CD Wire - July 17, 2017

Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension
Community Development
helps communities enhance
their well-being.

AD Update:

-Greg Davis, Assistant Director

Updated Vision, Mission, Values

By now, you’ve probably seen or heard about the recent revisions to the Extension vision, mission and values statements. Director Roger Rennekamp posted an all-extension note on June 30, thanking everyone for input and feedback throughout the revision process and noting that this effort “also builds upon the results of the Vice President’s Conversations on the Future of Extension, as convened by former CFAES dean and now Provost Bruce A. McPheron, as well as the six new impact areas identified for OSU Extension last summer.”

He continued, stating “The new statements have been approved by the OSU Extension Administrative Cabinet and will become effective July 1, 2017. Please incorporate these into your thought process, your current work, and your evaluation and planning for future projects. I look forward to hearing from you how our clients and potential clients respond to these updates!”

Each county office will receive an 11- x 17-inch color (and laminated) hard copy. You can also see and print a PDF of the revised statements here.

NACDEP Conference Planning – Poll on December Dates

To advance our NACDEP 2018 Conference planning efforts, we’ll plan to convene again as a group before the end of the year. There are a handful of dates in early to mid-December that we’ve posted at the Doodle poll found here. Please respond to the poll by the end of this week (July 21).

Professional Development Support

Congrats to Jill Bartolotta, recipient of the spring CD professional development scholarship. With the scholarship support, Jill was able to attend and present her recent applied research findings in both poster and concurrent session format at the National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) Conference in late June.

Now is the time to be thinking of your own professional development plans and possibilities in advance of the October 1 deadline. Learn more on the CD Professionals’ webpage here.

Leadership Development Opportunity - North Central Extension Region Leadership Conference

Speaking of opportunities for professional development, you may want to consider participating in the 2018 North Central Extension Region Leadership Conference (April 30 – May 2) to be held in East Lansing, Michigan. Cindy Torppa is part of the planning team and has indicated the event is designed for anyone who guides the work and development of others in Extension. Info for the 2018 version of the biannual event is not yet posted, but you can learn about the event in general from the 2016 version held in Iowa.

Extension CD Program Impacts – North Central Region

The NCRCRD has posted the final full report of Extension CD Program Impacts to their website. An executive summary in ‘infographic’ format is also available. New for this year are videos as well. When you get a spare moment, I encourage you to review the highlights shared as there may be states with programs ideally suited to address needs in your communities.

NOTE: If you have documented the impact of your recent program efforts via video (or have plans to do so), please let me know so we might have those links shared on the NCRCRD site.

CD in Energy Host Communities – July 27 EPN Breakfast

Whether your work takes place in the parts of Ohio experiencing shale-related development or not, you may want to attend the July 27 SENR-sponsored EPN Breakfast at the 4-H Center in Columbus. Our own Myra Moss will be among the panelists who include others from South Dakota, Penn State, and Paul Lapachelle of Montana State. Breakfast starts at 7:30 with the program from 8:00-9:15. Learn more or register here.

NOTE: This is part of the second day of the two-day Energy Impacts Symposium to be held at the 4-H Center.

National Extension Tourism Conference – August 8-10

Folks working in the area of tourism development may be interested in attending the NET conference to be held in Princeton, NJ. This year’s theme is “Tourism in the 21st Century: Connecting Communities, Places, and People.” For more information:

© 2017, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232

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CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: