Mission Statement:Ohio State University Extension
Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
AD Update:
-Greg Davis, Assistant Director
CD Small Grants + Meghan = New STEM Programming in Pickaway
Meghan Thoreau began her OSU Extension career just over a couple years ago in a new position in Pickaway County, charged with addressing “post-secondary achievement and workforce development and readiness by conducting programs to meet current and future needs related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education in Pickaway County Schools.”
Now, fast-forward to a recent Columbus Dispatch article to read all about her efforts, drone racing, and 13 Circleville High School students who are excited about the school’s newly formed tech-sport club that will compete in the S3RA Drone Racing Scholastic League. With CD Small Grant funding, Meghan was able to get the equipment needed to start the club, the first in Pickaway County to participate in the competitive league. Kudos, Meghan!
Not interested in working with drone-flying youth? No worries! CD Small Grant funding can help advance YOUR applied research and curriculum development goals as well. To date we have awarded almost $30,000 in grants that have ranged in size from $2000 to $7000. In addition to Meghan’s STEM-related programming, these dollars have helped advance team efforts such as the creation of BR&E and Energize Ohio teaching materials, publications, and technology. They have also helped support collaborative survey research efforts, such as the work done in Wyandot County (see report here).
Your very brief CD Small Grants Funding Proposal can be submitted at any time. Please contact me first, though, to talk through your ideas.
Farewell to Kori Montgomery!
Kori Montgomery is continuing to expand her professional portfolio, taking a new position as a Fiscal Officer at OSU Marion effective December 31. She indicated that she is very excited about the new role and sends her best to the CD group for our focus on building quality relationships and as she says, “sparking my interest in baseball!” Kori joined the Alber Enterprise Center staff in August 2016. |
CD Professional/In-Service Dates - May 14 and August 13-14
Continuing to strengthen collaborative relationships is a key goal for 2019. As such we are planning in-services in conjunction with Extension colleagues in SENR, ACEL, AEDE, and Sea Grant/Stone Lab. Our May 14 event will be held at the 4-H Center in Columbus. August 13-14 will take us to the Sea Grant/Stone Lab facilities on Gibraltar Island (Ottawa County). More specific details for these events are yet to be determined. If you have an interest in being involved in the planning, please let me know.
NACDEP Awards Nominations – submit to Meghan Thoreau, president Ohio NACDEP by February 6
As you are reflecting on your 2018 efforts and finishing your annual reporting, you may want to think about submitting examples of your best work for NACDEP Awards consideration. Carol Welte is now leading the national awards effort and you may have seen her note in the most recent NACDEP newsletter. She indicated that the awards process will "go live" in mid-January, and we’ll have until early March to submit for national and regional consideration.
We have some amazing examples of innovative programs and teamwork. Check out the various awards categories and guidelines here. New this year is the NACDEP Award for Creative Excellence Sponsored by JCEP (Individual or Team). The award recognizes an individual or team that demonstrates creative excellence that is adopted by others, advancing the work of community development in innovative ways. For the purposes of this award, innovation is an approach to emerging issues or addressing existing issues in exceptionally creative or novel ways that get results, and that others want to emulate.
Please consider submitting your best work for this annual peer review and recognition and please remember, your submission(s) comes through an Ohio review process first. Here’s how it works:
- Complete your application (find the application at the link above), but do not submit directly to NACDEP!
- Email COMPLETE applications to Meghan Thoreau (thoreau.1@osu.edu) - by noon, Wednesday, February 6
- Applications will be reviewed and state winners notified by Monday, February 11
- Our state winners for all represented categories will need to submit by the early March deadline (date TBD) to NACDEP for national consideration at awards@nacdep.net
- Awardees are presented plaques/certificates at the NACDEP Annual Conference in Asheville, North Carolina, June 9-12
Mileage Rate Change for 2019 and New Forms
Effective January 1, 2019, the federal mileage rate increased from $0.545 to $0.58 per mile. A new in-state travel log for 2019 and updated overnight reimbursement form are available on the FAES Finance website. They will automatically calculate your reimbursement at the appropriate rate. Please download the new log before submitting any mileage for 2019 to be sure you are being reimbursed at the correct rate.
IT Transformation Project Update - December 2018
Updates to the IT Service Desk phone number and the Self Service site are now in effect to help streamline support using one system for CFAES employees on the Columbus, Wooster, and Statewide campuses. You can receive support from the IT Service Desk 24/7 through both methods.
- 24/7 support via 614-514-IT4U (4848)
You can call 614-514-IT4U at any time to receive IT support. If it is outside of office hours, your call will be answered by IT Service Desk staff who can assist with many core and common issues directly over the phone. They can also escalate more specialized, unique, or complex issues to one of the on-site support staff for follow-up and resolution.
- 24/7 support via the Self Service site
The CFAES Help Desk website many of you have used to request general IT support and order certain services is now redirecting to the OCIO Self Service site go.osu.edu/IT. You are likely familiar with using the OCIO Self Service site as a way to request help with certain services like email and password resets. You are now able to use this site to submit tickets, request purchases, and order services for any IT issues. This allows both you and the IT Service Desk team to track your ticket, communicate with each other through one system, and help resolve issues in an efficient manner.
Refer to Jackie Wilkins' All-Extension email of December 18 for the complete update.
Additional VITA Office Hours Available:
Debbie Lewis has added more VITA "Office Hours" during the following times.
- Thursday, January 10, 9-10 a.m.
- Friday, January 11, 9-10 a.m.
- Monday, January 14, 10-11a.m.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://osu-cfaes.zoom.us/j/2599398688
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16468769923,2599398688# or +16699006833,2599398688#
Or Telephone:
+1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)
+1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 259 939 8688
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/dQgwrB1Au
2019 Extension Leadership Conference - February 6-7:
The 2019 Extension Leadership Conference, sponsored by JCEP, will be held on February 6-7 at the Wyndham Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas. |
The keynote speaker will be Grace Gorrell who is a former faculty member at the University of Kentucky. Since retiring she has begun a business "Leading with Grace."
Registration is now open. Registration fee is $350 for early bird until January 14; after that registration will increase to $400. Conference website.
Upcoming NCRCRD Webinar - February 11:
Reconceptualizing Quality, Affordable Childcare as Public Utility: Family, Child, and Economic Development Perspectives
This webinar will present the results and findings of comprehensive needs assessments of access to quality, affordable childcare (AQACC) in select rural counties in Nebraska and Kansas. Leveraging these data, and exploring the family, child, and economic developmental perspectives, reconceptualizing AQACC will be proposed as holding the equivalent benefit to rural communities as that of public utilities (e.g. high-speed Internet, electricity, phone). Implications for community level organization and action will be provided.
For complete information on this webinar and other upcoming webinars, as well as the webinar link, visit here. Remember - recorded webinars can be viewed here.
2019 PILD Conference April 14-17:
The 2019 Public Issues Leadership Development Conference will be held April 14-17 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, VA. |
Registration is now open. Early bird registration $350 is available until March 22. Conference website.
CFAES Annual Research Conference - April 22:
Save the date for the 2019 CFAES Annual Research Conference, to be held in Columbus on April 22. More details and a formal invitation will be released in the coming weeks.
Annual Conference on Excellence in Teaching and Learning - Call for Proposals due January 22:
The Academy of Teaching is accepting proposals for its annual Conference on Excellence in Teaching and Learning until Tuesday, January 22. Proposals are welcome from members of the Ohio State teaching community for presentations on any topics related to enhancing the quality and effectiveness of university teaching and student learning. Proposals may be interdisciplinary or specific to a single discipline or group of disciplines. It is recommend that you address this year’s conference theme "Embracing Time and Change." Read more.
Call for Proposals Multi-State Rural Development Research or Extension Projects North Central Region - due February 6:
The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development at Michigan State University announces a competition for seed grants aimed at enhancing the ability of Land Grant institutions to positively influence the quality of life in rural areas of the twelve-state North Central region of the United States. If you have any questions regarding small grant proposals, there will be a Q/A session on January 16 at 1 p.m. Sign up for the Q/A session. Application deadline: February 6. Call for Proposals and complete details available here.
Sustainable Tourism & Outdoor Recreation Conference - Call for Proposals due March 8:
The 2019 Sustainable Tourism & Outdoor Recreation Conference (STOR), organized by National Extension Tourism Design Team (NET), will be held in Astoria, Oregon, October 8-11. This is an outstanding opportunity for Extension professionals, academic faculty, and others working in the broad area of tourism and recreation, including tourism service providers and businesses, to share programs, initiatives, research, and success stories, and network with other professionals. Complete information available here. |
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
CFAES Research News (January 2019)
Twine Line (Fall/Winter 2018)
Ohio Sea Grant eNewsletter (December 2018)
The Drop (December 2018)
© 2019, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact odrumsky.1@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.