CD Wire - May 28, 2014

Mission Statement:

Ohio State University Extension Community Development
helps communities
enhance their well-being.

AD Update:

Distinguished Staff Recognition

On April 24, Susan Colbert was one of 15 staff members recognized with the University Distinguished Staff Award. In addition, two others from FAES received this award: Jane Wright (4-H) and Ladonna Whitt (ATI). Susan was nominated by a longtime collaborator organization, Campus Partners, for her exceptional dedication to collaborative efforts in the University District neighborhoods. Read more about the honor here. Congratulations, Susan!

StrengthsFinder Goes Entrepreneurial

The bi-annual North Central Leadership Conference was held in Omaha four weeks ago with the theme, Next Generation Leadership: Pathways Toward Our Future. The program provided opportunities for participants to network with visionary leaders, discuss organizational change and create their plans to lead change. Go here to see more of the program and presentations materials.

The real highlight for me was an afternoon field trip to the world headquarters of Gallup (the longtime ‘polling’ people who have more recently gotten into the business of ‘StrengthsFinder’ among other things). In addition to hearing an interesting overview of the company’s history, we also learned of the newly unveiled ‘Entrepreneurship StrengthsFinder’ from Gallup representatives. I left there convinced that this tool provides us programmatic opportunities as we partner with the chambers of commerce, economic development offices and youth leadership programs, for example. What community doesn’t want to learn about identifying and growing its entrepreneurs? To learn more, click here and/or contact Rose Merkowitz or me.

eXtension Update

Nearing its 10th birthday, eXtension continues to grow and change. If you have not logged in recently, please make some time to update yourself of its features and opportunities.

Here are some interesting facts for 2013:

  1. more than 48,000 Ask an Expert questions were addressed (a 29% jump from 2012) by nearly 3,200 experts
  2. more than half of those asking a question had never heard of Extension before
  3. 78% of those asking a question indicated they were satisfied or completely satisfied with the answer provided
  4. eXtension’s 573 Moodle courses attracted more than 21,250 users (a 50% increase from 2012)
  5. social media contacts expanded to 1.6 million from 729,127 in 2012

No doubt, eXtension provides a platform with a multitude of e-Learning opportunities for us. I encourage you to continue to explore all it has to offer. If you have questions, please let me know.

NCRCRD 2013 Annual Report

The NCRCRD 2013 Annual Report, Building a Better Rural America, is now available online. Click here to view.

And Finally…

Many of us will be headed west in less than a week for the ‘Institute’ being held at Brown County State Park near Nashville, Indiana June 2-4. Please review the last minute details Michael Wilcox outlines in his email sent today. If you are attending the event and did not receive the note, please contact me ASAP.



Climate Change Impacts on Wildlife Webinar - May 29:

The OSU Climate Change Webinar Series continues on Thursday, May 29, from noon to 1 p.m. with “Climate Change Impacts on Wildlife.” Ben Zuckerberg of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Amy Iler of the University of Maryland will discuss the effects of climate change on migratory birds, impacts of shifting climate conditions on vulnerable species and a case study focusing on Broad-tailed Hummingbirds. Knowing more about these potential impacts will help wildlife managers and nature enthusiasts alike adapt to and potentially mitigate some of the resulting changes in wildlife diversity. The webinar is free. For more information, including speaker bios and registration,

Social Media Workshops - June 3 and June 10:

The Ed Tech team in partnership with CommTech has added two social media workshops this summer, both at the Wood County Extension office in Bowling Green. "Just the Basics" will be held on June 3 (register by May 28), and "Content & Strategy" will be held on June 10 (register by June 4). Both workshops will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. These will be the final social media workshops until September. Click here to visit the EdgeU Tech blog posting and to view the flyer for all dates and locations.

Video Creation Workshop for Amateurs - June 5 (Register by May 30):

The Ed Tech team will present the Video Creation Workshop for Amateurs on Thursday, June 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at OSU Marion. This workshop will go through all the steps you need to shoot, produce and edit a video to use with your programming in Extension. The workshop will feature pre-planning a video, production steps for success, shooting video and how to edit the video for use.

They will be stepping you through this information as you work on your own project throughout the day. Participants will be asked to bring video clips and their own device (camera, smartphone or tablet). They want to make the best use of your time, so working on a product while learning is the best example they can give. You will also talk about casual video production and how to post those videos quickly from the field to your clients. If you have any questions or wish for more information, please contact Heather (

This workshop is $20, which includes breakfast and lunch. Please be prepared to enter your ORG and FUND number information in the form. Click here to register (no later than May 30).

Next EPN Breakfast Club: "Main Street Dam Removal - Restoring the Scioto River in the Heart of Downtown Columbus" - June 10:

The next Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) breakfast, held Tuesday, June 10, at the Bicentennial Park amphitheater, 233 Civic Center Drive in Columbus from 7:15 to 9:45 a.m., will include a presentation and river restoration walking tour. For complete information, including speaker bios and registration, visit:

People, Climate Change and Lake Erie Webinar - June 24:

This free webinar on People, Climate Change and Lake Erie will be held on Tuesday, June 24, from noon to 1 p.m. Register at: More information will be available soon at the registration site.

Upcoming eXtension Web Sessions:

Visit eXtension Learn ( to view and register for the many upcoming webinar sessions available throughout the next month. Topics include:
  • Remote Sensing of Lakes: They're not all just "Blue" - May 28 at 1:30 p.m.
  • Zero Net Energy Housing - May 30 at 11 a.m.
  • Survive or Struggle: Your Choice in a Business Disaster - May 30 at 2 p.m.
  • Pyrolysis of Biomass for Fuels and Chemicals - June 10 at 1 p.m.
  • Sea Grant Fisheries Extension Network Webinar Series, No. 3: The Sea Grant Network Responds to Tourism Opportunities in Fishing and Aquaculture - June 10 at 1 p.m.
  • E3A Technical Short: "Trunks" for teaching Energy - June 10 at 3 p.m.
  • EPA's Proposed Waters for the U.S. Regulations - June 20 at 2:30 p.m.
  • Community Gardens - June 25 at 12:30 p.m.
    • Lunch 'n Learn Webinars Wednesdays 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. (30-minute presentation; 15 minutes for questions)

Upcoming Events in the Office of Distance Education and eLearning:

Visit the Office of Distance Education and eLearning ( to view and register for upcoming sessions, including:

  • Using U.OSU.EDU (Hands-On) - June 15 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. (186 Hagerty Hall)
  • Using CarmenConnect (Hands-On) - June 26 from 12 noon to 2 p.m. (186 Hagerty Hall)



Funding Opportunities for Farm-to-School/Local Food Programs - Applications due June 20:

As the USDA is implementing the new Farm Bill, there are numerous opportunities to apply for funding to support your farm to school efforts. The Local Food Promotion Program is an expansion of the Farmers Market Promotion so that it now supports both direct farmer-to-consumer projects and also more "scaled up" projects like food hub and related supply chain activities. Applications are due June 20.



eLeave/eTimesheet Interactive Calendar available for Supervisors:

As of May 23 a new, interactive leave calendar feature for supervisors is available in eLeave. In addition, there are changes to the search and employee lookup in both eLeave and eTimesheet. Click here to see the full article for details.

Emergency Management Information Available Online:

For any county needing resource information on flooding, clean-up, preparation and more, please go to the following links for the most up-to-date information:

Articles/Publications/Videos of Interest:

Communiqué (May 14 issue)

CFAES Urban Agricultural Adventure Group goes to Cleveland (CFAES Monthly)

Change, Growth to Be Evident at 2014 Farm Science Review (CFAES News)

"It's Time" -- Instill Pride in Marion, OH (Marion Area Chamber of Commerce video)

Innovative Public-private Partnerships that capitalize on Ohio’s Manufacturing Prowess and Talented Workers (Buckeye Voice)

© 2014, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232

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CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: