CD Wire - July 15, 2014

Mission Statement:

Ohio State University Extension Community Development
helps communities
enhance their well-being.

AD Update:

Edu-Tech: The Time is Now

About six months ago, the AD Update focused on the use of technology. We discussed how to better integrate into our work the creation of e-learning modules and the use of social media to extend our reach. We have made good progress in both areas over the past few months. See two examples below.

To give you some ideas for how you might package your educational content in an ‘e-learning’ format check out the bio-energy materials posted at the Energize Ohio webpage. Factsheets, bulletins and videos work together to inform the curious learner. The content ‘library’ is home to the variety of materials created (by ourselves and by others) and enables others to easily link them (you may remember we have linked to such materials in recent Extension CD blog posts).

To see how you might promote your recent or upcoming programs take a look at any of the Extension CD blog content posted to date. We have highlighted materials, events, program news and impacts in recent blog posts and watched as dozens of ‘consumers’ have investigated and shared their content within their networks. Last week’s posting (thanks much, Becky!) has generated the greatest ‘consumer’ response to date. In fact, we are pleased to report that content posted at the CD blog has surpassed over 450 ‘unique visitors’ including individuals from as far away as Australia. Individuals continue to subscribe (currently subscription totals 166) and content continues to be shared. Keep up the great work and expect to see your name on a ‘content assignment list’ soon to make coordinating posts a little easier.

A big ‘thank you’ goes to Kimberly Roush and the Ed Tech Team for the excellent assistance in moving us forward in these areas. We have Kimberly and the Ed Tech group through September, and they have done some great work with us and others in Extension. For example, check out their June 2 post on the EdgeU Tech blog to see how they merged FCS marketing (talking points) into a handy web app (I bet we could do that!).

If you have yet to benefit from our Ed Techs, please schedule some time with them between now and the end of September to learn how you might better integrate the use of available educational technologies into your work.

Extension Strategic Plan – Action List

1. Understand full range of Extension in Ohio
2. Learn program needs
3. Prioritize programs, efforts and audiences
4. Inventory e-Learning modules
5. Create e-Learning modules (10% increase annually)

6. Align applied research with Discovery Themes
7. Increase creative and scholarly outputs of a collaborative nature
8. Engage in interdisciplinary/cross-program/multi-state/inter-institutional efforts
9. Evaluate teaching (face to face, via distance/webinar, etc.)
10. Create and use evaluation tools for programs
11. Document efforts via RiV
12. Communicate impact via various media (e.g., micro-blog, blog, webpage, etc.)
13. Use social media to extend reach
14. Track reach of social media

15. Increase extramural funding by 5% (annually)
16. Increase contributions to CD endowment/development account by 5% (annually)
17. Create and implement comprehensive marketing plan
18. Focus on improving core competencies
19. Participate in a diversity training (annually)
20. Implement OSUE coaching and mentoring protocols

Congratulations to Rose Fisher Merkowitz and Becky Nesbitt . . .

authors of the following journal article: “Effective Regional Community Development,” Journal of Extension, Volume 52, Number 3, Article #3IAW4 (June 2014)!



Webinar: Exploring Community Interest in Behavioral Health via Google Trends - July 29:

Google Trends is a free, online tool that allows users to analyze the volume of Google’s recorded data about web search terms over time and across different locations. This webinar will begin with an overview of how to use Google Trends to examine online interest in various behavioral health related topics, with examples from CAPE pilot communities. It will demonstrate how choosing different behavioral health search terms will affect Google Trends results and provide direction on how to interpret Google Trends data in the context of other community data and information. The webinar will conclude with some limitations of Google Trends and how to capitalize on Google Trends in community decision-making and/or programs to address behavioral health. Jessica Tess, Communications and Social Media Specialist for CAPE, will present.

This free webinar will be held July 29 at 1 p.m. via Adobe Connect: You will notice “enter as a guest” is by default already chosen. Type your name (first and last) into the text box provided, and click on “enter room.” Participants will use the chat feature to submit questions or comments.

Monthly Webinars for Growers & Producers continue July 31:

CFAES continues its free monthly webinars on July 31 from noon to 1 p.m. to help growers and producers enhance marketing and improve and expand sales. "Food Hubs" will be facilitated by Tom Snyder, manager of OSU South Center's Ohio Cooperative Development Center (OCDC). Join in Contact for the webinar series is Brad Bergefurd (740-289-2071, ext. 136 For complete information and a list of upcoming webinars, read the February 5 news release. More information on direct marketing can be found at:

New eXtension Learning Network under Development:

eXtension is pleased to announce funding of the new Educational Technology Learning Network, which will guide Cooperative Extension professionals on specific projects as they integrate technology with their content.

Want to be a part of this Learning Network?



Start thinking about Presentations/Posters for Annual Conference:

Are you ready to be part of something different at Annual Conference (December 9-11)? This year you will have the opportunity to present in a juried, engaging environment. Poster sessions will be awarded cash and/or rosette prizes for first, second, third and honorable mention awards by professional judges. Additionally, your peers will be selecting a people’s choice award for each of the three unique poster sessions. Participants will even have a chance to win an iPad mini.

The 2014 conference will include concurrent presentations (45-, 60- or 120-minute oral presentations) and three poster sessions (60-minute Meet the Author interactive sessions). There will be an undergraduate and student poster session, research poster session and educational outreach poster session. Students, OSU Extension educators, state and field specialists, program staff and support staff are encouraged to apply to broaden the scope of Annual Conference.

The themes for 2014 posters and presentations should focus on one of the following: the Vice President’s themes or other proposal topics will be considered, especially those that are innovative and have potential for impact statewide. All proposals will be peer-reviewed and will be due by September 1 via electronic submission. The call for proposals will be released in a few weeks. Be thinking about what type of presentation or poster you might submit and watch for the call for proposals.

Pursuing Crowd Funding to support your Research:

Crowd funding can be an effective way to support smaller research projects ($25,000 or less). Ohio State is undertaking a pilot project with, a crowd funding website that specializes in seeking support for research projects. Faculty researchers are sought who would be interested in listing a project on and running the associated funding campaign over the next several weeks. staff works with researchers to create and administer successful funding campaigns. if you are interested.



UPDATE: Disruptive E-nnovation:

eXtension Strategy Committee Chair Keith Smith, Ohio State University, reports continued efforts to report to ECOP at its Tuesday, July 22, meeting in San Diego about a plan for the future of eXtension. A networked learning framework, a cooperative governance model and a new approach to funding are being discussed. Read more here.

Changes to IRB Continuing Review Requirements:

Investigators are no longer required to resubmit data collection forms, questionnaires and screening instruments for continuing IRB review, unless these documents are new or are being revised. The Continuing Review of Human Subjects Research application and HRPP policy IRB Submission and Pre-Review have been updated to reflect this change. Contact: Ellen Patricia ( or 688-5556).

Staff Leadership Series Nominations due July 24:

The Women’s Place is accepting nominations/applications for the 2014-15 Staff Leadership Series (SLS), a yearlong leadership initiative designed specifically for women staff at the university who are interested in both skill building and leadership development activities to develop and enhance their leadership abilities. With the goal of expanding opportunities for women’s growth, leadership and power at the university informing its efforts, SLS workshops and gatherings are highly participatory and facilitate skills development. To nominate someone or apply for this opportunity, visit or contact Jennifer Beard at 292-3957. Applications are due Thursday, July 24.

Reminder . . . Use Correct Travel Reimbursement Form:

Just a reminder to make sure you are using the correct travel reimbursement form (for overnight travel). The newest form has departure and return times on page 1 and a mileage rate of $.560 on page 2. You can find it here.

Articles/Publications of Interest:

Communiqué (July 9, 2014)

Continuum (Summer 2014)

CFAES Monthly (June 2014)

Project Helping Ohio Communities Avert Bust after Shale Boom (CFAES News)

Farm Science Review to Focus on New Technologies and Innovation (CFAES News)

Manure Event to Show New Ways to Boost Both Crops and Water Quality (CFAES News)

eXtension Update (July 2014)

Ohio State’s new Office of Volunteer Relations makes service to the university a simple affair (OnCampus - June 12, 2014)

Ohio State and Sinclair create innovative UAS partnership (OSU Engineering News)

Transcend (Office of Research Newsletter - June 2014)

© 2014, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232

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CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: