Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development |
AD Update:
High-Powered Professional Development Month – June 2014
A couple of weeks ago, Ohio had 14 CD professionals in attendance at the Institute for Sustainable Development (aka four-state program retreat held at Brown County State Park near Nashville, IN June 2-4). This was the first time for the multi-state event designed to encourage interstate learning and collaboration. All told, we had 12 people involved in 6 of the 31 sessions (including two posters) over the three days. I know we had several other sessions proposed too that could have easily been part of the program agenda. I was extremely pleased with the turnout from Ohio and the level of engagement as presenters and as participants throughout the variety of sharing and learning opportunities. Remember, if you attended and have not yet shared your evaluation feedback, please do so at purdue.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_5i0bZ2KPOct0lLL.
It’s hard to believe, but a week from now (June 22-25) we will be knee-deep in the NACDEP Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Building on the OSUE celebration and futuring theme, our 10th annual conference promises opportunities for retrospective reflection on the Extension CD profession as well as a hard look at the role of CD work in Extension’s future. We’ll build on the roundtable ‘Future Search’ discussions held at the Galaxy IV/NACDEP conference held in Pittsburgh last fall to imagine new programs, audiences and delivery methods. In addition to seeing colleagues (Colbert, Fox, Hogan and Rabe) receive a national award (Excellence in Cross-Programming/Team for the program ‘A Community Designed Healthy Urban Food System’), it will be exciting to see 13 different OSUE CD professionals presenting in 10 different sessions (and some of them in collaboration with colleagues from other states). To get a head start, take a look at the listing of session topics and presenters posted here.
I look forward to celebrating our great work with you all next week. Until then, safe travels and see you next week!
NCRCRD 2013 Impact Summary
The NCRCRD 2013 Community Impact Report Summary is now available. Scott Loveridge indicates that both jobs and dollars are up substantially! |
Congratulations to 2014 OSU CARES Seed Grant Recipients
The faculty and staff projects recognized by the OSU CARES Seed Grant program illustrate how engagement is being embedded in colleges across the university. They also showcase how Ohio State is sharing expertise broadly across the entire state and deepening relationships with community partners. Congratulations to Frank Gibson, Myra Wilson and Greg Moon for being awarded funds for their Planning Foundation for Development of Skilled Workforce for Advanced Manufacturing project. |
A brief description of each grant awarded can be found here. All of these grants support partnerships between OSU Extension and another Ohio State department to broaden the university’s engagement with communities. Visit the OSU CARES Grants Program web page for more information about OSU CARES grants and how to submit a proposal for 2015.
Ohio JCEP Professional Development Award Winners
Congratulations to Brian Raison ($350 to attend the eXtension Community, Food Security Conference) andGodwin Apaliyah ($300 to participate in the Economic Development Institute) for being among the winners of Ohio JCEP professional development awards! |
Latest OSU Extension Map
Cynthia Torppa began serving as Regional Director for OSU Extension's Northwest Region (Maumee Valley and Erie Basin EERAs) on June 2. Her office is located at the Wood County Extension office. Click here for the latest region/EERA map. |
Monthly Webinars for Growers & Producers continue June 26:
CFAES continues its free monthly webinars on June 26 from noon to 1 p.m. to help growers and producers enhance marketing and improve and expand sales. "Farmers Markets" will be facilitated by Christie Welch, a farmers market specialist at OSU South Centers. Join in at: carmenconnect.osu.edu/farmersmarkets. Contact for the webinar series is Brad Bergefurd (740-289-2071, ext. 136 or bergefurd.1@osu.edu). For complete information and a list of upcoming webinars, read the February 5 news release. More information on direct marketing can be found at: directmarketing.osu.edu. |
SAC Staff Professional Development Award Applications due July 1:
The CFAES SAC Staff Professional Development Award is funded through support from donations from current and former employees. It is offered to help supplement the costs associated with travel and fees for professional development opportunities for the CFAES staff. This is a one-time reimbursement for expenses related to professional development activities, not to exceed $200. Click here for complete information, including application, which is due July 1.
Utilizing Technology to Reach Diverse Audiences Webinar - July 1:
A free webinar, "Utilizing Technology to Reach Diverse Audiences," will be presented by eXtension on Tuesday, July 1, at 11 a.m. Cooperative Extension is at a crossroads in delivering educational and information resources to an expanding and diverse audience. Digital technology is at a point where it is having a major impact on reaching new audiences, expanding engagement with existing audiences and increasing access to Cooperative Extension educational and information resources to a diverse audience. This panel discussion will focus on examples offered by the Cooperative Extension System in utilizing technology to reach diverse audiences. Presenters are Anne Adrian, eXtension, and Yolanda Surrency and Terrence Wolfork, Fort Valley State University.
Please register online here if you will be attending and do so by Wednesday, June 25. Once you register, an email containing the link for the webinar will be sent to you.
Next EPN Breakfast Club: "Plants Make the World Go 'round: Why We Must Protect Our Native Ecosystems" - July 8:
The next Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) breakfast, will be held Tuesday, July 8, at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center located at 505 W. Whittier Street in Columbus from 7:15 to 10 a.m. Radical changes in the landscape following European settlement wrought massive changes in our environment. While the losses have been many, there is much hope in the form of successful wetland restorations, large-scale prairie reestablishment, an increased return to free-flowing streams and a growing interest in birds and natural history. A natural history/birding walk along the Scioto River will be led by Jim McCormac, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, after the program. For complete information, including speaker bio and registration, visit: epn.osu.edu/. |
Community Development Society Annual Meeting and Pre-conference Workshop - July 20-23:
The 2014 annual meeting of the Community Development Society (CDS) will be held in Dubuque, Iowa on July 20-23. A pre-conference workshop entitled A Community Coaching Chautauqua will be held on July 20. The Chautauqua session will be of interest to anyone that works with community coalitions, groups or organizations with the intent to create meaningful community-wide change. Pat Holmes, OSU Extension educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, Montgomery County, will be facilitating a session on “What is the spectrum of coaching?” during the workshop. Refer to the brochure for more information. There is no additional fee to attend a pre-conference workshop, but registration is required. More information is posted online. |
Digital Storytelling Workshop - July 28-30:
Interested in learning video, audio and photo editing to enhance class instruction, research and outreach? The Digital Storytelling Program is hosting a workshop Monday, July 28, through Wednesday, July 30, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. This workshop is free for OSU participants and will include a continental breakfast. Register online by Monday, June 30. Read more at:digitalstory.osu.edu. |
USDA Announces $78 Million available for Local Food Enterprises - Applications due June 20:
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced that USDA is making a historic $78 million investment in local and regional food systems, including food hubs, farmers markets, aggregation and processing facilities, distribution services and other local food business enterprises. As a result of the 2014 Farm Bill, the Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program was created to help market and promote support for local food enterprises. As a result, $30 million will be available to farmers markets, other direct producer-to-consumer venues and other businesses in the local food supply chain. For marketing and promoting local food businesses, $15 million is available and an additional $15 million will go towards marketing farmers markets and to other direct to consumer outlets. See the full news release here.
Reminder . . . Tri-State Diversity Conference RFPs due June 27:
The goal of this conference is to network and link resources to help integrate diversity into programs, policies and practices for creating community well-being. The conference will be held at the Marriott, Cincinnati airport on February 19-20, 2015. Conference information, including the call for proposals due June 27, can be found at:ces.ca.uky.edu/tristatediversityconference/. |
2014 National eXtension Food Security Conference - September 29 - October 1:
Request for Poster Session Proposals due July 15:
SAVE THE DATE! The eXtension Community of Practice (eCoP) on Community, Local & Regional Food Systems will host a Food Security Conference September 29 – October 1 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Cleveland, Ohio. |
The conference is entitled Building Extension Capacity to Address Community Food Security through Food Systems. Its goal is to concretely position food security as a priority in food system research and practice and to enhance Extension’s capacity to work on food security and food systems.
The conference planning committee would like to invite you to submit an abstract for a poster presentation (peer reviewed) at the conference. Please click here to view details and submission requirements.
Local Foods, Local Places Program Assistance Available - Submit Letter of Intent by July 15:
Communities are invited to apply for assistance from Local Foods, Local Places, a new program supported by EPA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and the Delta Regional Authority (DRA) to help create more livable places by promoting local foods. Together, the agencies are investing $650,000 in the Local Foods, Local Places program, which aims to:
- Boost economic opportunities for local farmers and businesses and foster entrepreneurship
- Improve access to healthy local food, particularly among disadvantaged groups with limited access to fresh fruits and vegetables
- Revitalize downtowns, main street districts and traditional neighborhoods by supporting farmers markets, food hubs, community gardens, community kitchens and other kinds of local food enterprises, and by providing people with affordable choices for accessing those amenities, such as walking, biking or taking transit
For complete information about the program, including eligibility and how to apply, click here. Submit letters of interest by July 15.
May 1 Outreach and Engagement Forum Photos Available Online:
Photos from the second annual Ohio State University Outreach and Engagement Forum that was held on May 1 are posted on the Outreach and Engagement Office Facebook page. Information about the Forum and a guide of the posters are posted here. Ohio State faculty, staff and students are partnering with members of our local, national and international communities on a wide array of projects, and the Forum poster session featured more than 130 Outreach and Engagement initiatives from across the university and community.
RiV Update:
Mike Hofherr, vice president and chief information officer of the Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE), sent out a message pertaining to a Research in View (RiV) replacement tool. Our contacts in the ODEE office have confirmed that we will continue to use RiV as our reporting system until a replacement system has been identified. As noted by Mike Hofherr, we are at the very beginning of this transition period, which may take a year or longer. Debby Lewis and Kim Showalter will continue to provide training and support as you continue to use RiV.
Travel Agency Feedback Wanted:
In a continuing effort to ensure the best level of service is delivered through Ohio State’s designated travel agencies, the Travel Office needs your feedback. Please visit the Travel Office Web site to access the Travel Agency Feedback Form. This form allows users (travelers, arrangers and approvers) the opportunity to provide feedback about their experiences.
Rental Car Requirements Job Aid:
A Rental Car Requirements job aid has been added to the Travel FAQ tab on the Business Office webpage. When renting a car on an OSU business trip, certain requirements need to be met whether reserving with a PCard or personal credit card per OSU Travel Policy. This policy applies to ALL faculty and staff as well as non-employees. If you have any questions, please contact Sandy or your county support staff. |
ORRP launches New IRB ‘Study Team Lookup’ Tool:
The Office of Responsible Research Practices (ORRP) has announced the launch of the ‘Study Team Lookup’ tool. Located within the ‘Protocol Lookup’ application, this new tool allows a user to build a list of study personnel and verify each team member’s CITI and COI completion statuses. Confirming a study team’s completion of these requirements prior to submission to the IRB can help increase the efficiency of processing a submission and prevent delays resulting from incomplete requirements. Instructions on how to access and use the ‘Study Team Lookup’ tool can be found at:orrp.osu.edu/resources/plink. Contact John Yocom (688-8673 or yocom.9@osu.edu) if you have questions. For 'Protocol Lookup,' visit: go.osu.edu/protocollookup.
Articles/Publications of Interest:
Communiqué (June 11, 2014)
CFAES Monthly (June 2014)
Ohio Farm to School Newsletter (June 2014)
Urban Agriculture booming in Ohio (Center for Crop Diversification Newsletter - University of Kentucky Extension)
Environmental Policy Initiative Announces Summer 2014 Research Grant Winners (AEDE News)
Ohio State Researchers Help to Author the U.S. National Climate Assessment Report (AEDE News)
Ohio State Experts: Farmers, First Responders Need to Prepare for Agro-terrorism (CFAES News)
Two CFAES Scientists Contribute to National Climate Assessment (CFAES News)
Nominations Sought for Inaugural ‘Bioproduct Innovation of the Year’ Award (CFAES News)
Moms2B program helps moms get children off on the right foot (onCampus)
Ohio State Team in Clean Energy Business Plan Competition (Arts and Sciences News)
eXtension Update (June 2014)
Ohio Sea Grant eNews (May 2014)
Transcend (May 2014) - Office of Research monthly newsletter
Buck-IRB Newsletter (Spring 2014)
Happy brand birthday! (University Communications blog)
© 2014, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact odrumsky.1@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.