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Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension
Community Development helps communities enhance
their well-being.
AD Update:
Welcome Kyle White!
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I am happy to extend a warm and friendly welcome to new CD Educator, Kyle White. Kyle started in Medina County on June 27 in the second of our two ‘seeded’ CD positions (Trevor Corboy holds the other in Clermont County). |
Having worked in a variety of business and public/private sector ventures in Medina County and northeastern Ohio for a number of years, Kyle brings a host of experiences and wide-ranging contacts. And, given that her ‘seeded’ position is fully state CD funded for 12 months, remember that we’ll want to involve the Medina County folks in as much of our high-impact programming as possible over the next year in hopes of identifying local cost share support beyond the initial 12 months.
Please extend a warm welcome to Kyle (white.2811@osu.edu) and be at the ready to offer programming support. Plan for a more complete bio and opportunity to talk programs with Kyle when we meet in Wooster on July 28.
NACDEP Conference Recap
Kudos again to our national board officers and committee chairs: outgoing secretary Julie Fox, incoming treasurer Nancy Bowen, and Communications Committee chair Brian Raison! Congrats to Brian on the national award for use of educational technologies as well. I am so very pleased to see the level of engagement on the various committees and in sharing our good work. Below is a list of our formal contributions (my apologies for errors and omissions: please send additions and corrections to me and Godwin Apaliyah).
- Ohio Tourism Industry Needs Assessment – Nancy Bowen, Julie Fox, Becky Nesbitt
- Fun in the Sun: Exploring the Power of Solar Energy – Eric Romich & Mark Light
- Building on Land Grant Strengths to Create City-Agriculture Collaborations – Myra Moss, Bill Grunkemeyer & Joe Bonnell
- What Happens When Energy Development Comes to Town – Cindy Bond & Clif Little
- Oil and Gas Boomtowns: A Process for Evaluating Economic Change - Bowen, Civittolo & Romich
- BRE Case Studies: A 30 Year Retrospective - Civittolo, Darger (UMN) & Bowen
- Effective Conversations with Public Officials - Torppa
- Increasing Marina Resilience to Coastal Storms in the Great Lakes - Lucente & Orlando
- Bridging the Initiatives: Energy, Climate Science, Sustainability...Romich, Jones & Apel (Univ of AZ)
- Competency in the City - Julie Fox
- Professional Development Training and Certification Project - Raison & Hilchey (JAFSCD)
- Toledo Local Government Leadership Academy - Lucente
- Using a Futuring Process to Spark Innovation and Opportunity...Nesbitt, Davis & Argabright
Save the Date - OSU's Inaugural Leadership Summit October 5
Plan to participate in OSU’s Inaugural Leadership Summit to be held Wednesday, October 5, at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. In addition to a star-studded leadership panel, the day also promises Jim Kouzes, coauthor of The Leadership Challenge. The Summit follows our October 4 state CD in-service that will also focus on key leadership concepts and tools. Registration to come soon, and see below for more information.
Congrats James Stiving!
Many of you may recall that James began his ‘Extension career’ working with Susan Colbert in the university district as an undergraduate student volunteer. |
A native of Minnesota’s Twin Cities, James told me once that he loves living in and working in cities and that he has found the Columbus winters a whole lot more appealing than those in Minnesota. After graduation, James began as a Program Assistant assigned to the Extension in the City effort. Ambitious as he is, James managed to buy a house in the university district, get married, and work full time with Extension and full time on a master in city and regional planning during the past couple of years. James has since been offered a new position in OSU’s Department of Planning and Real Estate (starting today) and will be graduating with that master’s degree soon. Best wishes, James!
New CD Fact Sheet Series now available on Ohioline
The Shale Energy Development Economic Impact Analysis fact sheet series is now available on Ohioline. Congratulations to co-authors Nancy Bowen, David Civittolo and Eric Romich!
- Ohio Energy Trends: Comparing Old and New Energy Development (CDFS-SED-1)
- Characteristics of a Boomtown (CDFS-SED-2)
- Contributing Factors to a Boomtown Bust (CDFS-SED-3)
- Developing a Model to Measure Economic Change in an Energy Economy (CDFS-SED-4)
- Local Economic Development Strategies for Energy Boomtowns (CDFS-SED-5)
- Community Planning Strategies for Energy Boomtowns (CDFS-SED-6)
eXtension Webinar: Update on i-Three Issue Corp Projects and New Developments - July 27:
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Since eXtension’s March NEXC 2016 conference, the 127 Cooperative Extension professionals in the i-Three Issue Corps have been advancing their 69 projects with energy and determination. |
Learn more about the stories and impact of their projects, as well as plans for the 2017 i-Corps, the new Fellows selected for the 2016-17 eXtension Fellowship Program, the new state-level Innovation Teams, and additional professional growth opportunities in development for Extension Professionals.
The webinar will be held Wednesday, July 27 at 2 p.m. and will be moderated by eXtension Foundation CEO Christine Geith. Panelists will include eXtension leaders Ashley Griffin, Terry Meisenbach, and Mark Locklear who will review updates in their areas of responsibility. All will be prepared to answer questions and discuss tools, services and opportunities available for Cooperative Extension Service teams and professionals.
For more information and the option to add this event to your calendar, please visit https://learn.extension.org/events/2696.
Staff Career Development Grant Applications due July 31:
The Staff Career Development Grant provides staff with an opportunity to further their growth and development. Eligible staff can apply for a Staff Career Development Grant of up to $1,000 for individuals and $1,500 for groups. Grants can be used for professional development, education or training costs related to job and/or career goals. Applications are being accepted until Sunday, July 31. Read more here.
eXtension Mental Health Awareness Webinar Recording Now Available:
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On Thursday, June 22, two educators from OSU Extension, Hardin County, Jami Dellifield and Amanda Raines, presented an eXtension webinar on "Mental Health Awareness for Extension Professionals." |
It was based on a professional development session they led at eXtension's NeXC2016 conference in March that generated great interest. Due to popular response both to the conference session and now to the webinar, "Mental Health Awareness for Extension Professionals" has been recorded and is available for viewing.
Upcoming eXtension Web Sessions:
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Visit eXtension Learn (learn.extension.org) to view and register for upcoming webinar sessions. Please share these events with others who may also be interested. |
Topics include:
Citizen Science in a Global Perspective - July 19 at 8 a.m.
Motivational Interviewing - July 19 at 11 a.m.
eXtension Quarterly Update - July 27 at 2 p.m.
Developing COADs (Community Organizations Active in Disaster) - August 9 at 1 p.m.
Save the Date: Inaugural Leadership Summit - October 5:
Featuring Jim Kouzes, coauthor of The Leadership Challenge, the Inaugural Leadership Summit will be held on Wednesday, October 5 from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. A day to inspire, engage and invigorate. Multiple sessions throughout the day will dive into the concept of leadership, giving you the knowledge, tools and confidence to be a more effective leader.
Jim Kouzes, coauthor of The Leadership Challenge and the just released Learning Leadership, will be our featured keynote in the morning. The fifth edition of The Leadership Challenge, released in July 2012, debuted as #1 on Amazon’s leadership bestseller list. The Wall Street Journal has cited Jim as one of the twelve best executive educators in the United States. Jim will be introduced by our own Dr. Roger Rennekamp.
After lunch, we will have an expert panel of community and university leaders who will share their leadership insights. Gail Hogan, former co-anchor of NBC 4, will moderate the panelists, who include:
- Jim Kouzes
- Dr. Bruce McPheron, Ohio State’s Executive Vice President and Provost. Previously, he had served as the vice president for agricultural administration.
- The Honorable Yvette McGee Brown, former Justice on the Supreme Court of Ohio and presently a partner at the global law firm of Jones Day.
- Cheryl L. Krueger, founder of Cheryl & Co., currently serving on the university’s Board of Trustees.
- Gene Smith, Senior Vice President and Wolfe Foundation Endowed Athletics Director, recently named by Forbes among the most influential minorities in American sports – collegiate and professional.
We hope you will join us for a day of learning, networking and professional development. Watch for the registration link coming soon. For any questions or additional information, please contact either Jared Morrison (morrison.332@osu.edu) or Anne Johnson (johnson.6754@osu.edu).
SERC Seed Grant Opportunity - Proposals due July 15:
The Ohio State University Subsurface Energy Resource Center (SERC) was established to advance and disseminate our understanding of energy from underground sources and the intertwined environmental and socioeconomic issues. |
The current pace and scope of subsurface energy development require an integrated research approach to encourage the safe and sustainable harvesting and usage of subsurface resources. In order to promote and facilitate cross‐disciplinary research and collaboration at OSU, SERC is seeking applications from OSU faculty and research staff for seed grant funding. The total expected budget is $20,000, from which we will seek to fund a few subsurface‐relevant proposals that are expected to leverage the SERC Seed Grants into a high return to the university. For more information, please refer to the flyer.
2016 Columbus Local Foods Guide Available:
The Franklin County office of OSU Extension has released its second annual Columbus Local Foods Guide. |
It includes farmers’ markets, farm stands, community-supported agriculture programs and other markets where consumers can buy produce, meats, honey, eggs and other food items directly from farmers and food producers. The free guide is available in hard copy and online. Read more.
Articles/Publications of Interest: |
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Weekly News Digest (CFAES information blog for faculty & staff)
Ohio Agriculture Hall of Fame Inductees Announced
CFAES Graduate Students Make Their Mark at Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security
Columbus Tours to Feature City’s Growing Urban Farm Scene
Great 'Ideas You Can Put to Use' on Sustainable Ag Team Tours
Experts: Smaller Algal Bloom Predicted for Western Lake Erie
Continuum (Summer 2016)
innovateExtension in Your Words (Ed Tech blog)
Ohio Sea Grant eNewsletter (June 2016)
Ohio State's Central Role in Implementing Smart City Challenge
eXtension Month in Review (June 2016)
North Central Region Water Network Newsletter (June 2016)
© 2016, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact odrumsky.1@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.