Mission Statement:Ohio State University Extension
Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
AD Update:
-Greg Davis, Assistant Director
Professional Development, Collegiality, and a Celebration of Accomplishments - January 23-25
The 2019 OSU Community Engagement Conference/Extension Annual Conference registration is open! And while navigating the process of actually registering can be a bit of a challenge, the session content and the opportunities to strengthen your network and celebrate the accomplishments of colleagues are well worth the cost.
A quick scan of session content demonstrates the relevance to our work. Consider, for example, these excerpts from the listing of conference sessions:
- leveraging existing assets, developing new partners, growing a network in disadvantaged communities, addressed leadership skills
- collaboration between universities, community-based organizations, and businesses
- engaging the public on topics that address controversial public issues
- working collaboratively with municipal and regional government, the agricultural community, and health care
- addressing healthy food access issues and benefiting local economies
- best practices of working together to support economic development
- innovative mapping techniques to identify clusters of residents and illustrate their attitudes and experiences
- tools and procedures used to support collaborative community problem-solving
- using best management practices and categorizing communities according to an index of five biophysical and five sociodemographic indicators
Among the various session presentations is a Jerry Thomas IGNITE session focused on “Key trends and issues that will impact Extension professionals during the next five years,” as well as a variety of presentations by our very own CD professionals, including:
- Jill Bartolotta
- Brooke Beam
- Tom Blaine
- Stacie Burbage
- Susan Colbert
- Scott Hardy
- Anne Johnson
- Sarah Orlando
- Amanda Osborne
- Eric Romich
- Myra Wilson
You will even have a chance to catch up with former Cuyahoga County CD colleague, Erika Meschkat, now with the City of Cleveland, Mayor's Office of Sustainability.
And all of this is just in the first two days! We’ll have the Extension Awards Banquet on Thursday evening, January 24 and then JCEP and CES annual meetings and Extension-targeted sessions on Friday morning. The event concludes with a one-hour Ohio NACDEP meeting after lunch and the keynote address.
If you have not already registered, please do not delay! Early registration ends December 7.
CFAES Holiday Appreciation Celebration
I know Columbus (or Wooster) can seem like a long way away for many of you, especially given our hectic schedules. But, if you have reason(s) to travel to either location in the next few weeks I encourage you to consider scheduling your visits on either December 11 or 14 such that you can also participate in the 2018 CFAES Faculty & Staff Holiday Appreciation Celebration.
I attended the Columbus (Ag Admin) gathering last year and was literally blown away when I tried to enter the Ag Admin auditorium. The room was packed with people, festive food, and a warm, joyous mood. Dean Cathann Kress spoke for just a few minutes and it was a wonderful way to see and visit with colleagues. Both events run from 3-4:30 p.m. with Dean Kress remarks at 3:45 p.m. To register (no cost, simply name.#), check your inbox for an invite from Lori Bowman dated last Friday morning (November 30).
Mike Lloyd Update
Good news from our very own Mike Lloyd. He called Sandy today to report that he is recuperating from a stroke (suffered in late October) and is back to “about 90 percent.” He specifically wanted to convey his gratitude to everyone for their encouraging thoughts and warm letters of support.
You can reach Mike at: PO Box 116, Hannibal, OH 43931.
Vita Trainings in December:
There will be one in-person training session for Vita in Columbus and two training sessions via Zoom. There will also be multiple opportunities to participate in “office hours” for less formal question/answer sessions.
Here are the dates/times of the longer, three-hour training opportunities:
- Wednesday, December 12 (9 a.m. to noon) at the 4-H Center
- Tuesday, December 18 (1:30 to 4:30 p.m.) via Zoom
- Wednesday, December 19 (9 a.m. to noon) via Zoom
Here are the dates/times for the shorter question/answer sessions via Zoom (so far)…
- Friday, December 14 (9-10 a.m.)
- Monday, December 17 (10-11 a.m.)
- Thursday, December 20 (10-11 a.m.)
- Friday, December 21 (9-10 a.m.)
RSVP for training sessions and office hours here. Training sessions are listed on page 2 of the survey and office hours are listed on page 3. Zoom connection information will only be sent to those who register via the survey link.
Also, if you cannot attend any of the opportunities listed above, please remember you can view the training materials from last December’s Vita trainings on the Learning and Organizational Development website. There is a recorded training posted (where you can pause, fast forward, rewind and mute) and the PowerPoint slides that were used (not a lot has changed in the last year).
If you are having technical difficulties in Vita, please email vita@osu.edu.
Digital Engagement and Innovation Leadership Development Program 2019 - Apply by December 14:
Keep current clients engaged and reach new and diverse audiences. The Digital Engagement and Innovation Leadership Development program is a year-long cohort-based program through which Extension professionals will learn the necessary skills for creating high quality and engaging digital content and e-learning opportunities. |
Sessions will be held once per month for skills-based learning and will be a mix of face-to-face (F2F) workshops and webinars. Tentative schedule:
Jan 10: Introductions and Design Thinking (F2F)
Feb 14: Creating Accessible Content (webinar)
Mar 14: Digital Storytelling and Social Media (F2F)
Apr 11: Assessing Impact and Engagement (webinar)
May 9: Video Production Bootcamp (F2F)
Jun 13: Diversity and Inclusion (webinar)
Jul 11: Graphics with Canva and Piktochart (webinar)
Aug 8: Getting Started with eNewsletters (F2F)
Sept 12: Teaching Your First Zoom Webinar (webinar)
Oct 10: Digital Evaluations with Qualtrics (F2F)
Nov 14: eLearning with Podcasts (webinar)
Dec 5: Portfolio Presentations (F2F)
Participation is limited to 25 people. Cost is $150. Application deadline is Friday, December 14. Apply here.
Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands: How Do We Reverse the Trends to Achieve Net Habitat Gain? - Webinar December 19:
Join the International Joint Commission’s Water Quality Board Emerging Issues Work Group and the Great Lakes Coastal Assembly on Wednesday, December 29 from 3 to 5 p.m. to discuss the challenges and opportunities to achieving net habitat gain for Great Lakes coastal wetlands.
Brief presentations will focus on the status and need to assess coastal wetlands, how to advance practices that enhance and expand them, and pilot efforts to set and track ecological targets. We also look forward to hearing your views on what actions are needed to reverse the trend in wetland loss and achieve net habitat gain in the Great Lakes.
Speakers include:
- Jon Allan, Michigan Office of the Great Lakes
- Mike Goffin, Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Dennis Albert, Oregon State University and Michigan Natural Features Inventory
- Anne Garwood, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
- Chris May, The Nature Conservancy
- Chris Robinson, Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters
- Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, Michigan Technological University
- Brian Huberty, US Fish & Wildlife Service
- Christie Deloria, US Fish & Wildlife Service and Great Lakes Coastal Assembly
Register here.
Program Evaluation Designs that Measure Changes in Health Outcomes - Webinar December 21:
The North Central Region Aging Network will be hosting the Program Evaluation Designs that Measure Changes in Health Outcomes webinar on December 21 at 11 a.m. The webinar will be presented by Dr. Cheryl Eschbach from Michigan State University. Visit here for more information. |
Human Development and Program Planning - Spring Semester/Session One:
Looking for professional development opportunities or wanting to earn credit toward a degree? You just found it – AEE 7520: Human Development and Program Planning. You will learn about human development and why it is essential for planning programs to serve youth and adults in educational settings. The online course will be offered session one of spring semester, January 7 to February 22. OSU employees may enroll as Graduate Non-Degree and get a fee-waiver. Apply by December 31 to allow processing and enrollment. Contact Scott Scheer (scheer.9@osu.edu) with questions.
D.C. Days 2010 Applications due December 14:
The application for the 2019 D.C. Days trip is currently available. Each year, a trip is arranged by the Grant Development Support Unit and CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education. |
It allows a group of CFAES faculty to travel to Washington, D.C. for 2-3 days in May. On the trip, researchers can become more competitive by visiting with federal program officers. Meetings with program officers will take place at federal agency offices in Washington, D.C. Interested individuals should email a PDF to Pam Schlegel (schlegel.33@osu.edu) containing a cover page, abstract, and curriculum vita. See the RFA for more information.
NACDEP Conference Call for Proposals due January 14:
The 2019 NACDEP conference in Asheville, NC, is accepting proposals for presentations, workshops, and posters. Options include: 30-minute presentation, 90-minute workshop, 15-minute REAL Talk, 3 or 6-hour pre or post-conference workshop, and poster. |
The proposal deadline is Monday, January 14 at 11:59 p.m. EST. Visit the NACDEP website for more information.
Deadline to submit EEETs – December 8:
The deadline to submit your Evaluation of Effective Extension Teaching (EEET) forms for this calendar year is Saturday, December 8 (your EEETs must be postmarked by that date). Learning and Organizational Development (LOD) will NOT process any EEETs postmarked after that date until 2019. This means any late EEETs (postmarked after December 8, 2018) will NOT be on the three-year EEET summary report that will be sent to county-based program faculty and staff in January 2019 (NOTE: you do not need to request your three-year EEET summary report).
Options for getting your final EEETs to LOD:
- Drop off your EEETs to Ag Admin, Suite 25. Please do not leave your EEET envelopes lying around in suite 25 and do not slide them under a door in suite 25 – there is no guarantee we will see them/get them. Either hand them to an LOD staff member, or leave them in our mailbox in the Ag Admin Building mail room (on the ground floor, room 11, across from the Extension administration office).
- Mail your EEETs to (REMEMBER: MUST be postmarked by December 8, 2018):
Suite 25, Agricultural Administration Building
2120 Fyffe Rd.
Columbus, OH 43210
Refer to Debby Lewis’s all-extension email of November 29 for complete details.
Weather-related Resources and Closing Reminders:
With winter upon us, it’s important to be aware of the university’s weather-related resources and policy and know how to check the university’s status. Although Ohio State strives to remain open, extreme conditions during the winter can warrant the usage of the university’s Weather or Other Short-Term Closing Policy. Faculty and staff can be prepared by reviewing this policy and taking note of the resources to check the university’s status. Learn more about the available resources and review the Weather or Other Short-Term Closing Policy. Read more.
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
CFAES Experts Can Address Climate Change Report
Ohio Sea Grant eNewsletter (November 2018)
South Centers Connections Newsletter (Fall 2018)
Landscape Faculty/Student Design Collaboration Leads to Possible Patent (Knowlton School News)
The Drop (NCRWN eNewsletter November 2018)
© 2018, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact odrumsky.1@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.