Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development |
AD Update:
Sharing Our Good Work
Last week many of us descended upon Grand Rapids, Michigan for the 10th Annual NACDEP Conference, ‘The Art of Reinvention.’ The 3+ day event included mobile workshops, scholarly presentations, a variety of committee meetings and networking receptions and lunches and dinners. A highlight for me was getting around to participate in the various sessions led by our CD folks (I tried to see them all, schedule permitting). |
Of the 76 presentations made, I counted 9 of them that were done by Ohio CD folks. And of the nine workshops, one was done by Ohio (thank you, Chet!). Session presenters included: Barni, Blaine, Bowen, Civittolo, Lucente, Merkowitz, Moon, Nesbitt, Raison and Romich. We had at least five of the peer reviewed poster presentations too. Of course there were also many opportunities for informal networking, but even more exciting was watching Ohio CD folks win in two of the 12 national award categories. Congratulations to Joe Lucente for the Excellence in CD Work (individual) Award and Julie Fox, Susan Colbert, Mike Hogan and Marilyn Rabe for the Cross Program (team) Award.
If you were unable to attend, conference organizers plan to post all presentation materials to the NACDEP website. Check the page in the next week or so.
CD Blog Update and Request for Articles . . .
In addition to sharing our good work with our NACDEP colleagues, we also have an ongoing opportunity to share with interested readers of our CD blog. I hope you have been enjoying the recent program news highlighted by Ohio CD folks. |
Would you believe over the past three months we have had nearly 400 different people visit our blog content 690 times, viewing over 1500 pages? We currently have in excess of 150 subscribers (none yet from beyond the U.S.), and the list is growing thanks to those that have provided content and those that ‘share’ our blog postings via their social media networks. Each of us can do a better job sharing our blog content with our various networks (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.). To date, we have had only 28 blog visitors get to our pages via a social media referral.
Whatever your program news might be, take a look at what’s been posted to date and package your recent news similarly. Please let Sandy know what you have that is ideal to post, now or into the near future, so we can get our postings scheduled out.
Paper and Bytes Workshop - July 8 & October 29:
Paper and Bytes: Policies, Best Practices, and Resources for Managing Ohio State Records will be offered Tuesday, July 8, from 2-4 p.m. (4th Fl., Suite 430, Conference Room 425 Gateway Complex, 1590 North High Street, Columbus) and Wednesday, October 29, from 1-3 p.m. Participants will become more knowledgeable about university policies, legal requirements and best practices concerning the retention, management and disposition of records in their care. For complete information and to register using OSU user name and password, click here (scroll down to "Paper and Bytes Workshop"). |
"Tune-Up Your Farm Market Booth to Boost Sales" Webinar - July 22:
The "Tune-Up Your Farm Market Booth to Boost Sales" webinar will be presented July 22 by the eXtension Women in Agriculture Learning Network. Mid-summer is a great time to change up your displays to draw in more customers. Join UVM Extension Community Economic Development Specialist Mary Peabody for practical tips on low-cost ways to create eye-catching displays that encourage sales. |
The 30-minute webinar starts at noon. To join the webinar, go to: connect.extension.iastate.edu/womeninag about ten minutes prior to the start time. Click on “Enter as a Guest” and type your name in the space provided, then click on “Enter Room.” For best results, use Firefox or Internet Explorer as your web browser. Prior to participating in this Adobe Connect event, please go to the following URL to confirm ability to log on to the Connect server: extension.iastate.edu/testconnect.
Registration now Open for Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference - October 7-8:
Registration is now open for the 15th annual Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, Engaging for Change: Changing for Engagement, to be held in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Dr. Rajesh Tandon, an internationally recognized leader and practitioner of participatory research and development, will be the keynote speaker. Early-bird registration ends July 31. The Ohio State University is a member of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC), which entitles attendees to register at the ESC member fee. Visit theconference web site for more information. |
SAVE the DATE - Live Healthy Live Well In-service - October 29:
For more information on the Live Healthy Live Well Signature Program, please contact Lisa Barlage, OSUE Ross County (740-702-3200 or barlage.7@osu.edu), or Michelle Treber, OSUE Pickaway County (740-474-7534 or treber.1@osu.edu).
Upcoming eXtension Web Sessions:
Visit eXtension Learn (learn.extension.org) to view and register for the many upcoming webinar sessions available throughout the next month or so. Topics include: |
- Flood Plain Maps and Long-term Flood Plain Management: One City's Experience - July 11 at 2 p.m.
- Peaks and Pitfalls of Extension Scholarship in an Online World - July 14 at 2 p.m.
- Cliff Notes from the Journal of Financial Counseling & Planning - August 12 at 11 a.m.
- My Health County: Take Action, Change Lives - August 19 at 12 noon
Upcoming Events in the Office of Distance Education and eLearning:
Visit the Office of Distance Education and eLearning (odee.osu.edu/resourcecenter/workshops) to view and register for upcoming sessions, including:
- Using U.OSU.EDU (Hands-On) - July 18 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. (460B, Prior Hall)
- Using CarmenConnect (Hands-On) - August 7 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (186 Hagerty Hall)
Building Employees' Capacity when working with the Latino Population:
In the most recent edition of Journal of Extension the following article from our colleagues at the University of Georgia appeared joe.org/joe/2014june/a4.php. The article deals with building employees’ capacity when working with the Latino population and how to engage in cross-cultural programming. The Office of Service Learning at the University of Georgia has developed a series of four modules that address working with the Latino community; the modules are a complement to the article on the experiential learning program developed by University of Georgia Extension. This information will also be posted on the CFAES Professional Development Moodle Site for future viewing. You can access the modules here:servicelearning.uga.edu/modules-supporting-latino-service-learning/. Please note that there are questions that can be used to discuss the modules at office meetings as well as additional resources located under the YouTube videos.
Women's Leadership: Do's and Don'ts for Handling Difficult Conversations:
“Women’s Leadership: Do’s and Don’ts for Handling Difficult Conversations” can be accessed at:pbp.omnovia.com/archives/184712. When you click on the session link it will ask you to login, complete the information requested and you will be taken to a recording of the session. The materials are available at: pbconferences.com/3EU/9W.
Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute recruiting for 2014 Program:
Note from Joe Bonnell (bonnell.8@osu.edu or 614-292-9383) and Maggie Lewis (lewis.933@osu.edu or 614-854-9831) . . . |
"We are recruiting for 2014 Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute Program and ask that you encourage your colleagues and others in Ohio public, private and non-profit organizations to consider joining the program. This year’s Institute includes three sessions featuring compelling speakers, inter-active learning and great networking opportunities. Sessions are scheduled September through November. More information about the 2014 program is available at: oeli.osu.edu.
"If you are interested to return for a speaker or a session this year, please let us know. We’d enjoy seeing you again! And of course, please let us know how we can be of service to you and your organization. We’d enjoy hearing from you again soon!"
For more information about the Institute, please feel free to contact Joe or Maggie.
Request for Help . . . Ohio State Fair 4-H Engineering Events:
OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development would like to identify Extension professionals who have the interest, skills and availability to assist with Ohio State Fair 4-H Engineering Events. The basic idea is to have an Extension professional or professionals “shadow” the Assistant Superintendent for each of these events in 2014, with the likelihood that in 2015 Extension Professionals will provide the primary leadership for each individual event. |
The State Fair 4-H Engineering Events for 2014, with the number of 2013 entrants, dates and locations include:
- ATV Day (28) - Thursday, July 24 at the OSU Waterman Dairy Farm
- Welding Day (44) - Friday, July 25 at the OSU Agricultural Engineering Building
- Small Engines & Lawn Care Day (64) - Saturday, July 26 at the Youth Center
- Bicycle Day (30) - Tuesday, July 29 at the Cardinal Shelter on the OSF Fairgrounds
- Tractor Day (84) - Friday, August 1 at JD Equipment near London
- Engineering Excitement Day (146) - Saturday, August 2 at the Youth Center
If enough assistance cannot be identified, it is possible that one or more of these events will be eliminated for the 2015 Ohio State Fair. If you are interested, please contact Tom Archer (614-247-8103 or archer.3@osu.edu).
Articles/Publications of Interest:
Communiqué (June 25, 2014)
Alutto reflects on land-grant mission (Buckeye Voices)
Could Politics trump Economics as Reason for Growing Income Inequality? (OSU News Room)
Ohio Sea Grant Newsletter (June 2014)
RAMTEC Consortium receives $14.99 Million Straight A Grant (Tri-Rivers Adult Ed News)
© 2014, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact odrumsky.1@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.