Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension
Community Development helps communities enhance
their well-being.
AD Update:
Describing Our New Impact Areas
The VP Conversation on the Future of Extension identified needs and opportunities facing Ohioans in the future. We honed in on several that we might address based on their alignment with our programmatic resources and expertise. Based on these opportunities, Director Roger Rennekamp announced six key focus areas or ‘impact areas’ within which much of our work can be described with the goal to “provide our organization with a consistent framework for planning and reporting the impacts of our work.”
You may have noticed that no one impact area is unique to any one of our four program areas. Rather, they call for multi-disciplinary and cross-cutting programmatic approaches. It is our charge to become more actively engaged in cross-program efforts to address needs and opportunities of a multi-dimensional nature.
To better understand each of the new impact areas, please take some time to review the expanded descriptions and feel free to ‘plug’ the various elements of your work into each impact area, where relevant. See the new impact areas and their descriptions here.
Third Annual CD Homecoming Tailgate – RSVP by Friday |
To recognize and show appreciation to our alumni and supporters (and just for fun) we are planning a tailgate party for Ohio State’s Homecoming Game Saturday, October 1, vs. the Rutgers Scarlet Knights. Game kickoff is at 12 noon, so please feel free to drop by the tailgate party in the Arboretum at the NW corner of the Ag Administration building any time after 9 a.m. We'll have light refreshments including sandwiches, chips, water and soft drinks.
If you plan to join in the fun, please RSVP to Godwin Apaliyah or Laura Fuller by this coming Friday, September 17.
Save the Date - OSU Extension Annual Conference December 6-7
Mark your calendar on December 6-7 for the 2016 OSU Extension Annual Conference. No matter how your work supports the mission of OSU Extension, this is an excellent opportunity for you to connect and collaborate with your peers.
September is Rural Development Month - USDA's Rural Business-Cooperative Service Webinars:
September is “Rural Development Month” at the Department of Agriculture (USDA), and USDA’s Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBS) is holding a series of informational webinars to share success stories and best practices on how customers and partner organizations have used RBS programs and resources to support businesses in rural and Tribal communities.
Customers and stakeholders interested in learning more about RBS programs—and how customers have used their financing tools to support entrepreneurship—are encouraged to participate in this opportunity to engage with diverse partner organizations, ask questions, and learn more. For additional information, or to request special accommodations, please contact rdced@wdc.usda.gov.
See flyer for scheduled webinars.
SENR Seminar Series: Policy Networks Facilitate Collaborative Efforts - September 15:
The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Ramiro Berardo , Assistant Professor of Environmental and Natural Resources Policy, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources. He will present Applications of Social Network Analysis to the Study of Environmental Policy and Management. The Seminar begins at 4:10 p.m. in 103 Kottman Hall and will be available through carmenconnect.osu.edu/socialnetwork. Read more.
Cloud Computing and the Future of Agriculture - September 19:
In support of Ohio State's Discovery Themes, Amazon Web Services will present a day of demonstrations showing how cloud computing, big data and the Internet of Things will help accelerate innovations in agriculture, increase crop yield, conserve natural resources, fight hunger and create a more resilient food-supply chain. Space is limited for this free event Monday, September 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Read more/register. |
NCRCRD Innovations in Agriculture and Rural Development Webinar Series - September 21:
"Intermediary Perceptions of Rural Firm Tech Adoption" will be held on Wednesday, September 21 at 2 p.m. |
Results will be shared from interviews of different Michigan organizations that provide support to rural firms. Research goals - to identify:
(1) barriers that restrict rural firms' success in regards to technology adoption, and
(2) strategies that can be used to avoid or overcome these barriers
To help achieve these goals, participants will be asked for their input during the presentation. The preliminary results presented here are based on interviews of intermediary organizations that work closely with rural firms, including MSU Extension, local Chambers of Commerce, economic development corporations, small business development corporations, USDA RD, and incubators. The premise is framed around technology adoption—it is a key component of a firm’s competitiveness and long-term success, and affects the economic health of the community in which it resides. Thus, it is critical to identify the obstacles and opportunities that firms encounter in relation to technology adoption.
Presenter: Rachel Poole is a graduating senior and honors student at the James Madison College at Michigan State University, and Budget and Policy Assistant at the State of Michigan Budget Office. Rachel is part of the research team for the USDA funded project “Launching Innovations from the University Starting Gate” where she helped kick-start the project by leading an initial investigation into the barriers rural firms face regarding technology adoption. She is also the lead author on the first of several papers related to the project, results of which are being presented in this webinar.
To access the free webinar (registration is not necessary): https://ncrcrd.adobeconnect.com/newtech/ and select “Enter as a Guest” and type your name or organization in the box below. You will then be directed to the NCRCRD Innovations in Agriculture Adobe Connect page. Currently, a flyer for the upcoming webinar is posted on the page. Previous webinars in the series are available at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCspn-n-OKLLftQ58S2JFkQg.
Reinventing Our Communities Conference - September 21-23:
A transformative economy leverages capital needed to fund innovation and entrepreneurship, whether it is currency, community development investments or human capital. The 2016 Reinventing Our Communities conference (ROC), September 21 - 23 in Philadelphia, will take a deep look at the key tools required to leverage capital that translates knowledge and ideas into marketable innovations, provides quality education and training, strengthens local business vitality and encourages entrepreneurship.
Conference sessions will showcase:
- perspectives from three Federal Reserve presidents on the Fed's role in transforming economies
- emerging strategies in community development finance that focus on collaboration
- impact investing and other alternative sources of funding for community development
- current trends and needs in small-business finance
- opportunities for municipalities to compete effectively for funding
Complete information, including full agenda, speaker and session specifics, registration, and hotel accommodations are available at the link above. The conference will be hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Cosponsors include Penn Institute for Urban Research; FHLBank Pittsburgh; and the Federal Reserve banks of Atlanta, Boston, Cleveland, Minneapolis, New York, Richmond and St. Louis.
Get Connected to Research at Ohio State - September 27:
Attend the 2016 Research Expo on Tuesday, September 27 from 9:30 a.m. to noon in the Research Commons (3rd floor, 18th Avenue Library). More than 65 exhibitors — research support services, research centers, institutes, core laboratories, shared resource providers and campus vendors — will be available to answer research-related questions and help you navigate Ohio State’s research enterprise. Network with fellow researchers and find collaborators for future endeavors. Read more. |
Building Strong Economies and Healthy Food Systems from the Bottom Up - Webinar September 28:
This live presentation, with online participation, will be held on September 28 at 3 p.m. and will explore the close relationship between healthy regional food systems and diversified, sustainable local economies. A sampling of innovative initiatives from around the U.S. will be shared, along with an analysis and discussion of the strategies and public policies needed to accelerate these emerging alternatives from the bottom up. Find complete information here. |
Presenter Anthony Flaacavento is an organic farmer, small business owner, author and activist from Abingdon, in the Appalachian region of Virginia. He has a BS degree in Agriculture and Environmental Science and a Masters in Economic and Rural Development.
To participate online: http://ncrcrd.adobeconnect.com/ncrcrd, “enter as a guest is by default already chosen, type your name into the text box provided, and select “Enter Room.” To facilitate Q&A’s, online participants will submit questions/comments via the Chat Function in Adobe Connect.
Upcoming eXtension Web Sessions:
Visit eXtension Learn (learn.extension.org) to view and register for upcoming webinar sessions. Please share these events with others who may also be interested. |
Topics include:
Creating International Extension Programs - September 19 at 12:30 p.m.
NCRWN: The Current Webinar 21: Planning for the future of a watershed: Lessons from Yahara 2070 - September 21 at 3 p.m.
Going Up? Crafting Effective Elevator Speeches to Share Your Extension Program - September 29 at 12 p.m.
Live Streaming and Direct Marketing Webinar - October 12 at 12 p.m.
Harmful Algal Blooms and Agricultural Nutrients: State Responses to a Growing Issue - October 19 at 12 p.m.
eXtension Quarterly Update - October 19 at 2 p.m.
Free Membership to National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity:
The NCFDD is an online organization that provides accessible professional development for faculty, staff, and graduate students. Anyone affiliated with our college can access the numerous free resources. These resources are part of our membership, but you must register. Read more.
OFMA Junior Fair Conference Proposals due September 16:
The 2017 Junior Fair Conference will be held on Saturday, January 7, 2017 in Columbus at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. You are invited to serve on the planning committee and/or submit a presentation proposal. Those who may be interested include the following groups: OSUE professionals, OFMA / SFB members, Junior Fair Board Members and Advisors, and Ohio FFA Chapters. To assist in generating ideas, view the 2016 conference schedule.
Submit the following proposal information to Lisa McCutcheon (mccutcheon.46) no later than noon on Friday, September 16. While constructing your proposal, be aware that sessions will be 60 minutes in length (change from 45 minutes during previous conferences), with anywhere from 25 to 100 participants in each session, as well as four session times during the day (a change from five in previous years).
- Presenter Name(s)
- Presenter(s) Email Address(es):
- County:
- Representing Organization(s): (OSUE / OFMA / JFB / FFA / etc.)
- Tentative Title of Presentation:
- Description of the overall topic to be addressed (LIMIT of 40 WORDS).
- Some sessions will be presented TWO times. Is there any reason that this would be a problem for the presenter(s)?
- Do you have a preference in session times? If so, please list those… An attempt will be made to honor these requests, but it is not always possible.
- Sessions will be offered at the following times: 8:30 a.m. / 11:30 a.m. / 12:45 p.m. / 2:00 p.m. (note: these are new session times)
- Will you need a projection screen and media cart for your presentation (presenters are responsible for bringing LCD projector and laptop, if needed)?
- Would you prefer to have microphone for your presentation?
Proposals received will be considered and sessions will be determined during a planning meeting (conference call) on Wednesday, September 21 (1 – 2 p.m.). A list of sessions and times available should be available by early October. If you would like to be join in on the planning meeting, please email Lisa.
What’s Your Expertise? Care to Share at the 2017 Ohio 4-H Conference? - Proposals due September 30:
Ohio 4-H is seeking presenters for the 2017 Ohio 4-H Conference that will be held March 11, 2017. Over 1,500 adult and teen volunteers meet at this event to share ideas and learn new skills to aid them in making their 4-H members more successful. View the document of topic ideas to consider. |
New in 2017: Within the Call for Proposals there are four types of presentations from which you can select:
- Session (45 minutes)
- Workshop (90 minutes)
- Poster session – A poster displaying research information compiled by a professional(s).
- Informational display – A display that provides information about a program, association, event, or other beneficial information for 4-H volunteers.
Over 150 presentations will be selected for the conference to provide a wide array of topics for the participants. If you are interested in presenting, complete the proposal at go.osu.edu/Ohio4HConference before the September 30 deadline. Proposals will be reviewed in October and presenters will be contacted in early November to inform them if their session was selected.
$1 Million Funding for Faculty, Staff, Student Engagement - Information Session September 14 / Proposals due October 3:
The Connect and Collaborate Grants program has been announced. OSU Extension will help fund projects that involve our personnel as key partners in programs that address the new OSU Extension impact areas. This will be a great opportunity for you to submit an application, or to work collaboratively with colleagues on the Columbus or regional campuses to plan, implement or expand a program related to these six impact areas. OSU Extension teams submitting proposals need to include both campus and field based colleagues.
This grants program is replacing the OSU CARES and Innovative Grants OSU Extension awarded in the past. The application process is simpler than for those programs with just a two page concept proposal required. If your concept proposal is selected you will receive additional coaching and mentoring to develop your plan. You may apply for up to $100,000 through this program.
If you would like to discuss your proposal ideas, Ken Martin and Karen Bruns have scheduled the following times for conference calls concerning proposals from Extension teams. You are also encouraged to participate in the University-wide Connect and Collaborate information session on September 14 from 9-10 a.m. in the Research Commons on the 3rd floor of the Library.
Extension Conference Calls:
Call number 877-820-7831 / Access Code 890250
- September 16 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
- September 23 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
See http://oaa.osu.edu/ccgrants and the FAQs for more details. An additional Connect and Collaborate funding cycle may occur in January.
BETHA Grant Competition Call for Proposals due November 22:
Full-time assistant, associate and full professors at Ohio State are invited to submit proposals for the 2017 Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs (BETHA) Endowment awards. The annual competition, funded by Battelle Memorial Institute, awards three to six projects (from $10,000 to $60,000) that examine the impact of science and technology on individuals and society. Emphasis is placed on educational/public service programs and collaborative projects. Submission deadline is Tuesday, November 22. Read more.
REMINDER: JCEP Award Applications due October 1:
OJCEP Award applications are due October 1. To assist you, the Scholarship, Grant, and Recognition Committee for JCEP hosted a Carmen Connect Q&A session on Wednesday August 24. A recording of the session and the handout is now posted on the JCEP website. There was a brief presentation and then the floor was opened for questions for the award entry and nomination process. Included in the session is a visit to the JCEP website, talk about the specific awards, any changes, and what is helpful to know when applying or nominating. You do good work, learn how to submit it for recognition that is beneficial to your yearly reviews and promotion process. Link to: awards information & recorded session.
BITE Website Launched:
Members of CFAES and Veterinary Medicine recently formed a working group to share timely information on the Zika virus and vectors and have now launched the BITE (Biting Insect Team Education) website which provides information on the Zika virus as well as other biting insects and insect-borne diseases. |
Biweekly Arbovirus (insect-transmitted virus) Updates from the Ohio Department of Health can be found here along with other timely information for Ohio residents.
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
Weekly News Digest (CFAES information blog for faculty & staff)
Ed Tech Recap (August 2016)
Professor Recognized as Distinguished Rural Sociologist (SENR)
Research News (September 2016)
eXtension Month in Review (August 2016)
© 2016, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact odrumsky.1@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.