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Mission Statement:Ohio State University Extension
Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
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AD Update:
-Greg Davis, Assistant Director
CD Professional Development Support – October 1 Application Deadline
Welcome Back, Marlee
We welcome back Marlee Stollar for her second semester as CD's student assisstant! |
Marlee is a third-year student majoring in Agricultural Communication and double minoring in Agribusiness and Professional Writing. Outside of her classes, she is very involved at Ohio State. Marlee is the vice president of Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow, a CFAES Celebration of Students co-chair, a public relations co-chair of Alpha Sigma Upsilon Sorority and the reporter of Towers Agricultural Honorary. She is also a CFAES Peer Mentor and a member of Alpha Zeta Partners Professional Honorary Fraternity. Marlee interned with Dairy Farmers of America this summer as their communication intern and is excited to be back and working for Community Development again during the school year.
ANROP Study Tour at Stone Lab - September 10:
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Interested in learning more about Lake Erie’s water quality issues? |
Join the Ohio Association of Natural Resources Outreach Professionals (Ohio ANROP) on Monday, September 10, for a tour of Stone Laboratory and a science cruise. Registration is now open through CVENT. Sign up soon as space is limited to 30. Cost of the event is $76 if you are currently an ANROP member, $100 for non-members, and includes lunch and island transportation. For more information, including the day's agenda, click here.
The group will be meeting at 5174 E. Water Street in Port Clinton to catch the Miller Ferry – plan to be there no later than 8:45 am as the ferry does not wait for passengers! Lunch will be provided on the island, with return to the mainland at 4:00 pm.
"Combating Opioids" Webinar Series - Sept. 25 & Dec. 7:
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The Rural Health and Safety Education webinar series "Combating Opioids" is hosted by Purdue University Extension and the NCRCRD as part of a USDA/NIFA grant. Click here to join any of the webinars; log in as a "Guest" (type your first and last name), and "enter room."
Demand-side Factors Influencing Endemic Drug Use in America
September 25 - 2 p.m.
Presented by: Michael Betz, The Ohio State University
The American drug epidemic has become one of the most devastating public health crises of the past century. Recent investigations into the factors driving the crisis have typically fallen into either supply-side explanations (e.g. increased supply of prescription opioids) or demand-side factors (e.g. employment, mental health, relationships). This webinar focuses on the current research investigating demand-side factors influencing overdose deaths in the U.S. and aims to synthesize the findings into a unified narrative.
Dreamland: America’s Opiate Epidemic and How We Got Here
December 7 - 2:00 p.m.
Presented by: Sam Quinones, Journalist and Author
Journalist and author of “Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic” will discuss the factors that went into creating our national epidemic of opiate addiction: pharmaceutical marketing, demanding American health consumers, changes in our heroin market, and more.
2019 Community Engagement Conference - Proposals due October 3:
Proposals are now being accepted for Ohio State’s second annual Community Engagement Conference, January 23-24, 2019 at the Ohio Union. The conference will bring together faculty, staff, students, and community partners to focus on professional development and making connections, while exploring new potential engagement partnerships. The theme of this year’s conference is Partnering for a Resilient and Sustainable Future. Proposals are due by October 3. All accepted presentations and posters will receive a citable URL in Engaged Scholars (the conference proceedings). To submit a proposal and learn more, visit go.osu.edu/2019call.
Contact Ben Lewis (lewis.485@osu.edu) or Jared Morrison (morrison.332@osu.edu).
Battelle Grant Competition - Call for Proposals due November 27:
Ohio State full-time assistant, associate and full professors may submit proposals for the 2019 Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs (BETHA) Endowment awards. The annual competition, funded by Battelle Memorial Institute, awards three to six projects (from $10,000 to $60,000) that examine the impact of science and technology on individuals and society. Deadline is Tuesday, November 27. Read more.
Farm Science Review - Staffing Request for Extension Info Booth:
OSU Extension has an info booth at Farm Science Review in the Firebaugh building (384 Friday Avenue), along with farm office (ag law/ag business), soil health, water quality, climate and weather, Women in Ag, Purdue Extension, Central State University Extension, etc. The OSU Extension booth theme is “Info on the Go…wherever you conduct business” to go along with the farm office theme in the entire building. We are on-site to help FSR visitors look up fact sheets, answer questions about Extension resources, and provide a general Extension presence.
Help is needed to staff the info booth Tuesday through Thursday, September 18-20. Shifts are 8 to 11 a.m., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and 2 to 5 p.m. Hopefully at least two volunteers will be in the booth at all times.
Your BuckID gets you into FSR, and you can spend some time visiting the rest of FSR when you’re done with your shift. If you are interested in helping out with the info booth, please contact Cheryl Buck (buck.19@osu.edu) by Friday, August 31, to let her know when you are available.
BuckeyePass will protect eTimesheet and eLeave - Effective September 30:
eTimesheet and eLeave will be the latest systems to adopt BuckeyePass protection, beginning Sunday, September 30. |
Having these systems under multi-factor protection may require you to carry your authentication device with you more often to ensure you can log in and out to keep track of work hours. More information can be found on the BuckeyePass website.
Volunteer for National 4-H Conference:
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More than 400 volunteer opportunities are available to make 2018 NAE4-HA a successful event. Sign up today! |
The NAE4-HA conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Columbus October 7-11. Volunteer opportunities are available October 6-11. Some tasks include moderating a session, volunteering on a seminar on wheels, helping with technology/IT, assisting at the opening event and state house, and volunteering an extra set of hands. You can easily sign up here: go.osu.edu/NAE4-HA. Click here for information on how to use Sign Up Genius.
If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Joy Sharp (sharp.5@osu.edu) or Rebecca Suppinger (supinger.5@osu.edu).
JCEP/ESP Award and Nomination Opportunities:
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2018 JCEP/ESP Awards and Nominations are now open. |
Below are the links and information for the three award divisions: Creative Works, Team Teaching, and Special Chapter Awards. Nominations for Friend of Extension and Excellence in Extension are also now open.Take advantage of this opportunity to be recognized for your work and to add something to your CV. Please also pay close attention to the upcoming deadlines. Detailed information on each award can be found in Clifton Martin's email of August 27.
Quick Links:
- Creative Works Applications Due October 1
- Team Teaching Award Application Due October 1
- ESP Special Chapter Awards Due October 1
- Friend of Extension Due September 20
- Excellence in Extension Due September 20
New in CarmenCanvas:
The Teaching in CarmenCanvas page on the ODEE site brings together a wide variety of resources from Ohio State faculty, instructional designers and the makers of the Canvas software that powers Carmen. The Autumn 2018 edition features stories about teaching with technology, best practices for Carmen courses and assignments, app tutorials and so much more. Be sure to visit this page often to stay engaged with the teaching tools available and to learn new and innovative ways to enhance the learning experience.
There are several enhancements in the works for CarmenCanvas, as well as for other programs designed to improve the teaching and learning experience at Ohio State. Integrated software such as Mediasite and Turnitin will see improvements; new services for lab notes and academic integrity have been launched; and incoming freshmen will be equipped with new technology. Read more.
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
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Weekly News Digest (CFAES information blog for faculty & staff)
OSU Extension Advancement eNewsletter (Summer 2018)
CFAES Monthly (August 2018)
Connections Newsletter (OSU South Centers - Summer 2018)
© 2018, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact odrumsky.1@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.