice and an overview of the results from the team’s green infrastructure community listening sessions. The summit will also allow time for attendees to work together to identify and prioritize opportunities for Extension and Sea Grant to help communities use green infrastructure practices to reach multiple societal goals. View the agenda. Register.
NCCEA Speed Meeting Series - April 30-May 6:
The North Central Cooperative Extension Association is offering three online speed meetings in the areas of Mental/Behavioral Health, Entrepreneurship, and Rural Community Development on April 30, May 1, and May 6. |
The purpose of this series is to highlight programs, success stories, and partnerships in these key areas which have been identified as regional issues. Participants should join to gain ideas and find others to partner with on future programming. Read more and register.
Annual Diversity in STEMM Meeting - May 7:
Administrators, faculty, and staff who are involved or have an interest in the diversity of the STEMM workforce are invited to join the fourth Diversity in STEMM at Ohio State meeting. |
This event will be on May 7 from 2 to 4 p.m. on Zoom. The goals of this meeting are to learn about the initiatives that are already in place, brainstorm how we can interact more effectively, and have an opportunity to network. Read more and register.
Reimagining the Civic Mission of Extension in COVID-19 (Virtual Chat) - May 8:
Connect Extension will hold a virtual chat on May 8 from 1 to 2 p.m., conversing with Dr. Dave Campbell, a political scientist and Community Studies Specialist Emeritus in the Department of Human Ecology at the University of California, Davis. |
May 8, 2020 marks the 106th anniversary of the passage of Smith-Lever, which created the Cooperative Extension Service. This special virtual chat will explore the meaning of our work in communities and what this time of crisis calls us to. Complete information and access to the chat available here.
Sustainability and Ohio Lands: Creating Value for People and the Environment - May 12:
On May 12 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., the "Sustainability and Ohio Lands: Creating Value for People and the Environment" webinar will be held by the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE). |
Speakers and panelists will break the day into four sessions, as we work to better understand the concept of sustainability in Ohio and how it applies to the management of our landscape from a broad set of perspectives. The morning session will feature three keynote speakers, followed by a panel discussion to engage the speakers. In the afternoon there will be three panels on sustainability issues in urban, forest, and agricultural spaces. The panels will be one hour each and will be designed to focus on interactive discussion among the panelists, including discussion of questions submitted by guests. View the agenda. Register.
Questions? Contact Brent Sohngen (sohngen.1@osu.edu).
Effective Teaching Webinar - May 12:
On Tuesday, May 12, at 10 a.m., Tracy Kitchel, PhD, will be leading an ACEL to Extension webinar focused on effective teaching. |
What is effective teaching, anyway? And, how does that apply to Extension? While an entire career can be devoted to learning theory and perfecting teaching, Extension professionals must quickly learn to be effective in this skill that is central to the Extension mission. This webinar will touch on the basics of teaching theory as a foundation, and then focus on effective strategies to implement in the non-formal educational context of Cooperative Extension. Register.
USDA New Program Area Priority-Rapid Response to Novel Coronavirus Grant Opportunity - Proposals due June 4:
Are you looking for additional funding opportunities related to Coronavirus?
USDA-NIFA (through AFRI’s Competitive Grants Program) just released a revised RFP requesting applications to rapidly enhance and fill knowledge and information gaps, strengthen and support critical cross-cutting issues to protect the food and agriculture supply chain, health and security of livestock, safety of our foods, as well as the well-being of farm, food service providers, and rural Americans, as it relates to Coronavirus.
- Program Code Name: Rapid Response to Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Impacts Across Food and Agricultural Systems
Priority Code: A1711 (see pages 72-75 of the RFP) - Submissions are due by June 4, 2020 (no LOI required)
Who can help? The CFAES Grant Development Support Unit (GDSU) is committed to serving all researchers within CFAES as they navigate funding opportunities and prepare for submissions. You can request services on their website, found here (right-side last red button).
Research Site Launches:
The Office of Research, in partnership with OCIO, has launched KeepResearching.osu.edu. By clicking on "Research Hub," users can search for projects, expertise, and resources and then connect directly with peers. This section will be regularly updated. In addition, the office is collecting information on both internal and external funding that can support COVID-19 research. The site also will share COVID-19 research news coming out of Ohio State colleges and units.
Nearly Two Million Volumes Now Available Digitally:
With campus libraries closed and circulation of print material suspended during the COVID-19 outbreak, Ohio State students, faculty, and staff have been granted special digital access to nearly two million volumes housed at University Libraries, corresponding to approximately 46% of the print collections held at Ohio State. Temporary emergency access was granted through membership in HathiTrust, a partnership of academic and research institutions. Read more. |
Current Ohio County Unemployment Data Available:
A link to data coordinated by Ohio University showing weekly unemployment claims by county during COVID-19 is available here. The data will be updated every Thursday after 5:30 p.m. when the state puts out the new week-ending report.
CFAES PowerPoint Branding Change:
CFAES Marketing and Communications has recently updated their PowerPoint branded templates, which can be found here. Use these templates for any future presentations. Please note that these files are now housed in SharePoint, instead of BuckeyeBox.
New Report Phishing Button in Outlook - April 24:
Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, Ohio State had contracted a new vendor that provides a Report Phishing button in Outlook, Outlook Mobile, and Outlook Web Access. |
This change will be made on April 24. No action is needed to add the new Report Phishing button to Outlook. The IT Service Desk offers 24-hour support seven days a week by email or phone to 614-688-4357. Text telephone for the deaf: 614-688-8743. Read more.
OSU and CFAES Zoom Backgrounds:
Looking for a way to brand your Zoom calls? Check out these CFAES and OSU images for use as virtual backgrounds.
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
Research Commons Newsletter (April 2020)
Research News (April 2020)
© 2020, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact extension-cd@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.