June 11, 2012
AD Update:
Interested in learning more about how to help communities and regions capitalize on existing assets to grow the tourism economy? Plan to spend the next quarterly CD unit in-service at the Sea Grant ‘outpost’ on Gibraltar Island just north of South Bass Island on Lake Erie.
Our Sea Grant Extension colleagues have planned an exciting day to teach us more about Lake Erie health and its economic value. The action-packed agenda (attached) also has time built in for program team and administrative updates. Check the agenda and get out a map and start planning your trip.
Whether you plan to arrange to go up the night before and/or stay the night after the meeting, riding with your colleagues there and back promises to be great fun. CD central funds will cover your mileage and ferry tickets. Feel free to arrange an overnight relying on your program funds or personal funds (remember to get pre-approval for university-funded overnight travel, however!). NOTE: Melinda Huntley has arranged a discounted lodging rate of $119 per night for both June 26 and 27 at the Islander Inn. Please say that you are with “Melinda” to get the special rate. Reservations can be made by calling (419) 285-7829. For more information, go to
Also, Melinda has arranged for discounted ferry tickets on the Miller Boat Line from Catawba Island (special rate of $11 roundtrip). Remember to indicate you are with Ohio Sea Grant for the discount. For more information, visit The ferry departs every half-hour, e.g. 9:00, 9:30, etc.
Renew Your SPSS License NOW - Current License Expires June 30th...
If you presently own an SPSS software license, it will be expiring on June 30. To purchase a renewal of SPSS Version 19, first you will need to submit an eRequest to pay for it. Because the process can take a while to complete, please do not wait! Click here for instructions on how to submit the eRequest. Instructions for the funding source include Org 55120. If your home Org is not 55120, use the Org you normally use to purchase items. Once the eRequest has gone through the approval process, the Office of the Chief Information Officer will email you an authorization code and instructions on how to renew/download your software. If you have any questions, please contact Sandy (614-292-6232
“Creating Rural Wealth” Webinar - June 12:
On Tuesday, June 12, from 2:00-3:00 p.m., the Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (C-FARE), in cooperation with Montana State University, will host a webinar discussing rural wealth creation. In an effort to encourage rural communities to achieve sustainable prosperity, it requires creating and maintaining wealth. The webinar will encourage dialog from policy makers, development funders, researchers, and practitioners on the topic of how to create, maintain, and improve rural livelihoods. Click here for complete meeting information.
OSU Climate Change Webinar Series Continues June 12:
The OSU Climate Change Webinar Series continues Tuesday, June 12, from noon-1 p.m. with "The Future of International Climate Agreements" presented by Ohio State's Alex Thompson, associate professor, Political Science and Faculty Affiliate, Mershon Center. The webinar is free. To register, visit Contact Jill Jentes Banicki ( if you have questions.
Local Foods Network Teleconference - June 21:
The next OSU Extension Local Foods Network teleconference will be held on Thursday, June 21. On the third Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m., the OSU Extension Local Foods Network conducts a networking teleconference for any OSU Extension faculty/staff member with an interest in local foods topics. Extension employees discuss programming and in-service needs, jointly identify and/or plan educational programs, and become more knowledgeable about various issues related to local foods. Send an email message to Mike Hogan at to be added to the mailing list to receive monthly instructions for logging on to these teleconferences.
“Are You Crazy?” Retail Farm Market Tour of Western PA and Eastern Ohio - July 9 & 10:
Explore some of the best examples of farm markets in the region on this two-day tour through western Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio. Learn about direct marketing as you sightsee—with plenty of discussions, food, and fun for all. The tour includes eight premier farms and businesses with a focus on the marketing strategies that have helped make these businesses successful. Anyone interested in what makes a great farm visitor experience should attend . . . farm or farm market owner, manager, personnel, or general food enthusiast interested in seeing and learning from a variety of retail farm markets and agritourism entrepreneurs. Click here to view the registration flyer.
Class Offerings for Graduate Students, Staff, and Professionals:
The John Glenn School of Public Affairs is offering graduate courses for students or staff working in the public sector. Classes are open to OSU graduate students and employees. Day and evening classes include Nonprofit Management, Energy and Environmental Policy, Economic Development Policy, Public Policy Formulation & Implementation, and Managing Public Sector Organizations. A complete list of autumn course offerings can be found at
Southern Rural Development Center - Upcoming & Archived Webinars Available:
The Southern Rural Development Center at Mississippi State University has several upcoming and archived webinars listed on their website. For a list of upcoming webinars, visit To view previous webinars, including Julie Fox's Maps, Apps & Mobile Media Marketing!, visit
Submission for National eXtension Conference Proposals Extended to June 29:
Proposals for the 2012 National eXtension Conference breakout and ignite sessions are due on Friday, June 29. For complete information on submitting proposals, visit The conference will be held October 1 - 4 in Oklahoma City.
New Issue of Communiqué Available Online:
The June 6 issue of the Communiqué is now available at
Topics in this newsletter include:
- 10 Inclusionist Behaviors in Leadership
- Tri-State Grants – Deadline September 30
- OSU Distinguished Staff Awards
National Extension Technology Conference - Extension Learning Opportunities
One track throughout the conference will be streamed live.
Planting Entrepreneurial Innovation in Inner Cities:
There are some excellent emerging thoughts in this article on the Harvard Business Review blog site. To read the article and comments, visit
$300K Grant to Help Develop Steel for Next-generation Power Plants:
A $300,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy will help an Ohio State engineer develop low-cost steel for the next generation of clean coal-fired power plants. Ji-Cheng Zhao, professor of materials science and engineering, designs alloys for power generation. He and his team will use the grant to explore computer-based methods for creating — and virtually testing — many different kinds of material compositions very quickly, with the goal of formulating super-strong, heat-resistant steel. For complete information about the awards, read the Department of Energy's news release at To read the OSU news release, visit
Practical Tool can 'Take Pulse' of Blue-green Algae Status in Lakes:
Scientists have designed a screening tool that provides a fast, easy, and relatively inexpensive way to predict levels of a specific toxin in lakes that are prone to blue-green algal blooms. Blue-green algae are not your average pond scum - rather than consisting of plant-like organisms, blue-green algae actually are cyanobacteria, and some species are linked to the production and release of the toxin microcystin into the water. To read more about the study, visit
South Centers Connections Newsletter now Available:
Click here for the Spring 2012 edition of the South Centers Connections newsletter. Articles include:
- Social & Mobile Media Marketing
- Food Industry Connections
- Ohio Farm to School Opportunities
OSU Extension CD Mission Statement:
Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being.
© 2012, OSU Extension Community Development, 25 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 / 614-292-6232
This page is maintained by: OSU Extension Community Development.
If you have trouble accessing this page and need to request an alternate format, contact
Ohio State University Extension embraces human diversity and is committed to ensuring that all research and related educational programs are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to age, ancestry, color, disability, gender identity or expression, genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, military status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. This statement is in accordance with United States Civil Rights Laws and the USDA.
Keith L. Smith, Associate Vice President for Agricultural Administration; Associate Dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; Director, Ohio State University Extension; and Gist Chair in Extension Education and Leadership.
For Deaf and Hard of Hearing, please contact Ohio State University Extension using your preferred communication (e-mail, relay services, or video relay services). Phone 1-800-750-0750 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. Inform the operator to dial 614-292-6181.