Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development |
AD Update:
Sharing Your Good Work (and Learning from Others)
I know December seems like a long way off and the official call for Extension Annual Conference presentation and poster submissions has yet to be made, but the deadline for submissions is a few short weeks away (they are due 9/1/14). Participating in the annual event (this year the dates are December 9-11) is a great way to address item number 1 on our Extension Strategic Plan Action List – Understand the full range of Extension in Ohio.
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Many of you have submitted proposals to present and share posters in the past and I encourage you to prepare your best work for this year’s event. You may have heard, this year the posters will be in organized in categories (research, educational outreach and student) and will be professionally judged with top posters receiving cash and other awards. Share your proposal ideas with colleagues early so you will have your best ideas ready when the official call is made. If you need help with ideas, let me know and we can do some brainstorming. |
The three-day event will be held at the Ohio Union on the Columbus campus.
- Day 1 includes association meetings, poster and presentation sessions throughout the day and a NACDEP meeting from 4-5 p.m.
- Day 2 will be very interactive with small group conversations about the VP Conversation on the Future in Ohioand the Role of Extension, followed by the Extension Awards Banquet.
- Day 3 will include more posters and presentations along with reflections by Director Keith Smith during lunch.
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As you can see, it will be a packed schedule, so much so that we will not be having a unit meeting similar to what we’ve done in the past. However, CD folks will have some time together as a group on December 9 from 4-5 p.m. Remember to hold these dates and October 1 for our next unit meeting to be held at the Gwynne Conservation Area Cabin at the Farm Science Review. |
Stone Lab Aquatic Invasive Species Workshop -
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The goal of this training is to enable individuals and organizations to examine their day-to-day activities under the lens of the potential for spreading aquatic invasive species. The three-day workshop is held Sunday, August 3, through Tuesday, August 5, at Ohio State’s Stone Lab and taught by experts from a variety of organizations. Contact is: Sarah Orlando (orlando.42@osu.edu). Read more at: ohioseagrant.osu.edu/events.
EPN Breakfast Club: "Pests and Invasives, Fragmentation, Changing Markets – Do Ohio’s Forests Need Foresters or Magicians?" - August 12:
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The next Environmental Professionals Network breakfast will be held Tuesday, August 12, at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center from 7:15 to 9:30 a.m. A panel of OSU, state and federal experts will discuss the status of Ohio’s woodlands both environmentally and economically, and the numerous threats they face. |
Moderator is Bob Boyles, Deputy Director and Chief of the Division of Forestry, Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources. Panelists include Dave Apsley, Natural Resources Specialist with OSU Extension; Matt Bumgardner, Research Forest Products Technologist with the USDA Forest Service; and Stephen Matthews, Research Assistant Professor with OSU's School of Environment and Natural Resources. Register by Friday, August 8, for this networking program. For complete information, including speaker bios and registration, visit: epn.osu.edu/. |
Project REACH: Inspiring Female Entrepreneurship - Networking Event August 21:
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Project REACH will hold a networking event on how to move your research or innovation toward commercialization. Inspiring Female Entrepreneurship at Ohio State and Beyond will take place Thursday, August 21, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Technology Commercialization Office (South Campus Gateway complex). Project REACH, a signature program of Ohio State’s NSF ADVANCE grant, Project CEOS, develops the entrepreneurial capacity of women faculty. For more information and to register, visit:stemm.osu.edu/events/. |
Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute - Register now for Fall Workshops:
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The Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute is taking reservations until August 20 for the 2014 workshop series. Workshops will be held September 9-10, October 7 and November 11-12. Registration fees cover instruction, materials and meals. For more information, including the schedule and registration, visit: oeli.osu.edu. Chet Bowling and Joe Heimlich are among the speakers. |
Learn to do the following:
- Design and lead collaborative processes that integrate science and public values
- Facilitate constructive, respectful dialogue and decision-making on controversial environmental issues
- Communicate effectively on complex and controversial issues
- Partner with colleagues and peers across disciplines and sectors to align visions and goals
- Build and participate in networks focused on effective environmental leadership in Ohio
Please share with any individuals or organizations you feel could benefit from this program. Approximately 30 local government, private business, state agency and private non-profit representatives participated last year and the feedback was very positive. Representatives from OSU Extension are encouraged to participate as well.
Upcoming eXtension Web Sessions:
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Visit eXtension Learn (learn.extension.org) to view and register for the many upcoming webinar sessions available throughout the month of August and beyond. Topics include: |
- Cliff Notes from the Journal of Financial Counseling & Planning - August 12 at 11 a.m.
- My Health County: Take Action, Change Lives - August 19 at 12 noon
Upcoming Events in the Office of Distance Education and eLearning:
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Visit the Office of Distance Education and eLearning (odee.osu.edu/resourcecenter/workshops) to view and register for upcoming sessions, including:
2015 National JCEP Leadership Conference - February 11-12:
Proposals due October 31:
Make plans now to participate in the JCEP Leadership conference to be held February 11-12, 2015, at the Tropicana Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Proposals for presentation submissions, due October 31, are being solicited on leadership development topics. Three submissions will be granted complimentary registration to assist them in participating at the conference. For more information and the RFP submission form, visit: jcep.org/leadership-conference. |
Who should attend?
- Professionals seeking a top quality professional development opportunity and leadership development training
- State and National leaders of any of the six JCEP (JointCouncil of Extension Professionals) member associations
- Professionals who are active at the state level and may be ready for a national committee or board leadership
- Professionals with a leadership role on the job such as a county director, district or regional director or other administrative position
In addition to a nationally known keynote speaker, participants will receive updates from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP) and the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU). Association time and presentations from the 2014 JCEP team award winners as well as peer reviewed concurrent sessions related to leadership will be provided. Note that the format for the conference has been changed to run two full days rather than three.
Peer Review Procedure for A&P Educators and Faculty:
At least one, and preferably two, peer evaluations of teaching should be arranged each year. Peer evaluations of teaching are helpful for all faculty and educators. For those anticipating a promotion and/or tenure review, peer evaluations should be conducted by individuals who are at or above the rank to which the faculty or educator would be promoted following a successful review. The letters become a part of the promotion dossier. Additional information can be found atextensionstaff.osu.edu/policy-and-procedures-handbook/.
Locate a list of A&P educators and Extension faculty here.
Articles/Publications of Interest:
Communiqué (July 23 issue)
Ohio Farm to School Newsletter (July edition)
© 2014, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact odrumsky.1@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.