CD Wire - April 30, 2018

Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension
Community Development
helps communities enhance
their well-being.

AD Update:

-Greg Davis, Assistant Director

NACDEP Conference – Reflections to Date

In just a little over six weeks we will be coming together in Cleveland for the 14th annual NACDEP conference. It will be the fourth time a north-central state has hosted the annual event and the first time we’ve hosted in Ohio. QUIZ: Do you know what other states hosted, and when? (See answers below).

It was nearly four years ago when the idea first surfaced and three years ago when we first started work on our bid to host. In the time since then, we’ve learned so much. We’ve worked together in ways we have not worked together before.

I want to thank all of you for your contributions thus far. Working as a team, we have gotten the big pieces in place. And as president-elect and conference co-chair, David has been exceptional with the specifics; communicating details with the NACDEP board and with Ricky Atkins, the NACDEP association manager.

Now is the time to focus on the small details that remain. To that end, please expect more detailed reports and invitations/requests for help in the coming weeks.

I look forward to watching how we work together leading up to and during our time together, June 10-13, in Cleveland!

Farewell, Marlee – Welcome Back, Mariah

Last week we extended safe and productive wishes to Marlee Stollar, our state CD office student assistant and Agricultural Communications major within the Department of ACEL. Over summer break, Marlee will be working in Medina to hone her marketing and professional writing skills with the Dairy Farmers of America, a dairy marketing cooperative with nearly 14,000 dairy farmer members. 

You may recall that Marlee officially joined us in the spring semester in the role formerly held by her sister, Mariah. During spring semester, Mariah was focused on her senior capstone experience which involved shadowing and assisting Cindy Torppa, Jackie Wilkins, and Roger Rennekamp with Extension administration.

After graduating Sunday with her B.S. in Community Leadership, Mariah will re-join us in the state CD office for the summer, starting May 7. She plans to pursue a master’s degree at Penn State University in the fall.

[QUIZ answers: Indianapolis (2008), Minneapolis (2010), Grand Rapids (2014)]



Ohio JCEP Professional Development Scholarship Applications due May 1:

The OJCEP Scholarships, Grants and Recognition (SGR) Scholarship sub-committee will review applications and make a final determination of scholarship award recipients.

Submit applications by May 1 for the spring awards and by September 1 for the fall awards to Cindy Meyer, SGR Scholarship sub-committee chair. Stipends will be payable upon receipt of an expense report and a written summary (1-2 pages). The summary must be submitted to the OJCEP treasurer and SGR Committee chair within 60 days of the training or event. Click here for the scholarship application.

Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate - May 18:

The Ohio State University and the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission are joining to host a dialog on “Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate” on May 18 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Fawcett Center on the Columbus campus.

Experts from Ohio State, MORPC, and central Ohio communities will present the challenges facing local infrastructure and the public health resulting from localized climate change impacts, what actions are currently being taken to combat these problems, and how Ohio State, MORPC, and local communities can work together to best prevent, mitigate, and adapt to the effects of our changing environment. For complete information, including registration (by May 14) and the agenda, click here.

Upcoming eXtension Web Sessions:

Visit eXtension Learn ( to view and register for upcoming webinar sessions. Please share these events with others who may also be interested.

Topics include:

  • 27 Years of Extension Urban Forestry Outreach: A Pennsylvania Success Story - Wednesday, May 9 at 1 p.m.
  • All Hands on Deck! Developing Culturally Alert Communication in Relationships - Thursday, May 24 at 11 a.m.

Register for SBIR Road Tour @ Ohio State – June 20:

The U.S. Small Business Administration's (SBA) National SBIR Road Tour is coming to Ohio State Wednesday, June 20, giving researchers and faculty a coveted opportunity to learn firsthand about America's largest seed fund. 2018 SBIR.

If you're an innovator, entrepreneur or researcher, don't miss this daylong event that will include panel discussions, networking and meetings with individual program managers from 11 participating government agencies representing this early-stage funding. The event is free to faculty. Read more. The event will be held at Performance Hall at The Ohio Union. Registration is at 7:15 a.m.; Program runs from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; and Networking and Happy Hour is 3:30 to 5 p.m.

Advanced CarmenCanvas Training Recording now Available:

For those who were unable to attend the online Advance CarmenCanvas Training with Amy Kohmetscher, you can access the recording here.



IT Transformation Update – Purchasing IT-Related Items:

As the transition of IT services and support occurs, new processes and procedures will be rolled out for the various ways you receive IT support.

Please note that how you receive help desk support has not changed; continue to request IT help as usual, until you receive specific instructions otherwise. As part of the agreement with OCIO, existing computers will be refreshed every four years. This refresh program will kick off in a few months. 

Starting today, a new standard process is being introduced for all CFAES departments and units to follow to purchase computers and other technology equipment. This includes equipment purchased with grant funds. Read the update for highlights on how you purchase IT equipment, including software. If you are county-based, contact your fiscal person; if you report to Greg, contact Sandy to start the process.

Future of Waterman Task Force Update:

Click here for an update on the Future of Waterman Task Force. If you weren’t able to attend a listening session, the task force will be gathering input through May 11 and encourages you to participate in one of these ways:
  • Reach out to a current task force member with your thoughts
  • Send an email to John Foltz or Graham Cochran, co-chairs of the task force, with your thoughts
  • Join the Wooster listening session, May 10, 9 to 11:30 a.m. in Skou Hall 206. Click here to register.

Raise Your Hand for Ohio 4-H Youth:

The Raise Your Hand campaign has just kicked off again. We are asking all 4-H alumni and friends to raise their hands by voting for Ohio. The state with the most hands raised wins $20,000 for youth programming. Ohio won last year, and we’re determined to win again this year!

Please help by raising your hand and by asking your friends and family to do the same. Read more.

Articles/Publications of Interest:

Weekly News Digest (CFAES information blog for faculty & staff)

CFAES Monthly (April 2018)


Ohio Sea Grant eNewsletter (April 2018)

NCRWN Newsletter (April 2018)

© 2018, OSU Extension Community Development, 3 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232

This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.

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CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: