CD Wire - May 13, 2014

Mission Statement:

Ohio State University Extension Community Development
helps communities
enhance their well-being.

AD Update:

Happy 100th Birthday to Extension

Last Thursday, May 8, marked the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Smith-Lever Act into law by President Woodrow Wilson. The event was marked by convocation in Washington D.C. that involved presentations by USDA Secretary Vilsack and APLU Director McPherson as well as review of the past and a look to the future by a number of reflective minds including Bruce McPheron, our very own FAES Dean. What particularly struck me that day was this notion shared by one of the presenters:

What we think of as ‘Extension work’ existed long before May 8, 1914…signing the Smith-Lever Act into law on that date formalized the collaborative arrangement involving counties, states and the federal (USDA) partners with the intention of making such ‘Extension work’ available to all people throughout the U.S.

If you didn’t have a chance to tune in for the live stream, the event recording is available through July. A more ‘permanent’ link to the recording will be posted

Money, money, money!!

Congratulations to everyone involved in the most recent ‘Small Grant Awards’ sponsored by the North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. (I learned last week that all three of our applications have been funded.) Now the real work begins for the investigators and the support staff that help process release time, contracts and other business office functions that enable you to properly expend such funding and receive reimbursement for your efforts.

Remember, whether you are envisioning an OSP-project or any other type of effort involving an MOU-Contract-Letter of Arrangement, it is key to communicate specifics to Bette Hartschuh (OSP), Jackie LaMuth, Sandy, me and your potential collaborators. This is of the utmost importance: Communicate the specifics regarding your potential grant and contract work to these folks before you have committed them to your effort so they can more easily provide assistance. For example, it is important that you provide Jackie LaMuth with a review copy early in the process. If your non-OSP paperwork contains a signature line, the document must be entered into the eRequest system for signature routing. You should not begin project work until the paperwork is signed. Without the properly routed and approved paperwork, you (and any team mates involved) may not get reimbursed for project expenses…this has happened recently and may most likely happen again unless we do our part.

Our need for extramural funding continues to grow and our efforts to secure such support continue to increase. Let’s continue to improve the way we coordinate what is truly a team effort by improving our communications.

Speaking of extra-mural funding . . .

A big kudos goes out to the Mark Partridge-led multi-disciplinary team (Extension, AEDE, Rural Sociology) for their recently announced NIFA award. Mark Partridge (Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics), David Civittolo, Alessandra Faggian, Linda Lobao and Eric Romich are studying "Maximizing the gains of old and new energy development for America's rural communities" with a $499,980 grant from the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). Read more at:



"Portal to the Public at COSI: Connecting Scientists, Researchers and Experts with Public Audiences" - STEM Initiatives Virtual Brown Bag Lunchtime Webinar May 14:

Andy Aichele, director of Human Capital Development at COSI, describes COSI's professional development to help scientists, researchers and experts communicate their research to public audiences during this Adobe Connect webinar on Wednesday, May 14, from noon to 1 p.m. Portal to the Public cohorts participate in a series of workshops focused on creating interactives based on current research. For complete information and to register, visit:

Rear Admiral to discuss Climate Change Risks - May 15:

"Understanding Climate Change Risks and Identifying Opportunities for Mitigation and Adaptation in Ohio" will take place Thursday, May 15, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Byrd Polar Research Center (108 Scott Hall, 1090 Carmack Road, Columbus). Learn about the impacts of climate change on agriculture, forests, infrastructure, public health and Lake Erie from some of Ohio State’s most respected scientists and hear a keynote address by Rear Admiral Jonathan White, director, U.S. Navy Task Force for Climate Change. For more information and to RSVP, visit:

State Food Policy Summit - May 27:

The State Food Policy Summit held by the John Glenn School of Public Affairs is the single annual event for food policy interests to join together across the state. The event will be held on May 27 from 1 to 5:30 p.m. at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center.

The summit is intended to inspire action by fostering awareness of food policy activities and possibilities at the state level. Learn about the current state of food policy in Ohio and envision future policy priorities for strengthening local food systems. The summit is sponsored by the Ohio Regional Convergence Partnership. For complete information, including the agenda, and to register, visit:

Space still available for Action Leadership Retreat – November 4-5:

Participants are currently being recruited for a professional development opportunity in 2014 called Action Leadership Retreat. Designed for Extension educators (or others with similar responsibilities) with 18 months to three years of experience, the Action Leadership Retreat is a professional development opportunity built around simulated on-the-job experiences. Led by a facilitator and two experienced Extension professionals who are trained as observers, ALR is designed to help you evaluate and reflect on your skills in 12 key areas (e.g., conflict management, communication and interpersonal skills) important for success as an Extension professional.

The Action Leadership Retreat will be held on November 4 and 5. Space is limited to seven participants. Registrations will be accepted on a first come, first-served basis. For additional information and to register, click here. For questions or additional information, contact Kayla Oberstadt (, graduate research associate or Graham Cochran (, Extension Human Resources.

OSUE Annual Conference - The Next 100 Years
Save the Date!

December 9, 10 and 11:

This three-day conference provides an opportunity for all Extension professionals to:

  • Share and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research
  • Build relationships between Extension professionals and university colleagues to foster expanded applied research opportunities
  • Foster dialogue and innovative thinking among OSU Extension and academic unit-based colleagues

This year’s conference will feature:

  • Nationally known keynote speakers
  • Interactive sessions on the future
  • Concurrent sessions featuring best practices and Extension scholarship
  • Poster exhibits featuring innovative programming and cutting‒edge research
  • Recognition of outstanding work of Extension colleagues and community partners
  • Celebration of the 100-year history of OSU Extension

The event will be held at the Ohio Union on the Columbus campus. Our winter CD unit meeting will be during the conference, and we will confirm the date when it is available.

‘So You Want to Do Research in Schools’ - Webinar Recording now Available:

On May 12, Kimberly Lightle, director, EHE Office of Research helped educational researchers navigate the process of contacting districts and getting requests approved during an Adobe Connect webinar. Explore best practices regarding partnering with districts and the interplay between IRB requirements and district requirements. The presentation also covered some “red flags” that districts look for when reviewing requests. Click here to view a recording of the webinar. Contact: STEM Initiatives at



Ohio State/China Gateway Research Seed Grant Pre-proposals due May 15:

The Ohio State China Gateway is sponsoring a faculty research grant competition to promote research collaborations between Ohio State faculty and partners in the greater China region. Proposals should focus on the social and economic aspects of one or more of Ohio State’s Discovery Themes: food production and security, health and wellness and/or energy and the environment. Submit pre-proposals by Thursday, May 15. For complete information,

NCRCRD Special Project Call for Proposals due May 16:

The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development has announced its FY 14-15 special projects call for proposals. Awards of up to $15,000 will be made for projects that relate to boom/bust in fracking communities, rural labor shortages and opportunities for land grants under the new farm bill. The proposal requirements are minimal, but turnaround time is short. Proposals are due May 16. View the call for proposals and subrecipient form here.

ODEE eLearning Professional Development Grant supports Training & Research:

Apply now for up to $2,000 (matching required) to support training or research into best practices for using learning technology to improve student experience and instructor effectiveness. Bring in an expert, learn a new tool, present at a conference, sponsor tech-empowered classroom activities, enhance your teaching faculty retreat, or do something not thought of yet. This grant is made possible by the Wide Open West affinity program. For complete information and online application,

Tri-State Diversity Conference RFPs due June 27:

The goal of this conference is to network and link resources to help integrate diversity into programs, policies and practices for creating community well-being. The conference will be held at the Marriott, Cincinnati airport on February 19-20, 2015. Conference information, including the call for proposals due June 27, can be found



New CD Fact Sheet posted to Ohioline:

A new fact sheet has been published by Rose Fisher Merkowitz:

Congratulations to Rose!

Provost’s Discovery Themes Lecturer Program - Call for Nominations due June 6:

Provost Joseph Steinmetz has issued a call for nominations for the Discovery Themes Lecturers for autumn 2014 and autumn 2015. Lecturers should be eminent authorities from across the public and private sectors who can address topics related to the Discovery Themes. Faculty, staff and students are urged to submit lecturer nominations by Friday, June 6. The nomination form can be found at

Fisher College introduces EMBA-Energy Degree:

Fisher College of Business is introducing Executive MBA-Energy, a specialization designed specifically for high potential energy industry professionals wanting to enhance their business skills and broaden their understanding of all areas of the energy industry. EMBA-Energy is an integrated part of Fisher’s widely recognized Executive MBA program. Read more at:

2014 Engagement Impact Grant Recipients:

Combatting antibiotic resistant “superbugs,” renewing local communities and reviving infrastructure, making technology more accessible, addressing health issues for women and children and promoting change in Africa are the compelling challenges that recipients of this year’s 2014 Engagement Impact Grants will focus on. The grants, awarded by the Office of Outreach and Engagement, promote the application of innovative and creative scholarship to address important societal challenges that lead to transformational change. Read more at:

VegNet Newsletter:

Subscribe to weekly issues of the VegNet Newsletter at:

Articles/Publications of Interest:

Communiqué - April 30, 2014

One Hundred Years and Counting: Extension Marks Centennial and Looks to the Future (CFAES News)

Ohio State Research Shows Substantial Link Between State-level Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards and Reduced Carbon Emissions (CFAES News)

Ohio State Offers Free Screening of Film Dedicated to Increasing Urban Agriculture (CFAES News)

Special Project Puts Ohio 4-H in Cleveland, Cincinnati Classrooms (CFAES News)

Quickly Create Modern Looking Graphics for Anything with Canva (EdgeU Tech Blog)

Ohio Sea Grant eNews - April 2014

Ohio Farm to School Newsletter (May Issue)

Ohio State Team wins First HUD Student Design and Planning Competition (John Glenn School News)

Ohio State awarded Three Grants to support International Collaboration on Global Issues (OIA News)

eXtension UPDATE - May 2014

© 2014, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232

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CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: