Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development |
AD Update:
Excellence via Coaching & Mentoring Others
“Working effectively with individuals having diverse styles, abilities, motivations and backgrounds” was one of our ‘core competencies’ highlighted last week (Extension HR – Core Competencies). Among the specific behaviors that characterize this competency is understanding and appreciating our colleagues and clientele. Number 20 on our Action List, Implement OSU Extension coaching and mentoring protocols, focuses on understanding and appreciating our colleagues to some degree too.
Like many of the items listed below, we have a good start in the area of peer mentoring and professional development coaching. There are a number of reasons for this. For example, Extension has had formal mentoring programs for years. The CD program has historically been led by a relatively small unit and close-knit group. CD teams have been small and very open to including new members.
Extension’s formal coaching and mentoring program is highlighted in the Extension Policy and Procedure Handbook. There are also countless other opportunities to offer helpful guidance to our colleagues. Formal opportunities include, for example, providing annual performance review feedback, authoring a Peer Evaluation of Teaching (letter), serving as a vita coach and serving on an advisory committee. Informal opportunities to offer helpful guidance and feedback exist when we are serving as a member of a curriculum development team, being a part of an applied research project and cooperating in the development, delivery and evaluation of a program, for example.
We have done well to address professional development opportunities within the CD program because the concern for one another and for professional quality has historically been strong. Our professional growth, the quality of the organization, and the effectiveness of our efforts depend on the degree to which each of us is willing to help our colleagues be better and we are open to receiving such input. I believe we have such a culture in Extension and it is our responsibility to continue to cultivate it as we address the key items on the Action List below. The complete list of Extension Strategic Plan metrics in rank order of priority for each initiative is found here.
Extension Strategic Plan – Action List
- Understand full range of Extension in Ohio
- Learn program needs
- Prioritize programs, efforts, and audiences
- Inventory e-Learning modules
- Create e-Learning modules (10% increase annually)
- Align applied research with Discovery Themes
- Increase creative and scholarly outputs of a collaborative nature
- Engage in interdisciplinary/cross-program/multi-state/inter-institutional efforts
- Evaluate teaching (face-to-face, via distance/webinar, etc.)
- Create and use evaluation tools for programs
- Document efforts via RiV
- Communicate impact via various media (e.g., micro-blog, blog, webpage, etc.)
- Use social media to extend reach
- Track reach of social media
- Increase extramural funding by 5% (annually)
- Increase contributions to CD endowment/development account by 5% (annually)
- Create and implement comprehensive marketing plan
- Focus on improving core competencies
- Participate in a diversity training (annually)
- Implement OSU Extension coaching and mentoring protocols
CD Marketing Meetings Set
We will have Don Van Meter with us to begin the Marketing Plan effort on April 17 from 10:00-11:30 and May 16 from 10:00-11:30. The meeting location will be determined based on the number of participants, so please let me know by March 28 if you plan to attend. You are welcome to attend either or both of these focus group-type discussions. A third session will be scheduled later in June.
OSU Climate Change Webinar - March 25:
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The OSU Climate Change Webinar Series continues on Tuesday, March 25, from noon to1 p.m. with “Adaptation and Forest Management in Great Lakes Forests: Custom-made, Real-world Examples.” Stephen Handler, climate change specialist, will discuss the Northwoods Climate Change Response Framework, a collaborative approach to encouraging climate-informed forest management using demonstration projects. The webinar is free. Register at:climategreatlakes.com. Contact: Jill Jentes Banicki (jentes.1@osu.edu). |
Stream the Innovate Conference Live - March 25:
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Innovate’s fifth annual conference on teaching and learning with technology is March 25. Although registration is full, you can still attend remotely via live stream. Tune in Tuesday, March 25, at go.osu.edu/innovatelive. Check out the topics/sessions to determine which ones you want to see. All of the presentations include live captioning. This year features distance education topics, new classroom models, a keynote address by Creative Commons’ Cable Green and more. |
The Art and Science of Facilitation - March 27:
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There is an art and science to facilitation, and a good facilitator can make the difference between the success and failure of a group. A successful facilitator utilizes a variety of tools, processes and skills to lead a group to make decisions, solve problems and be most effective. This hands-on workshop focuses on learning and practicing the stages and characteristics of group facilitation. Participants will learn tips and techniques for dealing effectively with groups including dealing with conflict in a productive manner. |
Participants will:
- Understand facilitation and the facilitator roles
- Assess and manage group dynamics, incorporate group problem-solving processes
- Understand the roles of diversity, power and ethics
- Recognize the importance of humor and working miracles as a facilitator
Rose Fisher Merkowitz and Treva Williams will facilitate this workshop from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in room 105 of the Agricultural Administration building on Thursday, March 27. The fee is $135 per participant. To register and make payment, go to:regonline.com/seriesleadership.
Innovations in Agriculture and Rural Development Webinar - March 27:
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NCRCRD will host a free webinar, Expediting the Commercialization of Biobased Products via OBIC’s ® “Cell to Sell” Innovation Model, on Thursday, March 27 at noon. This presentation will discuss a unique cluster development strategy that brings together stakeholders from across the biobased product supply chain. Companies and other interested groups (research centers, economic development organizations, commodity groups, etc.) can participate in this initiative via the OBIC Bioproduct Network and Bioproducts World 2014 Showcase and Conference. |
Presented by: Dennis W. Hall, Director of the Ohio Bio-Products Innovation Center (OBIC) at The Ohio State University.
To register, visit: events.anr.msu.edu.
SENR Spring Seminar Lecture Series continues April 3:
Join the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) for their Spring 2014 Seminar Series. Lectures will be held on most Thursdays during spring semester from 4:10 to 5:30 p.m. in 103 Kottman Hall, with a video link to 123 Williams Hall in Wooster. Read more about each lecture and view recordings of previous lectures at:senr.osu.edu/SeminarSeries_Spring2014. The next seminar will be:
- April 3: Fish Biodiversity in a Changing World
- Presented by Suzanne Gray, Assistant Professor in the OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources
Conference on Emerging Issues in Ohio Energy - April 9:
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The Moritz College of Law’s program on Law and Capital Markets is presenting a conference on emerging issues in the law, finance and regulation of energy, with a focus on Ohio and on oil/gas on Wednesday, April 9, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Ohio Union, Great Hall Meeting Room 2. Panelists will discuss environmental, legal, financial and policy issues surrounding upstream and midstream sectors and also on what Ohio should be doing about energy in the future. Click here to view the conference schedule and to register. |
EPN Breakfast features Jack Hanna - April 10:
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The next Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) breakfast will be held at the Ohio Union in the Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom on Thursday, April 10, from 8:15 to 10:15 a.m. featuring Jack Hanna, Director Emeritus, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, and his wildlife friends. Participation in the myActions sustainability initiative will also be celebrated. Register by April 7. For complete information and to register, visit: epn.osu.edu. Click hereto view archived breakfast presentations. |
Ohio Farm to School Regional Workshops begin April 29:
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If you are you interested in promoting Farm to School activities in your local schools and communities, plan to attend one of the regional Farm to School Workshops to learn about supporting and developing Farm to School programs in your community. Encourage local food service directors and producers to participate, too. |
Workshop sessions will provide information and resources on the following topics:
- Farm to School updates at a state, regional and national level
- Purchasing Local Foods for Schools—The Cafeteria Perspective
- Food safety related to Farm to School
- Direct Marketing—Connecting producers, cooperatives, distributors with schools
- The Education Connection—Farm to School in the classroom
- Networking opportunities
Regional workshops schedule:
- Northwest Region - April 29 - Perrysburg at the Hilton Garden Inn
- Southwest Region - April 30 - Mt. Orab at Mt. Orab Elementary School
- Southeast Region - June 10 - Nelsonville at The Inn at Hocking College
- Northeast Region - September 26 - Canton at Walsh University
- Central Region - October 24 - Columbus at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center
- Cleveland/Cuyahoga County - Information available soon
For more information and registration, visit: farmtoschool.osu.edu/events/workshops/.
School Garden Conference - May 2:
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School gardens can make learning come alive. How to make that work is the focus of “Cultivating Curiosity: The Teachable Garden,” a conference from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 2 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Participation is limited to 100, and registration is due April 25. The $45 fee includes lunch. A registration form to download and mail in is available at franklin.osu.edu or by contacting Susan Hogan (hogan.239@osu.edu). For more information, read the CFAES news release. |
Second Round of Discovery Themes Funding -
Proposal Intent due March 28 / Proposals due May 30:
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In response to the latest Discovery Themes Request for Proposals, by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 28, a designated faculty team leader must submit his or her name, a draft proposal title and the selected area of submission torfpdiscoverythemes@osu.edu. Upon receipt, the faculty team leader will receive a personalized ePortal link required for the proposal submission (due May 30). Contact: Stephen Myers (myers.603@osu.edu). |
Discovery Themes Page now Available on Yammer:
The Discovery Themes team has created a social networking page on Ohio State's Yammer account that will allow faculty and staff to interact and discuss the second Discovery Themes Request for Proposals in a quick and easy manner. To participate, create a free Yammer account at: go.osu.edu/yammer and log in to your account to access the Discovery Themes page at: go.osu.edu/DiscoveryThemesNetwork. Contact Elisabeth Hasbany (hasbany.1@osu.edu) if you have questions. |
Denman Undergraduate Research Forum - March 26:
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Faculty, students and staff are invited to attend the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum on Wednesday, March 26, from noon to 3 p.m. in the RPAC on the OSU Columbus campus. More than 600 students will present posters in all academic disciplines. Now in its 19th year, the forum is coordinated by the Undergraduate Research Office. US News & World Report recognized Ohio State for its undergraduate research programs when the university moved up two spots to #16 among the top 50 public national universities. Read more at: denman.osu.edu. |
Launch of WiFi@OSU Network:
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Last week, the OCIO began rolling out a new wireless network: WiFi@OSU. This network is to be used by visitors of Ohio State. The network is also a means for current Ohio State students, faculty and staff to configure their devices to use the encrypted “osuwireless” network. WiFi@OSU is not to be used as a replacement for osuwireless. Students, faculty and staff should use osuwireless once configured, as it is a secure network. Contact 8help@osu.edu if you have questions. Read more on the OCIO blog: ocio.osu.edu/blog/community/. |
Electronic Signature Feature added to IRB Submit:
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A new feature has been added to IRB Submit, the online tool for uploading documents for IRB review. Beginning today, March 24, all required signatures will be obtained electronically. The system will send an email notification to all individuals whose signatures are required when an IRB protocol or exempt application is submitted. By clicking on the link within the email, all required signatories will be directed to log in with Ohio State username and password, review and “sign” the submission electronically. Instructions can be found here. Contact Susan Ebert at 292-0184 if you have questions. |
Revised Standards for New Research involving Data or Specimens:
The Human Research Protection Program policy, “Research Involving Data and/or Biological Specimens,” has been revised to reflect national standards for banking and future use of data and specimens. New guidelines were developed by the IRB Policy Committee and its advisory group to help investigators meet these standards for human research projects involving data or specimens. The revised standards will be applied to new protocols submitted on or after Monday, March 31. For more information, visit the ORRP (Office of Responsible Research Practices) website at: orrp.osu.edu (HRPP Policies and Investigator Guidance links).
Stone Lab Work Weekend - April 11-13:
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The Stone Laboratory Work Weekend will be held April 11-13 on Gibraltar Island, Put-in-Bay. This is a volunteer effort to help Ohio State University’s Stone Lab prepare for the coming season. Participants can attend Friday night through Sunday morning or just on Saturday. Registration deadline is April 4. For complete information and to register, visit: stonelab.osu.edu/events/work-weekend/. |
Articles/Publications of Interest:
Communiqué (March 19, 2014)
Getty’s Gift: We Now Have Access to Millions of Free Images for Online Content (EdgeU Tech Blog)
Key Take-aways from the NMSU Learning Games Lab (EdgeU Tech Blog)
© 2014, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact odrumsky.1@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.