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This page is for the use of OSU Extension Community Development professionals. It contains the CD Wire and other internal forms, publications, references, and issues relating only to CD staff.
COVID-19 Information/Resources:
CFAES Return to Offices and Campuses
Safe and Healthy Buckeyes
Click on the section you would like to visit.
- CD Program Review
- CD Professional Development Support
- CD Small Grants
- UniPrint - Ohio State's Gateway for all Print Services
- Evaluation of Teaching
- CFAES Grants and Contracts
- CD In-Service Presentations
- CD Wire
- Travel
- Membership Associations
- Cross State Programming Protocol
- Annual Community Development Awards
- Extension Organization Culture Assessment
- Program Action - Logic Models
- NCRCRD Impact Reports
- OSU and CFAES Brand Standards
- Peer Review Procedure
- Submitting Extension Educational Materials for Publication
- CD Annual Highlights
- CD Field Specialists
- Social Media
- Useful Links
- Ongoing Professional Development Opportunities
CD Program Review:
The purpose of a program review is to guide program development on a continual basis, evaluating the status, effectiveness, and progress of programs and helping to identify future direction and priorities. A thorough program review of Ohio State University Extension Community Development was conducted in 2019. The following reports were created during the process:
- The State of Community Development in Ohio
- Ohio State University Extension Community Development Internal Self-Study
- Ohio State University Crowdsourcing Insight Summary
- Final Report from the External Review Committee
Click here to view the reports as well as complete information regarding the program review.
OSU Extension CD professionals reviewed the reports in August and September of 2020 and developed strategies to address the external review committee's recommendations for the five key findings. The Actions Strategies report can be viewed here.
CD Professional Development Support:
- Professional Development Support Guidelines/Application - Updated November 2020
- Purpose: To provide incentive and financial support for current Extension CD Professionals pursuing professional development activities.
- Funding: Maximum funding award per individual is $750. Funds will be awarded throughout the year contingent on availability of funding. Only one award per individual per year is permitted. Preference will be given to applicants who have not received funding from the CD Professional Development Support Program in the previous two years. Funds must be spent within 12 months of receiving award.
- Procedures: Submit applications to the Assistant Director using the form linked above. Applicants are encouraged to pursue all other available funding when appropriate (e.g., local office budget, local sponsorship, OJCEP scholarship awards, etc.). The Assistant Director will review applications and make final determination of scholarship award recipients and scholarship amounts.
CD Small Grants:
- CD Small Grant Funding Proposal
- Before you submit your proposal, please contact David (civittolo.1@osu.edu) to discuss your ideas and to make sure funds are available for the current fiscal year.
UniPrint - Ohio State's Gateway for all Print Services:
As of January 1, 2021, all printing was consolidated under and managed by UniPrint as the Print Center of Expertise (CoE) for Ohio State printing. UniPrint now serves as the gateway for all print services at Ohio State. This means that while UniPrint will not be printing everything, they will triage and steward the printing of all projects for Ohio State. UniPrint will manage a yet-to-be finalized set of contracted print and print finishing suppliers to support anything UniPrint does not provide in-house.
Benefit highlights:
- UniPrint will negotiate pricing and contracts on your behalf, while printing everything they can at competitive market rates that will continue to be evaluated annually.
- UniPrint will assign specific customer service representatives (CSRs) to each unit to offer consultation on project scope and help manage the end-to-end process.
Next steps:
- The goal is to have all print services consolidated through the Print Center of Expertise (COE) by the end of FY21.
- While this communication represents a soft launch, the print RFP process is not yet complete. University Marketing and UniPrint are in the process of working through additional details across a small number of units and colleges. UniPrint will be collaborating with units to develop the best solutions to fit their specific needs. Anyone having a print need should continue contacting UniPrint via their website, phone, or email as a starting point.
Evaluation of Teaching:
Choose And RequesT (CART)
The new OSU Extension Choose And RequesT (CART) electronic system is now officially open and available for you to use. What is CART? It is your electronic program evaluation, Evaluation of Effective Extension Teaching (EEET), and Race, Ethnicity, Gender (REG) data collection tool, all rolled into one easy-to-use application.
Through CART, you can quickly choose from these options to create an all-in-one electronic form that will take your workshop participants less than five minutes to complete:
- Selected Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR), Community Development (CD), Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), and 4-H Youth Development program evaluation questions
- EEET questions
- REG questions
The form is based in Qualtrics and is mobile friendly. All program evaluation questions are available for viewing at this link.
LOD has prepared a job aide that walks you through placing an order, making changes to an order, evaluation practice recommendations, and accessing a dashboard of your EEET results. Coming soon: program evaluation data will also be available in a dashboard.
Please discontinue the use of paper-based EEETs immediately and use the CART system instead. However, if there is a situation where it is absolutely necessary (e.g., Internet connection is poor or non-existent, etc.), paper-based EEET forms can still be used. The EEET forms (as well as a cover sheet) are available at this link. Please be aware, at this time, that paper-based EEETs will still need to be sent to the LOD office to be processed manually, which will significantly increase the time for you to receive a summary report. For a paper-based form to collect REG data, use this link.
OSU Extension Learning and Organizational Development Website
CFAES Grants and Contracts Information:
- The Grant Development Support Unit is a part of the CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education. The unit serves CFAES employees as they conceptualize, develop, write, and submit their proposals to external funders, including industry, non-profit, for profit, foundations, state, local and federal sponsors. The service is free and works across all disciplines to make the proposal development process as straightforward and streamlined as possible. It is your first stop for grant proposal development! Click here to access the form to request services.
- Sponsored Project or Gift? - CFAES Office of Research and Graduate Education, in partnership with CFAES Advancement, has developed a Sponsored Project or Gift? guidance document for your use. More information can be found in the September issue of R&GE Research News.
- Below you will find the most current agreement templates for non-OSP external or internal projects, as well as a "working-together" document. Please send your proposed agreement to Angie LeMaster (lemaster.124@osu.edu) for approval.
- FAES Training Agreement - Client wishes to engage Ohio State to provide training services
- Single Projects Testing/Special Services Agreement - Single project/services
- Master Agreement for Testing/Special Services - Increments of work going on over time, including multiple scopes of work
- Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) - Working-together document; no fee
CD In-service Presentations:
Spring 2020: Virtual In-service 4/16/20
The session recordings, along with presentation slides and handouts, are available in this BuckeyeBox folder. The sessions include:
- Breakout Session #1 – 360 Video Creation & Editing for Online Programs (Brooke Beam & Kenzie Johnston)
- Breakout Session #2 – Using Strategic Planning for Collaborative Action (Becky Nesbitt)
- Breakout Session #3 – Leadership in Organizational Capacity Building (Brian Raison)
- General Session – Virtual Toolkit (Danae Wolfe)
- County-Based CD Programs – Various county educators share their favorite programs
Summer 2016:
- In-Service Presentation - Includes: Futuring - Next Steps / OJCEP/NACDEP Update / Admin Update
- Digital Content Strategy - Danae Wolfe
Spring 2016:
- In-Service Presentations - Includes: Futuring (Nesbitt) / Share and Learn (Romich, Bowen, Colbert, Blaine) / NACDEP Update / AD Update
- Blog Author Best Practices - Danae Wolfe
CD Summer In-Service Photo Album - June 27, 2012 at Put-In-Bay and Stone Lab on Gibraltar Island (link takes you to the CD Facebook Chat page)
CD Wire:
Membership Associations:
- Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP)
- National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP)
- NACDEP Ohio Leadership Guide (2020 Update)
- NACDEP Ohio President Duties (2020 Update)
- 2021 NACDEP Conference
Cross State Programming Protocol:
- Cross State Programming Protocol for Multi-State Program Delivery (North Central CD Program Leaders – Feb 2014)
Annual Community Development Awards:
- Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award
- Nominations due October 15, 2021
- For complete award details, including previous recipients and the current call for nominations, click here.
Extension Organization Culture Assessment:
Extension Organization Culture Assessment Overview and CD Assessment Report
Program Action - Logic Models:
- Community Economic Development
- Community Leadership Development
- Organizational Development
- Participatory Community Planning
- Combined Logic Models
NCRCRD Impact Reports:
Operating as a team, state Extension leaders from the twelve North Central 1862 land grant universities developed common indicators for reporting the impacts of community development educational programs. The States collectively developed this report based on in-state action. Each partner university selected a subset of the indicators for reporting. View the annual executive summaries and full reports here.
OSU and CFAES Brand Standards:
- OSU Editorial Style Guidelines
CFAES - includes CFAES logo and templates (includes poster, flyer, brochure, PowerPoint, and postcard)
Peer Evaluation of Teaching Procedure:
- Department of Extension Peer Evaluation of Teaching for Faculty
- For A & P Employees: Effective January 2011, A&P educators are required to follow the Peer Evaluation of Teaching for Faculty guidelines (link above) and obtain 1-2 narrative letters of evaluation each year. An educator or specialist of higher rank should be asked by the A & P Educator to write the peer evaluation letter.
Submitting Extension Educational Materials for Publication:
- Peer Review of Educational Materials
When feasible, peer review of educational materials is highly encouraged. In some cases, a formal blind review is required. To learn more, please refer to the most current guidance within the Extension Policy and Procedures Handbook at extension.osu.edu/policy-and-procedures-handbook/i-administration-policies/review-process-osu-extension-educational.- Reviewers will rate your materials and comment on the following criteria:
- Content
- Contribution: Expands or updates research and knowledge base, does not duplicate existing materials. Contributed to one or more OSU Extension Priority Areas
- Audience: Of broad interest and appropriate to the target audience.
- Usefulness: Helps target audience improve effectiveness; suggests applications. Uses appropriate participatory learning experiences, if applicable.
- Rigor: Based on valid/reliable information, sound concepts; content is empirically, logically, and/or theoretically supported.
- Readability
- Interest: Captures and holds the reader's attention.
- Understandability: Uses easy-to-understand language; flows smoothly.
- Development: Appropriate sequences; constructs paragraphs and sentences to support central ideas and conclusions.
- Mechanics: Uses acceptable standards of spelling and grammar.
- Content
- Reviewers will rate your materials and comment on the following criteria:
- Authorship Guidelines:
- Defining Rights and Responsibilities of Authorship
- Authorship Roles
- Unacceptable Authorship Practices
- Defining Order of Authorship
- Fact Sheet Writing Tips:
- Planning, designing, and enhancing your fact sheet
- Describing the problem and solution: your fact sheet content
- Criteria upon which your fact sheet will be rated by reviewers
- Submitting your fact sheet for publication
CD Annual Highlights:
- 2020 Highlights
- 2015 Highlights
- 2014 Highlights
- 2013
- 2012 Accountability Report
- 2011 Accountability Report
CD Field Specialists
- Nancy Bowen - Associate Professor & Extension Field Specialist, Community Economics
- David Civittolo - Associate Professor & Extension Field Specialist, Community Economics
- Brian Raison - Associate Professor & Extension Field Specialist, Community and Organizational Leadership
- Eric Romich - Associate Professor & Extension Field Specialist, Energy Development
Social Media:
Useful Links:
- Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
- CFAES Crisis Communications Plan
- EdgeU Tech Blog - Educational Technology Specialists' blog
- CFAES Human Resources
- CFAES Finance - Business Operations Center
- Extension Policies and Procedures Handbook - Promotion and Tenure
- Find an OfficeHeadwaters Economics Socio-economic Profiles
- Journal of Extension
- NARDeP Center Policy Resources
- Ohio Economic Development Manual - better understand the legal landscape of economic development in Ohio
- US Census Bureau – Census Explorer - New interactive map that gives users easier access to neighborhood-level statistics using updated statistics from the 2008-2012 American Community Survey (ACS).
Ongoing Professional Development Opportunities:
NCRCRD (upcoming & recorded) - Webinars / Take Out Menu Webinars
OSU Office of Human Resources Training & Development