CD Wire - July 15, 2019

Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension
Community Development
helps communities enhance
their well-being.

AD Update:

-Greg Davis, Assistant Director

CD Program Review Update

I am happy to report that we continue to make progress on the CD Program Review. Gage Smith, state CD office, has been instrumental in collecting pertinent information and formatting content. Thank you, Gage!

By the end of July, we expect to submit an internal self-study report and a report of the State of CD work in Ohio. The goal is to circulate these two documents for your reactions within a week or so prior to submitting. The CD crowdsourcing report is due by the end of July as well. If you have any questions in the meantime, please let me know.

Ray Schindler and Recognizing Excellence

Last time in these pages I talked about the Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award. Ray retired more than 30 years ago after a career in Extension working on a regional level in CD. His work focused on land use planning, building capacity of organizations and community leaders, and economic development, most of it in northwest Ohio. He also focused on environmental work toward the latter part of his career. Ray is 91 years young and still loves to talk about working with organizations and individuals to enhance communities. I know this because I spent yesterday afternoon with Ray. He was excited to show me a nearby Hamilton County Metropark that he visits occasionally. We talked about the past and the future, beer on Sunday afternoons, peach pie with vanilla ice cream, and kids playing in water fountains on hot summer afternoons.

Nearly five years ago, Ray made a generous contribution to our CD Endowment Fund (622250). With that contribution, the endowment balance now generates an amount sufficient to provide a $1500 cash award for CD programmatic excellence.

Nominating for the Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award is easy. No later than November 1:

  1. Summarize the colleague’s accomplishments in 300 words or less
  2. Attach up to three (3) pages of support documentation (e.g., listing of accomplishments that illustrate excellence)
  3. Acquire a letter of recommendation from the individual’s supervisor

You can access the nomination form, read specific details, and see previous award winners here. If you’d like to send Ray a thank you, or just a card to say hello, you can reach him at or Ray Schindler, 9727 Dick Road, Harrison, OH 45030.

Lights, Camera, Launch! Advanced Editing Workshop to be held November 6

Today’s Lights, Camera, Launch! introductory video production session taught by our CD colleagues Brooke Beam (Highland CD/ANR) and Kenzie Johnston (Delaware CD/ANR) engaged 20 Extension ANR and CD professionals in conversation and hands-on work.

Studio 149 Team

Brooke and Kenzie joined other members of the Studio 149 team to talk more about filming styles, equipment, understanding your audience, storyboarding, scripting, and shooting. We even got into some very basic video editing using Adobe Premiere Pro.

Mark your calendars for November 6 if you are interested in a more advanced editing workshop (file editing, music soundtracks, etc.). We also plan to schedule additional introductory workshops.

Time to Disconnect

This time of year is a good time for taking time off with family and friends. I know many of you have enjoyed a break from work as schedules permit and, if you have not yet recently, I hope you have some time blocked off yet this summer and at regular intervals throughout the year.

CD Professional Development Support – September 1 Application Deadline

Don’t forget, if your professional development plans could benefit from some ‘outside assistance’ then now is the time to consider applying for up to $750 of CD Professional Development Support.

The fall deadline is just around the corner. Learn more on the CD Professionals’ webpage here.



Professional Development Summer Series 2019 - Lunch and Learns sponsored by Staff Advisory Council:

Lunch bags This summer, bring your lunch and join the CFAES Staff Advisory Council (SAC) for its Summer Professional Development series. Each event is free and open to all CFAES employees. The events will be broadcast via Zoom and also recorded.

Register below if you plan to attend. The 2019 series focuses on CliftonStrengths®, and each session can stand-alone, so you are able to choose sessions that fit your schedule. If you’ve attended a session before, you will discover content different from the original workshop. 

Where: 211 Agricultural Administration (Columbus), 126 Research Services (Wooster), 160 Endeavor center (Piketon), and Zoom.

1: Why should I care about my Strengths? - Tuesday, July 16, 12 - 1 p.m.
Many of you have been through Beth’s Strengths Finder workshops and know your Top 5 CliftonStrengths. This session starts with a quick refresher on the research and philosophy of the Strengths movement then moves into exploring your Top 5 at a deeper level and what that means for you. Be sure to have your personalized Strengths Insight Report during the session as you will refer to it often.  Outcomes for this session are:

  • Review CliftonStrengths philosophy

  • Identify what makes you unique from any other person in the entire university

2: Successfully using your Strengths at work - Friday, August 2, 12 - 1 p.m.
Your Strengths are an important part of what contributions you bring to your job. This session will help you discover how your Strengths influence your job performance and will provide you with tips to more effectively utilize your Strengths and avoid blind spots. Outcomes for this session are:

  • Identify the Strengths you use to perform your job duties

  • Discover blind spots to your performance

  • Determine how to use your Strengths to enhance your performance

3: How your Strengths boost your team - Monday, August 12, 12 - 1 p.m.
Strengths of individual team members mesh to boost the team’s success. If everyone has the same or similar Strengths, chances are the team would falter. This session will explore how you can work with colleagues with differing Strengths to build a strong and successful team. Outcomes for this session are:

  • Review a sample Talent Map

  • Discuss best practices 

Beth Flynn will be facilitating from the Columbus campus. She is a member of the Ohio State University Leadership Center team and a Gallup-certified CliftonStrengths coach. Beth holds a master’s degree in Community and Human Resource Development from The Ohio State University and a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the College of Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati, Ohio. Beth’s Top 5 Strengths are Woo, Positivity, Communication, Strategic and Includer.

Myra Wilson, Director of Alber Enterprise Center, will be co-facilitating from the Wooster campus. She has been a Strengths practitioner since 2003 when she first took the assessment and embraced the philosophy that changed how she lives and works. Myra earned her master’s in Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership from The Ohio State University and a bachelor’s degree in Business/Organization Communications from Otterbein University. Myra’s Top 5 Strengths are Maximizer, Achiever, Adaptability, Futuristic and Positivity.

Learning Circle Webinar "Beyond Organizations: New Models for Getting Things Done" - July 24:

Impact Collaborative Engage & Empower Online The eXtension Foundation has membership with the Institute for the Future: Future 50. Through Engage & Empower Online, they are able to provide exclusive access to publications and presentations from the Institute for the Future: Future 50 to eXtension members.

This first Learning Circle, on Wednesday, July 24, will be an opportunity to connect and discuss the Beyond Organizations: New Models for Getting Things Done publication. The webinar will be led by Mark Platten, Colorado State University Extension, and is for eXtension members only as part of Engage & Empower Online. The Ohio State University is an eXtension member. Register here.

The Institute for the Future and Google Cloud released a guide to building a resilient 21st century company, helping companies of all sizes move their organizations into the digital age by taking a holistic and systematic view of the impact of emerging technologies on the future of work, organizations, and IT leadership. In the form of a map called Beyond Organizations: New Models for Getting Things Done, the guide is part of a research series exploring how new ways of working will change the pace of business and innovation, empowering organizations to be more diverse, dynamic, and distributed.

This Learning Circle will be facilitated through a Zoom video conference. You will be able to access the Zoom room through your computer, through the Zoom mobile app, or by phone. When you register for this Learning Circle, you will be registered for eXtension's Engage & Empower Online platform where you will have access to the publication for this Learning Circle. You will receive your login instructions along with a link to the publication on July 16. Within the Engage & Empower Online platform, you will also be able to access a number of other exclusive publications and presentations available only to eXtension members. 

Staff Career Development Grant Applications due July 31:

Career Development Grant Staff have an opportunity to further growth and development through the Staff Career Development Grant.

Grant funding is available for individuals and groups with up to $1,250 available for individuals, $1,750 for groups of 2-10 and $2,000 for groups of 11 or more. The funds can be used for professional development, education, or training costs related to job and/or career goals. Applications are accepted until July 31. Read more.

CFAES Staff Advisory Council Road Trip - August 6:

Bus Tour Register now for the 2019 CFAES Staff Advisory Council Road Trip! Registration will remain open until July 22 or until all spots are filled.

This year's trip will be heading to the Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station. This station is best known for researching wine and grape varieties, but they also study pest and disease management, and routinely perform related outreach. The trip will begin at the research station, then travel to a local winery for lunch, followed by a tour and optional tasting. Attendance is limited to 56 employees and spots will be given on a first-come first-served basis. The trip is free (except for an optional $3 wine tasting) and transportation is provided from both Columbus and Wooster campuses.

Date: Tuesday, August 6
Cost: Free, except $3 to partake in the wine tasting
RSVP: Please register at

Elder Care Certificate Course coming to Columbus in September:

Elder Care Certificate Anyone who cares for or interacts with older adults will find the Elder Care Certificate Program a wealth of information about issues facing our aging population.

This program will transform the way participants work with elders and enhance their status as caring individuals. Participants will gain expertise in dealing with the aging population, will have a better understanding of the challenges seniors face, and will be better equipped with the interpersonal tools to function as contributing members of a team.

Complete four one-hour modules, then 16 hours total in-class sessions on September 5, 12, 19, and 26 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Ohio Living Westminster-Thurber (717 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215). Ohio State's employee fee is $378, which includes lunch. Full registration is $420. Click here to register by August 19; read more here. Program background information can be found here.

"ACEL to Extension" Workshop Series begins September 25:

ACEL to Extension The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) is delivering a workshop series for Ohio State University Extension. 

Visit for more information on these Zoom-based sessions from September 2019 through May 2020.

Please note: each session is an individual Zoom meeting. You must register in advance for each session you want to attend. All sessions begin at 9 a.m. EST. Time-length may range 60- to 90-minutes.

Questions? Contact - Jared or Beth



Reminder - FCS Conference Proposals due July 26:

Submissions for posters, Ignite presentations, and breakout sessions to be presented at the OSU Extension FCS Conference on October 24 at the Fawcett Center in Columbus are due by July 26. Please use the following link to submit:
FCS Conference Call for Proposals



Improvements Coming to Zoom on July 18:

The Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE) has secured an enterprise-wide contract with Zoom, and this tool will be offered across the university under the branded name “CarmenZoom.” CarmenZoom will be available to all faculty, staff and students, making it easier to stay connected with your colleagues across the university and the state of Ohio.

What does this mean for CFAES?
On July 18, ODEE will be migrating all CFAES Zoom accounts to the enterprise version. This will happen behind the scenes, and you should not experience any disruption in service. Future meetings will be maintained and existing links to meetings will redirect appropriately. 

Once migrated, you will notice the following benefits:

  • All users will have Pro accounts
  • The meeting participant limit will increase to 300 (from 100)
  • Automatic closed captioning will be available for recordings saved in the cloud

It is important to note that recordings can still be stored in the cloud, but they will be automatically deleted 120 days after the date of recording. CFAES IT staff have uploaded all existing recordings to BuckeyeBox, so you can easily retrieve any old recordings you’d like to keep. If you have existing recordings, CFAES IT will reach out to you directly with more instructions on how to access your recordings in Box.

Support for Zoom will remain the same—you should continue to contact the IT Service Desk for any issues or requests.

Outlook Mobile Available for University Email:

Ohio State has adopted Outlook Mobile, with some additional security protections, as its new mobile email solution. Functionality is very similar to Outlook, and it integrates smoothly with Microsoft Office 365 applications. Read more.

Sesquicentennial Nike Gear Now Available for Ohio State Employees:

Now through July 22 there is an online store with select Ohio State sesquicentennial items for any employees to purchase. Current offerings include quarter zips, polos, sweatshirts, and hats in both men’s and women’s cuts for this two-week window. Depending on demand, there may be a second window in the fall with additional items. Please note that no orders will be accepted after the July 22 deadline and delivery estimate is 3-4 weeks following the shop close on July 22.

Articles/Publications of Interest:

Weekly News Digest (CFAES information blog for faculty & staff)

CFAES Research News (July 2019)

© 2019, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232

This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.

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CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: