AD Update:
Advancement via Pursuit of Academic Promotion
No matter your position at OSU Extension, pursuit of professional growth and development is what keeps your work interesting and your position relevant. It can broaden experiences and create opportunities. In the purest sense, it enables you and the organization to get better. As part of an academic institution, one of the ways that professional growth and development is recognized is via academic promotion. When you apply for promotion, you are inviting your peers to assess your body of work against the norms and values of the department, college, and university.
The process of promotion might sound a bit intimidating, but it need not be. How you are to present your body of work and the review process itself are very well defined by the Office of Academic Affairs (see Volume 3, Promotion and Tenure Review). The specific things done that ultimately comprise your body of work are largely left up to you, your team mates, your supervisor, stakeholders and constituent groups, etc. Since pursuit of academic promotion is an expectation for Extension folks holding an A&P or faculty promotion-eligible position, there are two keys to success: 1) become intimately familiar with the process, and; 2) work your well-rounded plan for teaching, creative/scholarly work, and service. You can learn more about the process and the outline to follow in the most recent department guidelines posted in the Promotion and Tenure Section of the Extension Policies and Procedures Handbook (our guidelines follow the OAA guidelines but in greater detail).
I encourage you to take an active approach to mapping out your 3 to 5 year plan for teaching, creative/scholarly work, and service with your peers, supervisor, team mates, me, etc. You are also encouraged to join me for the next ‘Promotion’ WebEx on March 1 from 9 to 11 a.m. Do some reading, some thinking, review your work plan and your vita to date and come up with your questions. Send them to me in advance if possible. If you can’t make the call, look for the recording to be posted soon thereafter. If you are currently in a position that is not ‘promotion-eligible’ but you have aspirations for academic advancement, please let me know, and realize that you are encouraged to join in as well.
March 1, 2013 Promotion Discussion Instructions:
Time: 9:00 am, Eastern Standard Time
Meeting Number: 680 172 282
Meeting Password: 1Extension
1. Go to
2. If requested, enter your name and email address
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: 1Extension
4. Click "Join"
Two Funding Opportunities
Most CD programs address issues and concerns that are best met with an interdisciplinary approach. Downtown revitalization, for example, can involve geography, economics, consumer behavior, and regional planning. If you need funding to pursue your program ideas, remember that the OSU CARES Seed Grants Program is designed to support interdisciplinary teams for expanded outreach and engagement. Your partnerships should include OSU colleges/departments/units (beyond those with whom we already work). Grants of as much as $10,000 each are available to seed new or expanded partnerships. Your applications are due March 8 and you can find the RFP, Application, Recorded WebEx Overview, and other helpful info here.
To find new connections across the university, take a look at the OSU CARES OSU Extension Personnel - Connecting Across Campus page.
To build on your NCRCRD Small Grant proposal, an OSU CARES proposal, or simply to advance a programmatic effort in the coming year, the CD Small Grants program is accepting proposals too. Similar to last year, applications are due March 8 and should address an opportunity or pressing need for applied research and/or new or revised curriculum. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your ideas. The application is available here.
Cancelled: USDA Chief Economist to Speak at Department of AEDE - February 12:
The Joseph Glauber talk scheduled for February 12 has been cancelled due to weather-related flight issues stemming from this past weekend's Winter Storm Nemo. Joseph Glauber, chief economist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was to present "Crop Insurance and the World Trade Organization" on February 12 as part of a seminar series sponsored by Ohio State University's Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE).
Upcoming eXtension Web Sessions:
Visit eXtension Learn ( to view the many upcoming webinar sessions available throughout the next few months. Topics include:
- Switchgrass, Miscanthus, and Arundo Growth on Surface Mines in West Virginia - February 12 at 12:00 p.m.
- Thermochemical Technologies for Production of Fuels and Biobased Products - February 13 at 11:00 a.m.
- Top 10 Trends & Cool Tools in Social Media - February 14 at 2:00 p.m.
- Ask an Expert and Search: What you need to know - February 14 at 2:00 p.m.
- Keeping Up with the 'Technology' - February 28 at 2:00 p.m.
- Getting the Most from Facebook - March 7 at 2:00 p.m.
CFAES Diversity Lunch and Learn Series to present Amish Culture - February 15:
Joe Donnermeyer of the School of Environment and Natural Resources will present 'Understanding the Amish' on February 15 from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in the Gehres Room at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. It is essential for local leaders and local representatives of government agencies to understand the Amish as a unique religious subculture with specific practices based on strong beliefs, especially when working with the Amish on health, safety, zoning, and other issues. Donnermeyer will report on his updated county-based census of the Amish population, will explain why their population is one of the fastest growing of any group in North America, and will discuss the possible social, cultural, and economic implications of this demographic dynamic. Lunch is provided, and space is limited to the first 35 people. Register here. The session will also be streamed live here. Contact Kathy Lechman (614-247-7176 if you have questions.
nVivo Training - February 18-19:
The software program nVivo is one of the leading qualitative data analysis tools on the market, and OSU has site license for this product. OSU Extension@COSI and COSI U in Columbus are conducting a training program for nVivo with Dr. Charlotte Clark from Duke University, one of nVivo’s national trainers. Limited spaces are open for this training. The training will be at COSI on Monday, February 18 and Tuesday, February 19. All costs (except for the software) are covered including training, breakfasts, and lunches. If you are interested in participating, please contact Joe E. Heimlich (
Ohio Food Industry Expo - March 1:
The OSU Food Innovation Center (FIC) is co-sponsoring the Ohio Food Industry Expo to be held March 1 at the NorthPointe Hotel and Conference Center in Lewis Center. Participants will discover new techniques, learn of industry trends, and identify valuable resources that will strengthen the industry. CFAES Vice President Bruce McPheron will comment, and contrarian Jon Entine is a keynote. The general registration fee is $95, but FIC members are discounted to $50. An additional member benefit of a $25 registration match will be provided if you use the registration form included with the event brochure and send your check no later than February 19. If you prefer to pay by e-request, contact Meg Dick ( instructions.
Marcellus Shale Educator Conference - March 18-19:
A Marcellus Shale Educator Conference will be held Monday March 18 and Tuesday March 19 in Ithaca, New York. The focus of the conference will be on education and outreach practices in communicating about Marcellus shale gas drilling, environmental impacts, and associated topics. Topics may include development of energy literacy, Earth system and environmental literacy, teaching and learning in the context of contentious issues, consideration of socioeconomic issues, teaching and learning about risk, and effective communication about complex issues. Professional educators providing education and outreach on issues surrounding shale gas development, including school teachers, college and university faculty, Cooperative Extension educators, science journalists, and museum educators are among those targeted to attend. The meeting will be hosted by the Paleontological Research Institution and the Cornell Cooperative Extension Marcellus Outreach Team. More information will become available within the next week
Bio-Energy Workshop - April 8:
A Bio-Energy Workshop will be held April 8 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at OSU South Centers in Piketon. This workshop will examine bio-crop production in Ohio, energy policy, and potential biomass markets. RSVP by April 4. Registration fee is $10. Click here for description, agenda, and registration information.
Multi-page Mileage Form Correction for January:
For all using the Multipage Mileage Log for the month of January, please check your mileage log to make sure all of your mileage was reimbursed. There was an incorrect formula that left some of the trips off the total of pages 2 and 3. If you find that some of the miles were left off, please enter an eRequest to be reimbursed for the difference in the total.
OSU Extension Annual Report now Available:
OSU Extension Administration is sending hard copies of the 2012 OSU Extension Annual Report (quad-fold cover and 12 one-page stories) to the county offices this week. Please use the stories to help market the impact of Extension as a whole and to support your local programs when possible. PDF files of the quad-fold and the 12 one-pagers are posted on CommTech’s Resources page. In addition, the link to an interactive PDF of the 2012 report is posted on the OSU Extension home page in the Publications section on the right side (it is a large file that might take some time to load). Please use the online PDF files to print and distribute copies of the stories within the annual report for your needs. Please contact Amy Fovargue ( if you need a few copies for a special use.
OSU Extension Degree Attainment Compensation Policy:
If you are working toward a degree, keep in mind that OSU Extension employees earning a degree will receive a one-time addition to their base pay, according to OSU Extension's Degree Attainment Compensation Policy. Documentation must be sent to and approved by Extension HR. Click here to read the complete policy.
Articles/News Releases/Videos of Interest:
- Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action (TED Ideas worth spreading) - 20-minute video about new ways to think about strategic planning
- New Coal Technology Harnesses Energy Without Burning, Nears Pilot-Scale Development (Research and Innovation Communications)
OSU Extension CD Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
© 2013, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact
Ohio State University Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to age, ancestry, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, military status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. This statement is in accordance with United States Civil Rights Laws and the USDA.
Keith L. Smith, Associate Vice President for Agricultural Administration; Associate Dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; Director, Ohio State University Extension; and Gist Chair in Extension Education and Leadership.
For Deaf and Hard of Hearing, please contact Ohio State University Extension using your preferred communication (e-mail, relay services, or video relay services). Phone 1-800-750-0750 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. Inform the operator to dial 614-292-6181.