CD Wire - September 10, 2018

Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension
Community Development
helps communities enhance
their well-being.

AD Update:

-Greg Davis, Assistant Director

Congrats to Raison, Romich, Apaliyah

A quick check of these pages shows mention of the word “promotion” nearly 70 times in the past eight years. Why? As part of an academic institution, one of the ways that professional growth and development is recognized is via academic promotion. At the most basic level, the process involves inviting your peers to assess your body of work against the norms and values of the institution and the academy. Provisions exist for faculty promotion (see Volume 3, Promotion and Tenure Review at the Office of Academic Affairs) as well as A&P educator promotion. (NOTE: Please know that revisions to the A&P promotion process and guidelines are to be announced soon.)

Congratulations are in order for Godwin Apaliyah, Brian Raison* and Eric Romich*, each of whom has been recognized with promotion this year (Apaliyah to A&P Educator III, Raison and Romich to Associate Professor). These individuals have documented significant contributions in Extension teaching, creative/scholarly work, and service. It is safe to say they have also become intimately familiar with the promotion process.  : )

*Raison and Romich also received faculty tenure. Read the CFAES news article here.

Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award Nominations due by November 1

Speaking of significant contributions in Extension teaching, creative/scholarly work, and service; now is the time to be thinking of your CD colleagues whose accomplishments are deserving of the Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award. Ray was one of the first Extension regional CD specialists who helped shape the Extension CD profession we know today. His contributions have been far reaching and impactful, from the earliest stages of the program area when he joined Extension in the early 1960s to the present day as faculty emeritus.

The $1,000 cash award recognizes a CD Extension professional for significant programmatic strengths, major contributions and innovative approaches achieved over the course of their Extension career. November 1 is the submission deadline for nominations. Note that the presentation of the award will be held during the OSU Community Engagement Conference held at the Ohio Union on January 24, 2019, from 4:30 to 7 p.m.

Please find complete information about the award, including past recipients and the nomination form here.

Small Grants

To help fund your applied research and curriculum development goals, don’t forget our very own CD Small Grants program. Past grants have ranged from $1500-$4500 and helped to advance, for example, BR&E and Energize Ohio team effort (e.g. teaching materials, publications, technology, etc.), collaborative survey research in Wyandot County (see report here), and teaching materials and technology for use with STEM-related programs in Pickaway County. Your very brief CD Small Grants Funding Proposal can be submitted at any time. Please feel free to contact me to talk through your ideas.

September 5 In-service Re-cap

Last week’s state in-service was focused largely on designEXT. Specifically, we talked about carrying out our Extension mission in the framework of designEXT and in light of the ‘One-CFAES’ and ‘One-University’ initiatives. We discussed the various pieces and parts and I ultimately shared the diagram below – something I created to help me better see how the pieces and parts can better work together.

Key elements of designEXT and One-CFAES

This conceptual drawing represents some of the key elements of the designEXT and ‘One-CFAES’ initiatives related to our program development, delivery and support. It is meant to convey better integration of expertise and support and enhanced connections for increased collaboration. If you would like to discuss this more, please let me know.

We also spent a good bit of time thinking through program opportunities and how our existing efforts might join with others in creating something new or better. Not unlike other administrative workgroups I’ve been involved with recently, we struggled in identifying common measures of success; that is, indicators or metrics that could be applied across a wide variety of program efforts.

Finally, we discussed the role of program areas, program divisions, and our various professional associations in helping support our work in the impact area model. We described each of them in the ways below:

  1. impact area – facilitates wide-ranging, inter-disciplinary collaboration around science-informed programs that address a specific area of focus (e.g. addiction and mental health)
  2. program area – provides a ‘home’ or ‘identity’ for individuals with similar academic preparation and professional training
  3. professional association – supports growth and development of its membership
  4. program division – carries out administrative functions (e.g. travel reimbursement, annual performance review, etc.)

I am anticipating that our professional associations (e.g. Ohio-based NACDEP via OJCEP) will need to play a much more prominent role in the future and look forward to helping in this endeavor. Note that current Ohio NACDEP president Amanda Osborne will be ‘retiring’ from that role at the end of 2018. Meghan Thoreau will assume presidential duties and a vice-president will be elected by Ohio’s NACDEP membership. If you have an interest in serving in this role, please contact Amanda, Meghan, me or anyone who has previously served to learn more.

Finally, we had a couple of guests join us briefly. Glenn Brewer of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) provided an overview of their financial education curriculum, Money Smart. Note that partnering with Extension was recently shared in an FDIC publication – if you have an interest or would like to discuss more, please let me know. Also, Suzanne Steel discussed the recent creation of an Extension Publications unit. Expect more info to come regarding opportunities to expand how we convey information via our publications.



September is Data Analytics Month:

Data Analytics Month The third annual Data Analytics Month at Ohio State kicked off Tuesday, September 4, and goes to Friday, September 28.

Created by the Translational Data Analytics Institute, Data Analytics Month is a campus-wide series of workshops, lectures, student challenges and events focused on data analytics and decision science. The month will feature more than 20 events from 13 groups across campus, all with the goal of raising awareness of data resources and expertise at Ohio State. Events are open to faculty, staff and students. Read more here. 

Next EPN Breakfast to focus on Lake Erie Impairment Designation - September 11: 

The Lake Erie Impairment Designation The next EPN Breakfast will be held on Tuesday, September 11 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center beginning at 7:15 a.m.

This panel will discuss the science-based approach used by two of our state’s leading universities to help the Ohio EPA assess whether the open waters of Lake Erie met federal and state water quality goals and key lessons learned from water quality management. Click here for complete information and to register. 

Rural and Urban Watersheds Webinar - September 12:

The North Central Region Water Network will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday, September 12, at 2 p.m. focused on watershed management. Register here.

Tricia Moore and Ron Graber of Kansas State University will be presenting efforts between the City of Wichita, KS and upstream producers to unify watershed management in the Little Arkansas River watershed through two different mechanisms: drinking water supply protection and storm water management. The role of the research and Extension arms of the Land-grant university system in facilitating these partnerships will also be discussed.

Provost’s Discovery Themes Lecturer Program presents DJ Patil - September 19:

DJ Patil The Provost’s Discovery Themes Lecturer Program will be held on Wednesday, September 19, from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. at Mershon Auditorium on the Columbus campus.

DJ Patil will present “Big Data, and How it can Solve the World’s Most Pressing Problems.” The event can also be watched live. Register to attend.



Connect and Collaborate Grants - Letters of Intent due October 2: 

Connect and Collaborate Grants The Connect and Collaborate Grants Program incentivizes Ohio State community teams to develop and grow meaningful partnerships that catalyze engaged teaching, research and service programs with measurable and sustainable benefits to the community while advancing the strategic and scholarly goals of the university.

Grants up to $70,000 are available. Letters of intent are due Tuesday, October 2. An information session will be held Thursday, September 13, at 10 a.m. in the Research Commons and can be viewed online here.

Community Engagement Conference and Extension Annual Conference - Call for Proposals due October 3:

The Community Engagement Conference (1/23-24/19) and Extension Annual Conference (1/25/19; Awards program 1/24/19 from 4:30 to 7 p.m.) will be held at the Ohio Union. The theme for the Community Engagement Conference is Partnering for a Resilient and Sustainable Future and the Extension Annual Conference will continue to capitalize on Community Engagement's theme. 

Proposal submission is combined for the Community Engagement Conference and the Extension Annual Conference (for Extension employees only). The proposals can be submitted here and are due Wednesday, October 3. If you have questions, please contact Kate Shumaker (, Amanda Bennett ( or Jared Morrison ( Refer to Jared Morrison's email of September 4 for complete details, including how to have your proposal reviewed/considered for the Extension Annual Conference.

Reminder - SEEDS Grants Program Proposals due October 10:

The FY19 Request for Proposals for SEEDS: The Research Competitive Grants Program is available online. Faculty proposals are due Wednesday, October 10, at 5 p.m. 
Informational sessions on the SEEDS faculty RFP will be held:

Tuesday, September 11 (10 - 11 a.m.)
250A Ag. Admin (Columbus)

Wednesday, September 12 (2:30 - 3:30 p.m.)
250A Ag. Admin (Columbus)

Thursday, September 13 (10:30 - 11:30 a.m. and 1 - 2 p.m.)
130 Research Services (Wooster)



Phishing Awareness: Have you seen this email? Report it!

Phishing Email

A large-volume phishing attempt is targeting students and some faculty and staff. It can be identified by three key features: it appears as a “reply to” message, the body does not contain a greeting or signature, and clicking the link directs you to an unrecognized site.

If you believe you’ve been sent this or any other phishing message, don’t click any links! Please forward it directly to and ensure your computer is up-to-date with security updates. If your email or computer begins behaving strangely, contact the IT Service Desk at (614) 688-4357. Learn more, including what you should look for and what you should do if you receive one of these emails.

Articles/Publications of Interest:

Weekly News Digest (CFAES information blog for faculty & staff)

CFAES IT Transformation Project (September Update)

CFAES Research News (September 2018)


Marketing Local Foods? How to Stand Out from the Competition

Ohio Sea Grant eNews (August 2018)

Twine Line (Spring/Summer 2018 Edition) 

eXtension News Roundup (August 2018)

The Drop (Previously known as The North Central Region Water Network's Newsletter - September 2018)

© 2018, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232

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CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: