Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development |
AD Update:
Assessing Resources – Addressing Needs
Last week we talked about turning our Strategic Plan into action. We listed 20 specific action steps that will require our attention (individually and collectively) this year and in coming years. Even though many of the items on this list we are in various stages of addressing, there still may be specific items on the list that may cause you a bit of heartburn. No worries. You probably have a few co-workers who view those items and feel pretty comfortable (the same way you may feel more comfortable with the items that are causing them stress).
Breaking the list down should remove some animosity too. Items 1-3, for example, focus on the ‘what’ we do in Extension programs. We are better able to address complex issues when fully armed with an understanding of the programmatic resources that comprise Extension. In the same way that you work with a CD colleague to make your CD program better, imagine the possibilities when you partner with educators from other program areas to address a complex problem from a more holistic approach. Similarly, when we have a clearer understanding of program needs we should be better positioned to apply resources to address them. Including program stakeholders in the planning of the educational programs we are delivering is one way to better address needs. Meeting with them on a regular basis helps to inform us of their specific needs as well.
Certainly few, if any, of us have extra time to take on additional work. As such, we must continually assess what we do, how we do it and with whom. Attention paid to items 1-3 below should enable us to more effectively collaborate to address opportunities and needs in Ohio and beyond. What are you currently doing to address each of these items? What ideas do you have to improve in these areas?
Extension Strategic Plan – Action List
- Understand full range of Extension in Ohio
- Learn program needs
- Prioritize programs, efforts, and audiences
- Inventory e-Learning modules
- Create e-Learning modules (10% increase annually)
- Align applied research with Discovery Themes
- Increase creative and scholarly outputs of a collaborative nature
- Engage in interdisciplinary/cross-program/multi-state/inter-institutional efforts
- Evaluate teaching (face-to-face, via distance/webinar, etc.)
- Create and use evaluation tools for programs
- Document efforts via RiV
- Communicate impact via various media (e.g., micro-blog, blog, webpage, etc.)
- Use social media to extend reach
- Track reach of social media
- Increase extramural funding by 5% (annually)
- Increase contributions to CD endowment/development account by 5% (annually)
- Create and implement comprehensive marketing plan
- Focus on improving core competencies
- Participate in a diversity training (annually)
- Implement OSUE coaching and mentoring protocols
OEDA and IEDC Group Memberships
Remember that you can purchase memberships to OEDA (Ohio Economic Development Association) and IEDC (International Economic Development Council) at a discounted rate. State CD funds have covered the first membership to each organization which enables you to join at a reduced rate (using your funds). If you are interested in joining and/or renewing, please remember to request approval prior to purchase!
- For OEDA – Begin at the website www.ohioeda.com/join. If joining new, be sure to select the organizational membership option ($200). The organization is ‘Ohio State University Extension.’ If you are renewing and you had previously signed up under the individual membership option, you will want to call Karla at the OEDA offices (800-632-7763) to get the reduced rate. Have your credit card handy. She knows some of us will be calling.
- For IEDC – Begin with an e-mail to Will Hirzy (whirzy@iedconline.org), IEDC membership coordinator. Provide Will Hirzy your contact info (name, title, etc.) and he will bill you at the $165 membership rate.
CURA Roundtable: From Maps to Markets and Movements - January 23:
The Center for Urban and Regional Analysis (CURA) is hosting a roundtable event on Thursday, January 23, at 3 p.m. in 1080 Derby Hall. Anne Palmer and Amanda Behrens from the Center for a Livable Future at Johns Hopkins University will deliver "From Maps to Markets and Movements: Using Evidence to Identify, Develop, and Implement Food Policies." For complete information, visit: cura.osu.edu/events. Contact Julia Elmer (elmer.25@osu.edu) if you have questions.
Heart of Ohio EERA Social Media Workshops - February 4 and 11:
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The Ed Tech team in partnership with CommTech will be offering two different social media workshops in the Heart of Ohio EERA next month. "Just the Basics" will be held on February 4, and "Content & Strategy" will be held on February 11. Both workshops will be held in Columbus from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. An email will be sent shortly from the interim educational technology specialists with registration information. Click here to visit the EdgeU Tech blog posting and to view the flyer for all dates and locations. |
Grant Proposals for AFRI's AERC Program - Webinar January 22:
The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) will present a webinar on Wednesday, January 22, from 1 to 3 p.m. featuring highlights of the Agriculture & Food Research Initiative's (AFRI) Agricultural Economics & Rural Communities (AERC) foundational program area. Eligibility requirements and other aspects of the following five programs will be discussed along with questions and answers:
- Economics, Markets and Trade
- Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
- Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation
- Rural Communities and Regional Development
- Small and Medium Sized Farms
The moderator will be Fen Hunt, and presenters will be Robbin Shoemaker, Jill Auburn and Denis Ebodaghe. Join the webinar at the following link a few minutes before the starting time (# lines is limited; first come, first served): nifa-connect.nifa.usda.gov/afri-aerc/. Audio via telephone is available at: 888-844-9904 access code 6824450#.
PLEASE NOTE (whether or not you join the webinar):
- Letters of intent are required for these programs (a new requirement of AERC in 2014), due on February 19, and the application deadline for full proposals is April 28, 2014. You cannot submit a proposal if you do not first submit a letter of intent.
- The 2014 AFRI Foundational Request for Applications can be found at:nifa.usda.gov/funding/rfas/pdfs/14_afri_foundation_mod.pdf.
- For Grant-Writing Tips and Other AFRI Information, visit: nifa.usda.gov/funding/afri/afri.html.
- For more information on AERC including a link to abstracts of projects funded in the past (2011), visit:nifa.usda.gov/fo/agricultureeconomicsandruralcommunitiesafri.cfm.
For additional information, contact Robbin Shoemaker (202-720-5468 or rshoemaker@nifa.usda.gov).
OSU Extension Annual Report now Available:
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PDF files of the 2013 OSU Extension Annual Report (quad-fold and the eight one-page stories) are posted on the Communications and Technology Resources page atcfaes.osu.edu/commtech/resources/annual-reports-and-legislative-stories. Copies of the 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2009 annual reports are also posted at this link. Two hard copies of the report have been mailed to each county.
Please use the stories in this year’s annual report to help market the impact of Extension as a whole and to support your local programs when possible. Please use the online PDF files to print and distribute copies of the stories within the annual report for your needs. Administration has a limited number of pre-printed copies on hand for special requests. Please contact Cheryl Buck (buck.19@osu.edu or 614-292-4880) if you need a few copies for a special use. In addition, the link to an interactive PDF of the 2013 report is posted on the OSU Extension home page in the Publications section on the right side.
New Online Data Tool Resources:
The following new online data tools are now available for your use:
National Association of Counties - County Tracker (uscounties.org/countytracker/index.html)
Assesses the performance of county economies by studying annual changes in four indicators – economic output (GDP), employment, the unemployment rate and home prices prior to and after the recent economic downturn.
US Census Bureau – Census Explorer (census.gov/censusexplorer/censusexplorer.html)
New interactive map that gives users easier access to neighborhood-level statistics using updated statistics from the 2008-2012 American Community Survey (ACS).
Ohio Charter Captains Conference - March 1:
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The 33rd Annual Ohio Charter Captains Conference will be held March 1 at the Cedar Point Conference Center at the BGSU-Firelands Campus in Huron, OH. For complete information, click here. Tory Gabriel (gabriel.78@osu.edu) is the contact. |
Faculty/Staff Buck-I-SERV Advisor Applications due January 26:
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Student Life’s Buck-I-SERV is seeking applications for faculty/staff advisors for the 2014 Spring Break Buck-I-SERV trips (March 8-15). Applications and complete information are available online. Applications are due Sunday, January 26. Information regarding the faculty/staff advisory role is also available on the application. Buck-I-SERV provides students with a week-long, substance-free service trip and offers challenging and fun opportunities to lead and learn through direct service experiences. |
Reception for Children of Faculty and Staff Considering College - February 4:
If you have a sophomore or junior in high school, you and your student are invited to join Undergraduate Admissions for a reception on Tuesday, February 4, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Blackwell to discover more about Ohio State’s academic opportunities, scholarships, financial aid, regional campus options and tuition benefits for children of faculty and staff. Register at scarletandgray.osu.edu by Tuesday, January 28, using access code OSJR14. Contact Jennifer Markovich (markovich.27@osu.edu) if you have questions.
Articles/Publications of Interest:
Webinars as a Teaching Tool = A Top Priority for 2014 (EdgeU Tech Blog)
© 2014, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact odrumsky.1@osu.edu.
CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: www.go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity.