CD Wire - December 17, 2013

AD Update:

The OSUE Strategic Plan and the CD “To-Do” List

After months of review meetings, focus groups and facilitated organizational conversations, Bev Kelbaugh and Kirk Bloir led the official ‘kickoff’ of the revised and updated OSUE Strategic Plan at the Extension Annual Conference a couple weeks ago. As I said during our December 3 CD Unit meeting, I am very pleased to see the top ten priority items and what they mean for our CD ‘To-Do’ List. Most of the specific and measurable goals (metrics) that have been given the highest priority have been our focus in CD for some time now, and we will continue to contribute as individuals and as a unit toward these specific organizational goals. We’ll focus our efforts toward those that are ‘new’ to us and welcome the additional direction. I look forward to facilitating your individual and our collective pursuit of these goals in the coming months and strongly encourage you to review these priority metrics. Since each of us will be responsible for tracking our progress and success on these high priority items, now is the time to think about these questions:

  • What am I doing now with respect to these ten priority metrics that can be reported?
  • In what areas might I improve?
  • How might I work with colleagues to meet these most pressing challenges? 

As we think about 2014, I also encourage you to reflect on your work over the past year. No doubt there was much accomplished in partnership with communities, organizations, businesses, individuals and colleagues throughout Ohio and beyond. And while the reporting of all this good work is due to Debby via RiV by January 15, I hope you plan to enjoy some time away from work over the next couple of weeks. Take the opportunity to spend time with family and friends, reflect on what is truly important to you and get fired up for 2014.

Speaking of time away, there will be no Weekly Wire published until January 6, 2014. Best wishes to you and yours for the holidays and happiness in the New Year!  -- Greg and Sandy

OEDA and IEDC Group Membership Rates Available

It has been determined that we have sufficient interest in OEDA (Ohio Economic Development Association) and IEDC (International Economic Development Council) to warrant a group membership rate. State CD funds can cover the first membership to each organization which enables you to join at a reduced rate (using your funds). If you are interested in joining and/or renewing, please remember to request approval to purchase prior to purchase!

  • For OEDA – Begin at the website If joining new, be sure to select the organizational membership option ($200). The organization is ‘Ohio State University Extension.’ If you are renewing and you had previously signed up under the individual membership option, you will want to call Carla at the OEDA offices (800-632-7736) to get the reduced rate. Have your credit card handy. She knows some of us will be calling.
  • For IEDC – Begin with an e-mail to Will Hirzy (, IEDC membership coordinator. Provide Will Hirzy your contact info (name, title, etc.) and he will bill you at the $145 membership rate. Please note that starting on January 1 membership rates will be increasing to $165.

2014 CD Unit Meetings Scheduled

Thanks to everyone who responded to the poll. Please save these final dates for 2014 CD unit meetings:

  • Thursday, March 6: Spring Meeting (TBD)
  • June 2-4: IL, IN, KY & OH Retreat (Brown County State Park, Indiana)
    • This will be in place of our two-day fall retreat
  • Wednesday, October 1: Fall Meeting (TBD)
  • Tuesday, December 9: Winter Meeting (TBD)



Register by December 31 for Promotion Workshop on January 14:

Plan to attend the upcoming Extension promotion workshop on January 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Agricultural Administration Building auditorium. Click to view the workshop agenda. Extension professionals with all levels of experience with the process are invited. Registration fee is $25. Register online by 5:00 p.m. December 31 to attend the Tuesday, January 14 Promotion Workshop at:

This workshop is NOT a Research in View (RiV) training; however, techniques to effectively document your accomplishments in RiV will be discussed. For more information, contact:  Promotion and Tenure Committee Chair Judy Villard-Overocker, Administrative and Professional Committee Chair Jeff McCutcheon or Department Chair Ken Martin.

Natural Gas Workshop for Farmers & Greenhouse Operators - January 14:

Those who want to know more about the pros and cons of considering substituting natural gas for other fossil fuels may attend “Natural Gas Utilization by Ohio Agriculture,” a 9:00 4:00 p.m. workshop on January 14 at Ohio State University’s Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. The event, including lunch, is free, but space is limited and registration in advance is required. To register, contact Mike Kositzke, project coordinator of Ohio State’s Subsurface Energy Resource Center (SERC), at 614-688-1566 or Read more at:

Social Media Workshop Opportunities in 2014 begin January 16:

The Ed Tech team in partnership with CommTech will be offering two different social media workshops ("Just the Basics" and "Content & Strategy") in each EERA next year! Click here to visit the EdgeU Tech blog posting and to view the flyer for dates and locations. Some details are still being pulled together, but look for the first registration e-mail for the January workshops soon. Registration information will also be posted on the EdgeU Tech blog. The first two workshops will be held in Troy (Top of Ohio EERA) on January 16 (Just the Basics) and January 21 (Content & Strategy).

Ohio Farmland Preservation Summit - February 5:

The 14th Annual Ohio Farmland Preservation Summit is scheduled for February 5 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Registration is due January 31. You are invited to participate in this program, but more importantly, please promote the Summit with farmers and others in your county. This educational program has a track for farmers and a track for practitioners (public officials, planners, SWCDs, land trusts, etc.). Read thenews release for complete information and a link to the flyer and registration form.

Diversity Leadership Symposium - February 7:

Register now for the 2014 Diversity Leadership Symposium, "In-reach to Outreach: Fostering Cultural Engagement through Awareness, Reflection and Action," to be held February 7 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Keynote speaker will be Lee Mu Wah of StirFry Seminars & Consulting. Early Bird Registration ($45) ends January 15. Continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack are included. Click here for complete details and to register.



NCRCRD 2013-14 Small Grants - Questions answered January 10:

The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development has announced its 2013-14 small grants competition. Awards of up to $20,000 will be made to teams involving land grant employees drawn from at least two north central states. Additional partners from other regions or types of employers are welcome to join the multistate teams.

Opportunities for interested parties to ask questions via conference call are scheduled for Friday, January 10, at 10:00 a.m. To join the conference call, please RSVP to Rosa Soliz (, and she will provide you with the call-in information.

Awards will be made for work in any of the following areas:

  • Innovation diffusion for rural development
  • Sustainable communities
  • Leadership development
  • Entrepreneurial communities

More complete descriptions of these themes are available at: are due at 5:00 p.m. on January 31, 2014. Submission instructions as well as previously funded projects can be found



Outreach and Engagement Recognition Award Nominations due February 14:

The offices of Outreach and Engagement, International Affairs, Student Life and Undergraduate Education, and the Service Learning Initiative have joined together to recognize faculty, staff and students with the University Outreach and Engagement Recognition Awards program. Awards will be presented in the community engagement, international engagement, service learning, staff, student, student group and community partner categories. Nominations are due Friday, February 14. Contact: 247-7795 or Submit a nomination at:

Streamside Landowner Guides now Available Online:

The following Streamside Landowner online guides were created as a result of interviews conducted with 24 streamside landowners in two urbanizing watersheds in central Ohio:

  • How do I recognize a healthy stream?
  • Protecting Your Stream
  • Who To Contact
  • Lesson Plans for Teachers

The purpose of this research was to identify decisions streamside landowners make regarding stream health and what influences their decisions. This reported decision process was then compared with what experts believe to be the key influences on streamside landowner property management decisions. One of the key findings was that while streamside landowners had a clear understanding of what can damage streams in urban areas (e.g., sediment and bacteria), they were less clear as to why healthy streams were important and what they should look like. Another key finding of this study was that experts in water management and related fields (e.g., scientists, agency professionals) do not seem to be aware of the time and effort streamside landowners are expending to care for and maintain their properties. Complete information can be found on the Ohio Watershed Network website.

Resources for Extension Educators on Climate Change:

Here are some useful resources for Extension Educators on climate change as provided by Anne Baird (, School of Environment and Natural Resources:

  • Initiative Overview
    • Initiative leaders from Ohio State University, Michigan State University and University of Wisconsin have partnered with The River Network to continue addressing climate change impacts in the Great Lakes region and to increase capacity of Extension to educate on this topic. Last year, the initiative produced a set of core competencies, a needs assessment of Land and Sea Grant Extension educators and two distance learning courses on climate change and water resources management. This year, the initiative focused on the development of expanded education and outreach networks to address climate change adaptation and sustainable water resource management practices for communities. This was accomplished by addressing gaps in existing curricula, delivering multiple short courses, hosting a webinar and working on a regional climate website. A series of support resource guides for educators and community outreach specialists was also created. Click here.
  • To access the distance learning course “Sustainable Water Resource Management in the Great Lakes Region,” click here.
  • Great Lakes Climate is an effort of the OSU Climate Change Outreach Team, a partnership among multiple departments within The Ohio State University to help localize the climate change issue by bringing research and resources to Great Lakes residents. Click here.

Articles of Interest:

CFAES Monthly

Working Differently: Disruptive #CoopExt Professor @ Utah State University (eXtension UPDATE)

OARDC to Hold Greenhouse Management Workshop Jan. 16-17 (CFAES News)

No Such Thing as Waste: Ohio State Helps Cleveland Browns Become Greener (CFAES News)

Ohio Sea Grant eNews December 2013


OSU Extension CD Mission Statement:

Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.

© 2013, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232

This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.

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CFAES (College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences) provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: