CD Wire - January 20, 2015

Mission Statement:

Ohio State University Extension
Community Development
helps communities
enhance their well-being.

AD Update:

New Employee Welcome to Caitlin Jones

I am pleased to announce a new colleague, Caitlin Jones, who joined Extension on January 12, 2015. Caitlin is assigned to Van Wert County and will be working closely with Cindy Leis. You can reach her at 419-238-2999 or Here’s a brief self-introduction from Caitlin below:

I grew up in Celina, OH along with my three brothers. I can say that being the only girl had pros and cons. I graduated from Celina High School in 2009 and received my Bachelor of Arts degree in 2012 from Wright State University. My undergrad major was International Studies with a focus on diplomacy and peacekeeping. I spent a lot of my undergrad coursework studying national security, intelligence practices, and terrorism and counterterrorism. After graduating, I moved to Valdez, Alaska for 4 months to volunteer with AmeriCorps*VISTA at a domestic violence shelter. I learned a lot about programming while in Alaska. I also learned that winter is not my favorite season. Upon returning to Celina, I accepted a position with Minster Bank, progressing to Branch Operations Supervisor within 8 months. I spent another year in the BOS role before accepting my current position with OSU Extension.

Currently, I am working towards a Master of Science in Administration from Central Michigan University, with a focus in Philanthropy and Fundraising. I don’t have too much free time between school and work, but when I can, I enjoy camping, reading, cooking and baking, and spending time with my friends and family. I live with my boyfriend, Ryan, and we have 2 dogs, Sofie – a 9.5 year old greyhound/lab mix – and Sebastian – a 4 month old lab/beagle mix. They keep us on our toes and pretty active as well.

I am excited to start this new chapter in my life and hope to make a positive impact in Van Wert as well as OSU Extension.


Hopefully you saw the reminder from Myra Wilson about submitting for NACDEP Awards consideration (check your January 18 messages). We have some amazing examples of innovative programs and teamwork. Please consider submitting your best work for this annual peer review and recognition. You can see the awards categories at

A summary of the application/award process is as follows:  

  1. Complete your application (find the application at the link above), but do not submit directly to NACDEP!
  2. Email COMPLETE applications to Myra Wilson – - by noon, Friday, January 30
  3. Applications will be reviewed and state winners notified by Monday, February 2
  4. Our state winners for all represented categories will need to submit by February 15 to NACDEP for national consideration at
  5. Awardees are presented plaques/certificates at the NACDEP Annual Conference in Little Rock, AR (let me know if you’re planning to attend!)

And finally…planning for our future!

If you are planning to attend next Monday’s OJCEP meeting, I will look forward to hearing your thoughts and input on a number of important topics during the lunch discussion. In working with Myra Wilson, we have identified the following agenda items, for example: electing a VP, annual review of the Excellence in CD Award guidelines, discussion of ‘Give to CD’ campaign, NACDEP Awards & Little Rock Conference prep, CD unit meeting locations/topics for 2015, ongoing CD program marketing efforts, Leadership Ohio program (we can send one participant, all expenses paid, learn more here), CD ‘alumni’ development efforts for 2015, etc.



NCRCRD Webinar Series: "Bridging the Manufacturing Skills Gap in Rural America" - January 22, 29 & February 12:

For complete information on each webinar, click on the title below.

There is no registration and no fee for attending these webinars. To join, go to Enter as a guest, type your name into the text box provided and click on “Enter Room." A list of upcoming as well as recorded and Take Out Menu webinars can be found at:

The Skills Problem in America’s Industrial Heartland: Causal Factors and Local Strategies
January 22 (12:30 p.m.)
Presented by: Carolyn Hatch, Purdue Center for Regional Development

Manufacturing Skills Certification: Attracting and Retaining Talented Workers in Rural America
January 29 (12:30 p.m.)
Presented by: Brent Weil, The Manufacturing Institute

Labor Pool vs. Talent Pool: Gathering Industrial Skill Requirements in Rural Areas
February 12 (2 p.m.)
Presented by: Myra Wilson & Frank Gibson (The Ohio State University Alber Enterprise Center)

For webinar details go to:

Hill to speak on Higher Education and Economic Development - January 27:

The Ohio Manufacturing Institute welcomes Ned Hill, dean at the Cleveland State University Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, on Tuesday, January 27 at 4 p.m. in E100 Scott Lab, 201 West 19th Ave, on the OSU Columbus campus. Hill will offer insights to help differentiate higher educational institutions and the roles that they can take in economic and community development. This presentation builds on the concept of a higher educational institution as a multi-product organization, relating these products to both the mission and balance sheet of the organization. These outputs from higher education are then connected to the practices of economic and community development. Read more here.

SENR Seminar Series- "Conservation - Natural Resources - Environmental Management: An Historical SENR Retrospective" - February 5:

The SENR Seminar Series is held during the autumn and spring academic semesters. Speakers address a variety of topics that are relevant to the major environmental problems and natural resource management issues of our day. The seminar series reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of the School of Environment and Natural Resources in that a variety of experts contribute from fields as diverse as the humanities and social sciences, traditional resource management disciplines, and the biological and physical sciences.

 The program includes opportunities for interested parties to meet formally and informally with speakers before and after their presentations. The next event in this series will be on Thursday, February 5 from 4:10 to 5:30 p.m. in 164 Howlett Hall. The speaker will be Robert Roth, Professor Emeritus, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources. Read more here.

NCRCRD Webinar - February 10:

NCRCRD Webinar - February 10 at 1:00 p.m.

"Opportunities and Challenges of Sustaining Community Food Systems"

Local food systems projects have many different “faces” across the North Central Region. However, the principles of sound community development apply to the project’s success in any community. These principles include: assessment, vision creation, goal identification, project determination, outcome evaluation and celebration of successes. Through onsite discussions, eight communities in three North Central states shared the ways they used these steps to identify the need to develop or strengthen the local food system, how they measure their successes, how their initiatives are funded and how they plan to sustain the local food system for future generations. The findings from these nine local focus groups will be the focus of this webinar.  An overview of each program will be shared as well as general best practices related to sound community planning principles.

About the Speakers:

Trudy Rice, Extension Community Vitality Specialist, Kansas State University Research and Extension. Trudy has spent her entire professional career with K-State Research and Extension first serving as a county agent and currently as a Community Vitality specialist at the state level. Trudy works with local communities across the state as they assess their community strengths and opportunities for improvement. Many times these include issues related to the healthy lifestyle of people and the financial health of local communities. Trudy has served on the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) board for the North Central Region and recently served as an Extension liaison to the National Association of Counties.

Michelle Walk, Extension Educator, Michigan State University Extension. Michelle concentrates on programming related to Sustaining Community Prosperity/Tourism and Community Food Systems. Michelle has been very active in working with communities in the UP of Michigan addressing the issue of local food as it relates to living a healthy lifestyle and providing economic health for the community. Michelle has a strength in developing, promoting and fostering partnerships to work for the good of the people who live and work in local communities.

There is no registration and no fee for attending this webinar.To join, go to Enter as a guest, type your name into the text box provided and click on “Enter Room."  A list of upcoming as well as recorded and Take Out Menu webinars can be found at:

TEDxOhioStateUniversity 2015: The Human Narrative – February 14:

TEDxOhioStateUniversity is an independently organized TED event (a nonprofit devoted to spreading independent ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks where Technology, Entertainment and Design converg, and covers almost all topics.) presented by a group of undergraduate students and features speakers associated with the University on Saturday, February 14 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The theme of the 2015 TEDx event is “The Human Narrative.” Topics include cancer research and discussions of the laws of the universe, feminism, modern environmental issues and more. Tickets are $10 for students and $20 for non-students. Register here and read more here.

Brian Raison shared the TEDxDayton stage on October 17, 2014. His talk was entitled, “Be a Local Food Superhero,” and you can watch the short video here.

Sustainable Farming Conference to Feature 19 Ohio State Experts - February 13-15:

The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s (OEFFA) 36th annual conference, “Sustainable Agriculture: Renewing Ohio’s Heart and Soil,” is February 13-15 in Granville, Ohio. With numerous workshops and a full-day pre-conference event featuring Ohio State and industry scientists, specialists and students, participants will get an updated look at some of the important issues facing growers in organic and sustainable agriculture. In all, the conference features a trade show; activities for children and teens; locally sourced and organic homemade meals; three full-day pre-conference events, keynote talks, and more than 100 workshops by many professionals (including Morgan Taggart). For complete conference details and to register, please click here.

Farm to School Conference- March 5:

A statewide Farm to School conference will be March 5 as part of an effort to continue to expand the successful program, which works to increase students’ access to healthy foods, increase their knowledge about food, health, nutrition and agriculture, as well as create economic opportunities for growers. The event is from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on the OSU Columbus campus. The conference theme is “Local Foods across the School Meal Tray” and will include sessions on school breakfast requirements and options, challenges and opportunities for Farm to School programs and a session on procurement for Farm to School programs.

The conference will also feature breakout sessions focusing on four categories — meat, poultry and eggs; fruits, vegetable and legumes; whole grains; and dairy. A panel discussion by growers and statewide producer groups will also be included. The deadline to register for the conference is February 20. Registration is $40 and includes breakfast, lunch and handouts. Registration information is available on the conference website. For more information, visit the following links for the news article and the Farm to School program.

2015 Boot Camps - Sign up now:

The Boot Camps (Journal Writing, Curriculum Development and P & T) will be offered state-wide again in 2015. Each boot camp has six 5-hour sessions (9 a.m. - 3 p.m.). Every session includes training and technical support for participants as they complete a personal work session. The goal is to prepare professionals to be successful in developing publications, designing formal curriculum and developing strong dossiers. The cost will be $120 per participant to cover the cost of materials and food. The boot camps will be held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. If you are interested in participating, send an email to Vicki Myers ( and let her know which boot camp interests you (only one per year). Sign up soon--- space is limited!

Testimonials from Boot Camps:

  • "Really helped pull back the veil on promotion and tenure and undusted – what can be a complicated & nuanced process."
  • "This series of lessons was very helpful, well-organized and geared towards helping the participants."

Boot Camps Schedule – 2015 (Dates subject to change with advanced notice)

Journal Writing Curriculum Development P & T
April 7 April 14 July 10
May 12 May 19 August 7
June 9 June 16 September 11
July 7 July 14 October 9
August 11 August 18 November 13
September 8 September 15 December 11

Turn Your Everyday Work into Packaged Curriculum - Annual Conference Session now available Online:

Extension professionals spend an inordinate amount of time developing outlines, creating activities and designing evaluation tools as a regular job function. But, do they really pay attention to the bigger picture possibilities for works they are creating?

Often, an educator has designed and personally delivered a variety of components that, if packaged appropriately, would constitute a curriculum. Educators would save time preparing for high demand topics in their counties which are outside the scope of their specializations. Clients would benefit from a higher level of instruction that comes with replicated programs that have been evaluated effectively, and modified. Creating curriculum is a great way to share specializations; however, there are relatively few examples of packaged curriculum for some of the most common Extension topics. This session was presented by Eric Barrett and Jacqueline Wilkins at annual conference to help Extension professionals take core skills (program planning, teaching, evaluation) to the next level – packaged curriculum. The presentation and worksheet presented at annual conference are available at:

Upcoming eXtension Web Sessions:

Visit eXtension Learn ( to view and register for the many upcoming webinar sessions available throughout the month of January and beyond. Please share these events with others who may also be interested.

Topics include:

  • Developing Local and Regional Food Systems in Nebraska - January 27 at 1:30 p.m.

  • Northeast Bioenergy Webinar Series - February 10 at 1 p.m.

  • Leveraging Technology in Collaborative Work- Foundations - February 11 at 3 p.m.

Upcoming Events in the Office of Distance Education and eLearning:

Visit the Office of Distance Education and eLearning ( to view and register for upcoming sessions, including:

  • Using U.OSU (Hands-On) - January 27 from 2 to 4 p.m. (460B Prior Hall)
  • Using CarmenConnect (Hands-On) - February 16 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (029 Derby Hall)
  • Using U.OSU (Hands-On) - March 24 from 2:20 to 4:20 p.m. (029 Derby Hall)



Outreach and Engagement Grant Proposals due February 16 - Information Session January 22:

Faculty and staff are invited to apply for the 2015 Engagement Impact Grants, OSU CARES/OSU Extension Seed Grants and Service-Learning Grants. More than $300,000 in overall funding is available. Proposals are due February 16. There will be an information session on January 22 at 11 a.m. (location TBD). For more information, visit

eXtension User Communities, Networks Seeking New Members:

eXtension has many user communities that are always welcoming new members. These communities are not formal learning networks or communities of practice at this point but they are extremely active with idea exchange, online discussions, planning of face-to-face conferences and presentations to national meetings and agencies, and they include:

  • Big Data
  • Wearable Technology
  • Unmanned Aerial Systems

Join these communities now at:

Phase V of SET (Stronger Economies Together) launching this Month - Applications due January 31:

Stronger Economies Together, a partnership between Cooperative Extension Service, USDA RD, the four Regional Rural Development Centers, NIFA and Purdue Center for Regional Development, is launching Phase V. All states will be eligible to join SET as part of Phase V, including those in previous phases. Note that applications (due January 31) need to be jointly developed and submitted by USDA Rural Development State Director and Extension Service Director/Administrator. For complete information, including a recording of the informational webinar held in December, visit:



Provost's Discovery Themes Lecturer Program Nominations due January 26:

The Discovery Themes Lecturer Program Advisory Committee is seeking nominations for Discovery Themes Lecturers for autumn 2015 and beyond. Lecturers should be eminent authorities from across the public and private sectors who can address topics related to the Discovery Themes Initiative. Faculty, staff and students are urged to submit lecturer nominations by Monday, January 26. The call for nominations and the nomination form can be found at: Contact: Donald Hubin (

Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award Nominations due February 9:

Nominations are open until Monday, February 9, for the Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award, which celebrates and rewards diversity efforts on the Ohio State campus. Nominees may include campus organizations, academic units or teams, students, alumni, faculty or staff who have implemented policies, procedures or programs to enhance diversity on the basis of any diversity qualities. Read more at:

Distinguished Staff Award Nominations due February 9:

Nominations are open until Monday, February 9, for the Distinguished Staff Award, which honors 12 outstanding staff members for their significant leadership, accomplishments and service to the university. Award recipients are selected based on how they have enhanced the quality of work life for colleagues or customers; provided outstanding service to university stakeholders; developed creative solutions to increase department or university operations; or demonstrated one or more of the university’s values. Read more at:

University Outreach and Engagement Recognition Award Applications due February 16:

The Offices of Outreach and Engagement, International Affairs, Service-Learning, Student Life and Undergraduate Education have joined together to recognize faculty, staff, students and community partners with the University Outreach and Engagement Recognition Awards program. Awards will be given in the community engagement, international engagement, service-learning, staff, student, student group and community partner categories. A total of $21,000 will be awarded. Applications are due February 16. To submit an application, visit: Contact: 247-7795 or

Don't fall for Phishing: Help Others by reporting Suspect Messages:

Note from OCIO: The New Year brings many online activities that require your personal information. Remember to stay vigilant about sharing such information. Concerned a request is fraudulent? The OCIO Enterprise Security team is here to help – forward suspect messages to They will analyze it. Already click on the link? They will help with that, too. Remember that Ohio State will never ask for account information by email. Visit the Office of the Chief Information Officer website for helpful information on phishing and Internet security.

Articles/Publications of Interest:

Communiqué (January 7, 2015)

Ohio State Economist: U.S., Ohio Economies will See Continued But Slow Growth (CFAES News)

CFAES Monthly (January 2015)

eXtension Update (January 2015)

Preserving diversity in the Southside revitalization (OSU Outreach News)

Appointment of director and reporting line, Office of Energy and Environment (OAA News)

© 2015, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232

This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.

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CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: